Mozilla发布Firefox Mobile 1.0

Mozilla发布Firefox Mobile 1.0

Mozilla’s Fennec project has finally delivered the first release of Firefox Mobile for Maemo-based phones such as the Nokia N900. The browser offers a modern browsing experience optimized for handheld devices and includes:

Mozilla的Fennec项目最终为基于Maemo的手机(如诺基亚N900)交付了Firefox Mobile的第一版。 该浏览器提供了针对手持设备优化的现代浏览体验,包括:

  • HTML5, CSS2.1, CSS3, SVG, Canvas and most of the newer technologies available in desktop browsers.

  • A clean, clutter-free interface with minimal on-screen controls, one-touch bookmarking and the awesome bar.

  • Tabs, zooming, search engine integration, offline browsing, a download manager, password manager, pop-up blocker, and spell-checking.

  • Mozilla Weave to synchronize your bookmarks, open tabs, and history with your desktop PC.

    Mozilla Weave可将您的书签,打开的选项卡和历史记录与台式机同步。
  • Location-aware browsing to get maps and information relevant to your current location.

  • Full customization, automated updates and add-ons support.


The browser is also available on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux if you want to test mobile development on your local PC.

如果要在本地PC上测试移动开发,也可以在Windows,Mac OS X和Linux上使用该浏览器。

Mozilla发布Firefox Mobile 1.0

It’s a undoubtedly a great browser and worth considering if you’re a Firefox user with an N900. I hope it does well but, realistically, how many people can install the browser? Version 1.0 is available for top-of-the-range Maemo devices with Windows Mobile coming soon. However, Android development has only just begun. More worryingly, there are no plans for versions on the Apple iPhone/iPad, Blackberry, or Symbian platforms. Mozilla has stated they are willing to co-operate with Apple to produce an iPhone edition but, given their recent history, I doubt Apple will be eager to offer an alternative to Safari.

这无疑是一个很棒的浏览器,如果您是使用N900的Firefox用户,则值得考虑。 我希望它运行良好,但实际上,有多少人可以安装浏览器? 1.0版本可用于即将推出的Windows Mobile*Maemo设备。 但是,Android开发才刚刚开始。 更令人担忧的是,没有计划在Apple iPhone / iPad,Blackberry或Symbian平台上发布版本。 Mozilla表示他们愿意与Apple合作生产iPhone版本,但是鉴于他们最近的历史,我怀疑Apple是否渴望提供Safari的替代产品。

Perhaps Mozilla is looking to the future and hope we’ll all have compatible devices within a few years? But I can’t help thinking they’ve been a little too ambitious. Should they have produced a simpler browser which could be installed on a wide range of mobile devices? More advanced versions could have been developed as the market evolved.

也许Mozilla展望未来,并希望我们在几年内拥有兼容的设备? 但是我不禁以为他们有些野心勃勃。 他们是否应该开发出可以安装在各种移动设备上的更简单的浏览器? 随着市场的发展,可能会开发出更高级的版本。

Fortunately, Opera are still producing a number of quality mobile browsers which work on a variety of mass-market devices.


Have you tried Firefox Mobile on your phone? Is it superior to your other mobile browsers? Are you considering web application development on mobile platforms?

您是否在手机上尝试过Firefox Mobile? 它是否优于其他移动浏览器? 您是否正在考虑在移动平台上开发Web应用程序?
