



Facebook is the most popular social network on the internet, and as a result, its messaging service is a very common way for people to privately communicate with one another. However, Facebook also tells you when your recipient has read your message—something not everyone enjoys.

Facebook是Internet上最流行的社交网络,因此,它的消息传递服务是人们彼此私下通信的一种非常普遍的方式。 但是,Facebook还会告诉您收件人何时阅读了您的消息-并非所有人都喜欢。

These are called “read receipts”, and Facebook doesn’t actually include a built-in way to disable them. As such, there’s no one-click-trick to make this happen across the board.

这些被称为“已读回执”,而Facebook实际上并未包含禁用它们的内置方法。 因此,没有一键操作即可实现这一目标。

Chrome和Firefox:使用“看不见的”扩展程序 (Chrome and Firefox: Use the “Unseen” Extension)

If you do most of your chatting on the web, there’s a simple extension available for both Chrome and Firefox that will remove the “Seen” dialog from chat boxes—including those on Messenger.com (Chrome only).


It’s worth noting that the Firefox extension is very barebones when compared to the Chrome extension of the same name (it appears that they’re created by different developers). So, we’ll cover each individually, starting with Chrome.

值得注意的是,与同名的Chrome扩展程序相比,Firefox扩展程序是非常准系统的(看来它们是由不同的开发人员创建的)。 因此,从Chrome开始,我们将逐一介绍。

看不见Chrome (Unseen for Chrome)

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the extension we used to recommend in this post, Unseen, has essentially become malware—recently, it started creating popups on our system that were constantly flagged by our anti-malware app, and one look at the reviews shows we aren’t the only ones. So we no longer recommend installing this extension—and if you have it installed already, you should uninstall it now. We’ve removed this section until there is another method for doing this in Chrome.

更新 :不幸的是,我们以前在这篇文章中推荐的扩展名“ Unseen”实质上已经变成了恶意软件-最近,它开始在我们的系统上创建弹出式窗口,这些弹出窗口经常被我们的反恶意软件应用程序标记,而通过查看评论我们发现不是唯一的。 因此,我们不再建议安装此扩展程序-如果已安装此扩展程序,则应立即将其卸载。 我们已删除此部分,直到在Chrome中有另一种方法可以执行此操作为止。

在Firefox上看不到 (Unseen on Firefox)

This one is really simple—like I said earlier, there are no features here—it’s a completely different extension from a different developer. It just does what it does, and that’s it.

真的很简单-就像我之前说的,这里没有功能-这是与其他开发人员完全不同的扩展。 它只是做它所做的事情,仅此而已。

Install this extension. There are no settings to tweak, nothing to enabled or disable. It’s just the extension and nothing more. It’s also worth noting that this won’t work at all on Messenger.com—it only applies to Facebook.

安装此扩展 。 没有要调整的设置,没有要启用或禁用的设置。 这只是扩展,仅此而已。 还要指出的是,这在Messenger.com上根本无法使用-仅适用于Facebook。


Android:使用看不见的应用程序发送消息 (Android: Send Messages with the Unseen App)

Much like on Chrome and Firefox, a simple app will do the trick on Android, as well. The app—also called Unseen (no affiliation with the Chrome or Firefox extensions)—is basically a replacement for the official Facebook Messenger app, but it also blocks “seen” notifications on WhatsApp, Viber, and ********.

就像在Chrome和Firefox上一样,一个简单的应用程序也会在Android上实现成功。 该应用程序也称为Unseen (与Chrome或Firefox扩展无关),基本上可以替代官方的Facebook Messenger应用程序,但它还阻止了WhatsApp,Viber和********上的“可见”通知。


To get started, you’ll need to first install the app. Once installed, run through the set up process, which will tell you how the app works. The last step requires you to allow Notification Access to the app.

首先,您需要先安装该应用程序。 安装完成后,请执行设置过程,该过程将告诉您应用程序的工作方式。 最后一步要求您允许“通知访问”该应用程序。


As such, it also requires you to have the official Facebook Messenger app installed, so make sure you have that too.

因此,它还需要您安装官方的Facebook Messenger应用程序,因此请确保您也安装了该应用程序。

Basically, here’s what Unseen for Android does: it reads your Facebook Messenger notifications, pulls the text from them, then puts it into its own window. This allows you to read everything said, in its entirety, without the other person knowing you read it.

基本上,这是Unseen for Android的功能:它读取您的Facebook Messenger通知,从通知中提取文本,然后将其放入自己的窗口中。 这样,您就可以完整地阅读所有所说的内容,而无需其他人知道您已阅读。


Of course, this means two notifications are generated: one for Messenger, one for Unseen. Also, you can’t directly reply to the messages from Unseen—it will just open the message in Messenger, letting the other party know you have then seen the message. Really, it’s kind of a janky method, but it serves the intended purpose nonetheless.

当然,这意味着将生成两个通知:一个用于Messenger,一个用于Unseen。 另外,您不能直接回复来自Unseen的消息,它只会在Messenger中打开消息,让对方知道您已经看到了该消息。 确实,这是一种简单的方法,但是仍然可以达到预期的目的。

And that’s really all there is to it. It’s simple and effective, even if a slightly awkward workaround.

这就是全部。 即使有一点尴尬的解决方法,它也简单有效。

These are all really simple solutions to what is an annoying issue for many users. This removes the unnecessary pressure users of Messenger have to reply shortly after having read a message as to not upset the other party, which is just silly. This way, you can read messages when you want, then reply when it’s convenient.

这些都是解决许多用户烦恼问题的非常简单的解决方案。 这消除了Messenger的用户在阅读消息后不久必须回复的不必要压力,以免使对方不安,这很愚蠢。 这样,您可以在需要时阅读消息,然后在方便时回复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/290627/how-to-keep-people-from-knowing-you-read-their-message-on-facebook/
