



It wasn’t too many years ago that geeks would always use a custom DNS server to speed up their web browsing. Now Cloudflare has one too, but should you use it?

并不是很多年前,极客们总是会使用自定义DNS服务器来加快其网络浏览速度。 现在Cloudflare也有一个,但您应该使用它吗?

Before we continue, for the uninitiated: DNS is like a phone book for your web browser to look up the IP address of websites you try to connect to. Often using a third party DNS server like Google DNS or OpenDNS will speed up your browsing or give you extra featuress like parental controls.

在我们继续之前,对于初学者:DNS就像您的网络浏览器的电话簿一样,可以查找您尝试连接的网站的IP地址。 通常使用第三方DNS服务器(例如Google DNS或OpenDNS)可以加快浏览速度或为您提供诸如家长控制之类的附加功能

These days most DNS servers are fairly fast so using a third party for speed reasons isn’t quite as important —- but there’s a bigger problem: privacy. Even if you are visiting websites using encrypted HTTPS, the DNS lookup gives away the fact that you are visiting a particular site, as Cloudflare’s announcement post mentions:

如今,大多数DNS服务器都相当快,因此出于速度原因使用第三方并不那么重要-但存在一个更大的问题:隐私。 即使您正在使用加密的HTTPS访问网站,DNS查找也会忽略您正在访问特定站点的事实,正如Cloudflare的公告中所提到的

What many Internet users don’t realize is that even if you’re visiting a website that is encrypted — has the little green lock in your browser — that doesn’t keep your DNS resolver from knowing the identity of all the sites you visit. That means, by default, your ISP, every wifi network you’ve connected to, and your mobile network provider have a list of every site you’ve visited while using them.

许多Internet用户没有意识到的是,即使您正在访问的网站已加密(浏览器中只有绿色锁),也无法阻止DNS解析器知道您访问的所有网站的身份。 这意味着,默认情况下,您的ISP,您连接到的每个wifi网络以及您的移动网络提供商都有您使用它们时访问过的每个站点的列表。

Cloudflare’s solution is a completely free, blazing-fast DNS resolver for your PC, smartphone, or router. And they promise not to sell your data or even keep debug logs more than 24 hours.

Cloudflare的解决方案是针对PC,智能手机或路由器的完全免费的,快速的DNS解析器。 他们承诺不会出售您的数据,甚至不会保留调试日志超过24小时。

Normally when something is free, the company is going to try to sell your data, or use advertising, or they will eventually go out of business. So what’s Cloudflare’s game here? In a nutshell, Cloudflare offers (an excellent) DNS service for businesses, and that service is more attractive to sell to those companies if a lot of consumers are already using them for lookups. Basically like how the Yellow Pages were given out to consumers for free because businesses had to pay to get a better listing. Before the internet killed the Yellow Pages, at least.

通常情况下,免费提供东西时,公司将尝试出售您的数据或使用广告,否则它们最终将倒闭。 那么Cloudflare在这里的游戏是什么? 简而言之,Cloudflare为企业提供了(出色的)DNS服务,如果许多消费者已经在使用它们进行查找,则该服务对于向这些公司出售更具吸引力。 基本上就像黄页是免费提供给消费者的,因为企业必须付费才能获得更好的列表。 至少在互联网杀死黄页之前。

So now that we’ve over explained, should you use Cloudflare’s new DNS server? We’d say it’s definitely worth testing out. They are one of the biggest companies on the internet, and they have an incentive to keep this free. Plus, their business DNS is one of the very fastest if not the fastest solution, and from the benchmarks it appears that their new consumer offering is blazing fast.

因此,既然我们已经过度解释了,您是否应该使用Cloudflare的新DNS服务器? 我们会说绝对值得进行测试。 他们是互联网上最大的公司之一,并且他们有动机保持免费。 另外,他们的企业DNS是最快的解决方案之一,即使不是最快的解决方案,从基准测试来看,他们的新消费者产品也在Swift发展。

If you want to try out Cloudflare DNS for yourself, just use our guide to point your DNS server at and Or visit their homepage for full install instructions:

如果您想亲自尝试Cloudflare DNS,请使用我们的指南将您的DNS服务器指向1.1.1.1和1.0.0.1 。 或访问其主页以获取完整的安装说明:

[Source: The Verge]


