outlook删除重复邮件_如何从Outlook for Windows中的自动完成列表中删除电子邮件地址...

outlook删除重复邮件_如何从Outlook for Windows中的自动完成列表中删除电子邮件地址...


outlook删除重复邮件_如何从Outlook for Windows中的自动完成列表中删除电子邮件地址...

Outlook remembers every email address you’ve typed into email messages. These email addresses become part of the auto-complete list and matching items from that list are suggested as you type in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields.

Outlook会记住您在电子邮件中键入的每个电子邮件地址。 这些电子邮件地址将成为自动完成列表的一部分,当您在“收件人”,“抄送”和“密件抄送”字段中键入内容时,建议使用该列表中的匹配项。

The auto-complete list even includes mistyped addresses and old addresses you don’t use. Over time, the auto-complete list can get very long and you will see addresses you don’t need or want anymore. So, here’s how to delete an email address from it.

自动完成列表甚至包括错误输入的地址和您不使用的旧地址。 随着时间的流逝,自动完成列表会变得很长,您将看到不需要或不再需要的地址。 因此,这是从中删除电子邮件地址的方法。

To get started, open Outlook and then create a new email message by clicking the “New Email” button on the Home tab.


outlook删除重复邮件_如何从Outlook for Windows中的自动完成列表中删除电子邮件地址...

In the To, Cc, or Bcc field, start typing the name or email address you want to delete from the auto-complete list. Names and addresses that match what you type start displaying in a list below the field. When you see the name or address you want to delete, hover your mouse over the item until you see an “X” on the right side. Click on that “X” to delete the name or address from the auto-complete list. If you prefer to use the keyboard, use the arrow keys to move down the list and then press the Delete key when the name or address you want to delete is selected.

在“收件人”,“抄送”或“密件抄送”字段中,开始输入要从自动完成列表中删除的名称或电子邮件地址。 与您键入的内容匹配的名称和地址开始显示在该字段下方的列表中。 当您看到要删除的名称或地址时,将鼠标悬停在该项目上,直到在右侧看到“ X”。 单击该“ X”以从自动完成列表中删除名称或地址。 如果您更喜欢使用键盘,请使用箭头键向下移动列表,然后在选择了要删除的名称或地址后按Delete键。

outlook删除重复邮件_如何从Outlook for Windows中的自动完成列表中删除电子邮件地址...

The name or email address is removed from the list and will not display the next time you start to type it in the To, Cc, or Bcc field.


outlook删除重复邮件_如何从Outlook for Windows中的自动完成列表中删除电子邮件地址...

When you type a complete email address into the To, Cc, or Bcc field, it’s added to the auto-complete list whether you sent the email, saved it as a draft, or closed the Message window without saving it. Once an email address is removed from the auto-complete list, it won’t appear again unless you select it from your Contacts list or type the address into the To, Cc, or Bcc field manually.

当您在“收件人”,“抄送”或“密件抄送”字段中键入完整的电子邮件地址时,无论您发送电子邮件,将其另存为草稿,还是关闭“消息”窗口而不保存,都会将其添加到自动完成列表中。 从自动完成列表中删除电子邮件地址后,除非您从“联系人”列表中选择该电子邮件地址,或者将其手动输入到“收件人”,“抄送”或“密件抄送”字段中,否则它将不会再次出现。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/295106/how-to-delete-an-email-address-from-the-auto-complete-list-in-outlook-for-windows/
