如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私

Like other modern browsers, Microsoft Edge includes some features that send your data over the Internet. A few of them even send your browser history to Microsoft. We don’t advise you disable all these features, as they do useful things. But we’ll explain what the various options do so you can make informed decisions.

与其他现代浏览器一样,Microsoft Edge包括一些可通过Internet发送数据的功能。 其中一些甚至将您的浏览器历史记录发送给Microsoft。 我们不建议您禁用所有这些功能,因为它们会做有用的事情。 但是,我们将说明各种选项的作用,以便您可以做出明智的决定。

To just browse without leaving tracks on your local PC, open a private browsing window by clicking menu > New InPrivate Window.


隐藏新标签页上的供稿 (Hide the Feed on Your New Tab Page)

When you open a new tab, Edge shows you a list of “top sites” you might want to visit as well as an MSN-powered feed of news, weather, and sports content. If you don’t want Edge contacting Microsoft’s servers to download this content, you can disable it and use a more minimal new tab page.

当您打开一个新选项卡时,Edge会为您显示您可能要访问的“热门站点”列表,以及由MSN支持的新闻,天气和体育内容供稿。 如果您不希望Edge与Microsoft的服务器联系以下载此内容,则可以禁用它,并使用最少的新标签页。

Click Edge’s menu > Settings to access this and other settings. Under “Open new tabs with”, select “A blank page” if you want a blank page with a search box or “Top sites” to see only top sites and hide the news feed.

单击“边缘”菜单>“设置”以访问此设置和其他设置。 如果您希望带有搜索框的空白页或“热门网站”下的“使用以下内容打开新标签”,请选择“空白页”,以便仅查看热门网站并隐藏新闻源。

Edge’s “Start page” will always show the news feed when you open a new Edge window. To hide the feed when you launch Edge, click the “Open Microsoft Edge with” box and select “New tab page”. You could also select “Previous pages” to reopen whatever pages you had open before you closed Edge, or “A specific page or pages” to have Edge open one or more specific web pages.

当您打开新的Edge窗口时,Edge的“开始页面”将始终显示新闻源。 要在启动Edge时隐藏源,请单击“打开Microsoft Edge的方式”框,然后选择“新建选项卡页面”。 您还可以选择“上一页”重新打开关闭Edge之前打开的页面,或者选择“一个或多个特定页面”以让Edge打开一个或多个特定网页。

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私

选择是否边缘同步收藏夹,阅读列表和密码 (Choose Whether Edge Syncs Favorites, Reading List, and Passwords)

By default, Microsoft Edge automatically synchronizes your favorite websites and reading list via the Microsoft account you sign into Windows 10 with. Your favorites and reading list will be the same on all your PCs, and you’ll be able to restore your favorites just by signing into a new Windows 10 PC with the same Microsoft account.

默认情况下,Microsoft Edge通过您使用登录Windows 10Microsoft帐户自动自动同步您喜欢的网站和阅读列表。 您的收藏夹和阅读列表在所有PC上都是相同的,并且只需使用相同的Microsoft帐户登录到新的Windows 10 PC即可还原您的收藏夹。

If you don’t want Edge syncing your data, click menu > Settings and disable the “Sync your favorites and reading list” option. Edge will keep it on your local PC.

如果您不希望Edge同步数据,请单击菜单>设置,然后禁用“同步收藏夹和阅读列表”选项。 Edge会将其保留在本地PC上。

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私

If you choose to save passwords in Edge, Edge will store them in the Windows Credential Manager. Windows 10 will sync your saved passwords between your devices by default, too.

如果选择在Edge中保存密码,则Edge会将其存储在Windows Credential Manager中。 Windows 10默认也会在设备之间同步您保存的密码。

To choose whether or not Edge syncs saved passwords, click “Device sync settings” here or head to Settings > Accounts > Sync Your Settings. Toggle the “Passwords” option on or off.

要选择Edge是否同步已保存的密码,请单击此处的“设备同步设置”,或转到“设置”>“帐户”>“同步您的设置”。 开启或关闭“密码”选项。

You can also control the other types of data Windows 10 syncs here.

您还可以在此处控制Windows 10同步的其他数据类型

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私

配置Edge的隐私和服务设置 (Configure Edge’s Privacy and Service Settings)

Edge has other privacy settings. To find them, scroll down to the bottom of the Settings pane and click the “View Advanced Settings” button.

Edge还有其他隐私设置。 要找到它们,请向下滚动到“设置”窗格的底部,然后单击“查看高级设置”按钮。

Scroll down to the “Privacy and services” section to find these options.


  • Offer to save passwords: Edge will offer to save passwords and sync them by default, but you can disable this option and Edge won’t save passwords. Either way, they’ll only be synced between your devices if you have the “Passwords” sync setting enabled. If you disable that option, Edge will only store the saved passwords on your own PC.

    提供保存密码:默认情况下,Edge将提供保存密码并进行同步,但是您可以禁用此选项,并且Edge不会保存密码。 无论哪种方式,只有在您启用“密码”同步设置后,它们才会在您的设备之间同步。 如果禁用该选项,Edge将仅将保存的密码存储在您自己的PC上。

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私
  • Save form entries: Edge will save what you type into forms on web pages, allowing you to quickly fill forms with your name, address, and other details in the future. This data isn’t synced with your Microsoft account, so it’s just saved on your PC.

    保存表单条目:Edge会将您键入的内容保存到网页上的表单中,使您以后可以使用姓名,地址和其他详细信息快速填写表单。 此数据不会与您的Microsoft帐户同步,因此仅保存在您的PC上。

  • Send Do Not Track requests: If you enable this option, Microsoft Edge will send a “Do Not Track” request with your web browsing traffic. Most websites ignore this request, so it isn’t a silver bullet.

    发送不跟踪请求:如果启用此选项,则Microsoft Edge将发送“不跟踪”请求以及您的Web浏览流量。 大多数网站都会忽略此请求,因此这不是灵丹妙药。

  • Have Cortana assist me in Microsoft Edge: Cortana is enabled in Edge by default and pipes up with information related to what you’re visiting. For example, when you watch a music video, Cortana will ask if you want the lyrics. Microsoft’s documentation says your web browsing history is sent to Microsoft if you use Cortana in Edge. You can disable the Cortana integration to prevent this from happening.

    让Cortana在Microsoft Edge中为我提供帮助:默认情况下,Edge在Edge中启用了Cortana ,并收集与您要访问的内容有关的信息。 例如,当您观看音乐视频时,Cortana会询问您是否需要歌词。 Microsoft的文档说,如果您在Edge中使用Cortana,您的Web浏览历史记录将发送给Microsoft。 您可以禁用Cortana集成以防止这种情况发生。

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私
  • Show search suggestions as I type: Edge will send everything you type in your address bar to your search engine—Bing by default, although you can change it to Google or another search engine from here—and show you suggestions as you’re typing. If you disable this option, Edge will only send searches to your search engine when you press Enter.

    在键入时显示搜索建议:Edge会将您在地址栏中键入的所有内容发送到搜索引擎(默认情况下为必应),尽管您可以从此处将其更改为Google或其他搜索引擎,并在键入时向您显示建议。 如果禁用此选项,则Edge仅在按Enter键时才将搜索发送到搜索引擎。

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私
  • Cookies: By default, Edge will accept all cookies from websites. Websites use these to save your login status and other preferences. You can choose to “Block all cookies”, but then you won’t be able to sign into websites and the web will be more annoying. You could also select “Block only third-party cookies” to block cookies unless they’re from the precise website you’re visiting. Third-party cookies are often used by advertising tracking networks, for example, although they can be used for other purposes.

    Cookies :默认情况下,Edge将接受网站上的所有cookie。 网站使用这些来保存您的登录状态和其他首选项。 您可以选择“阻止所有cookie”,但是您将无法登录网站,网络将变得更加烦人。 您也可以选择“仅阻止第三方Cookie”来阻止Cookie,除非它们来自您所访问的确切网站。 例如,尽管广告跟踪网络可以将第三方Cookie用作其他用途,但它们经常被使用。

  • Let sites save protected media licenses on my device: Music and video-streaming websites that use DRM may store license information on your PC. If you disable this option, Netflix and other media-streaming websites may not function properly.

    让站点在我的设备上保存受保护的媒体许可证:使用DRM的音乐和视频流网站可能会将许可证信息存储在您的PC上。 如果禁用此选项,则Netflix和其他流媒体网站可能无法正常运行。

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私
  • Use page prediction to speed up browsing, improve reading, and make my overall experience better: Edge guesses which links you might click on web pages and preloads web pages it thinks you might visit to speed up your browsing. Microsoft’s documentation says your web browsing history is sent to Microsoft if you enable this feature. You can disable this option to prevent this, but web pages may be a bit slower to load.

    使用页面预测来加快浏览速度,改善阅读并改善我的整体体验:Edge猜测您可能会单击网页上的哪些链接,并预加载它认为可能会访问的网页以加快浏览速度。 Microsoft的文档说,如果启用此功能,则您的Web浏览历史记录将发送给Microsoft。 您可以禁用此选项以防止这种情况,但是网页加载可能会慢一些。

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私
  • Help protect me from malicious sites and downloads with SmartScreen filter: When you visit a web page, Edge checks it against a list of known-dangerous websites. Edge downloads a list of safe web pages to speed things up. When you visit a website, Edge checks it against the list on your PC to see if it’s safe. If it doesn’t appear on the list, Edge sends the address of the page to Microsoft’s servers to see if it’s dangerous. Edge uses this same process to protect you from dangerous file downloads, too. We don’t recommend you disable this feature, as it helps protect you from phishing and malware websites. However, you can disable it to prevent Edge from checking web pages you visit with Microsoft.

    使用SmartScreen筛选器帮助保护我免受恶意站点和下载的侵害:当您访问网页时,Edge会根据已知危险网站的列表对其进行检查。 Edge下载安全网页列表,以加快处理速度。 当您访问网站时,Edge会根据PC上的列表进行检查,以确保其安全性。 如果未出现在列表中,Edge会将页面的地址发送给Microsoft的服务器以查看是否存在危险。 Edge也使用相同的过程来保护您免受危险文件的下载。 我们不建议您禁用此功能,因为它有助于保护您免受网络钓鱼和恶意软件网站的侵害。 但是,您可以禁用它以防止Edge检查您使用Microsoft访问的网页。

如何优化Microsoft Edge以获得最大的隐私

Like the rest of Windows 10, Microsoft will automatically update the Edge browser via Windows Update, ensuring you always have the latest security updates. There’s no way to disable this, and you shouldn’t try. Automatic web browser security updates are important.

与Windows 10的其余部分一样,Microsoft将通过Windows Update自动更新Edge浏览器,以确保您始终拥有最新的安全更新。 无法禁用此功能,您不应该尝试。 自动Web浏览器安全更新很重要。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/299786/how-to-optimize-microsoft-edge-for-maximum-privacy/