



Like CCleaner on Windows, BleachBit frees space by deleting unimportant files and helps maintain your privacy by deleting sensitive data. And, just like CCleaner, there’s more you can do with BleachBit than just clicking a single button.

与Windows上的CCleaner一样,BleachBit通过删除不重要的文件来释放空间,并通过删除敏感数据来帮助保护您的隐私。 而且,就像CCleaner一样,使用BleachBit可以做的不仅仅是单击一个按钮。

BleachBit is available in Ubuntu’s Software Center and most other Linux distributions’ software repositories. You can also download it from the BleachBit website – it even runs on Windows, too.

BleachBit可在Ubuntu的软件中心和大多数其他Linux发行版的软件存储库中获得。 您也可以从BleachBit网站下载它-它甚至也可以在Windows上运行。

基本清洁 (Basic Cleaning)

Select the type of data you want to remove in BleachBit’s sidebar after launching it. Unlike CCleaner, BleachBIt doesn’t automatically select or recommend certain types of data to delete. BleachBit works with system-wide data as well as application-specific data – for example, for web browsers such as Firefox.

启动后,在BleachBit的侧边栏中选择要删除的数据类型。 与CCleaner不同,BleachBIt不会自动选择或推荐某些类型的数据来删除。 BleachBit可处理系统范围的数据以及特定于应用程序的数据,例如,适用于Firefox等Web浏览器。


BleachBit warns you if you select an option that’s slow or may have other problems.



You should run a preview by clicking the Preview button before running an actual Clean operation. Verify that Bleachbit isn’t deleting any important files you want to keep.

在运行实际的清理操作之前,应先单击“预览”按钮来运行预览。 确认Bleachbit不会删除您要保留的任何重要文件。


文件粉碎 (File Shredding)

Instead of deleting files normally, you can go into BleachBit’s preferences window (Edit –> Preferences) and enable the Overwrite files to hide contents option. This is equivalent to “shredding” files, as some programs refer to it. Programs normally delete files by marking them as deleted, leaving them on the disk for file-recovery utilities to potentially recover. The overwrite option overwrites the files with useless data, preventing recovery. The files may still be recoverable if a copy of them existed elsewhere on the system and that copy wasn’t overwritten, so there’s no guarantee that the data will be completley unrecoverable if you overwrite it – nevertheless, if you’re worried about file-recovery utilities, this is a helpful feature. The downside is that overwriting files is significantly slower than just marking them as deleted, which is why operating systems don’t overwrite all deleted files in the first place.

您可以进入BleachBit的首选项窗口(“编辑”->“首选项”)并启用“ 覆盖文件以隐藏内容”选项,而不是正常地删除文件。 这等效于“粉碎”文件,因为某些程序引用了该文件。 程序通常通过将文件标记为已删除来删除文件,然后将它们留在磁盘上,以供文件恢复实用程序恢复。 覆盖选项会用无用的数据覆盖文件,从而阻止恢复。 如果文件的副本存在于系统中的其他位置,并且该副本未被覆盖,则这些文件仍可能是可恢复的,因此无法保证如果您覆盖数据,则该数据将是不可恢复的-但是,如果您担心文件-恢复实用程序,这是一个有用的功能。 不利之处在于,覆盖文件比仅将它们标记为已删除要慢得多,这就是操作系统为什么不首先覆盖所有已删除文件的原因。


清除可用磁盘空间 (Wiping Free Disk Space)

Like CCleaner, BleachBit includes an option to overwrite free disk space with useless data. This overwrites deleted files that are lurking in the free disk space, ensuring files deleted by other applications are overwriten. To enable this feature, use the Drives tab in the Preferences window to add a writable folder on each partition on your system. If you only have a single drive, the default settings will work fine. If you have a different partition mounted at /partition, you’ll need to add a folder inside /partition to this list.

与CCleaner一样,BleachBit包含一个用于用无用数据覆盖可用磁盘空间的选项。 这将覆盖潜伏在可用磁盘空间中的已删除文件,以确保覆盖其他应用程序删除的文件。 要启用此功能,请使用“首选项”窗口中的“驱动器”选项卡在系统的每个分区上添加可写文件夹。 如果只有一个驱动器,则默认设置可以正常使用。 如果您在/ partition上挂载了另一个分区,则需要在/ partition内向该列表添加一个文件夹。


After configuring the options on the Drives tab, enable the Free disk space option under System. As you’d expect, this option is very slow – so BleachBit warns you.

在“驱动器”选项卡上配置选项后,启用“系统”下的“ 可用磁盘空间”选项。 如您所料,此选项非常慢-因此BleachBit警告您。


快速切碎和擦拭 (Quick Shredding & Wiping)

You can also shred individuals files and folders and wipe partitions from BleachBit’s File menu. Select Shred Files, Shred Folders, or Wipe Free Space to run an operation immediately.

您还可以从BleachBit的“文件”菜单中切碎单个文件和文件夹并擦除分区。 选择切碎文件,切碎文件夹或擦除可用空间以立即运行操作。


删除系统文件 (Deleting System Files)

If you try to remove system files like localizations (see below) or APT package data, you’ll see permission-denied errors if you’re running BleachBit as your standard user account.



BleachBit has no built-in way of asking for elevated privileges. To delete these files, you’ll need to run BleachBit as root – you may have a BleachBit as Administrator option in your menu. If you don’t have this option – for example, on Ubuntu – you’ll need to run BleachBit as root manually. To do this on Ubuntu, close BleachBit, press ALT+F2, type gksu bleachbit, and press Enter.

BleachBit没有内置的方法来请求提升的特权。 要删除这些文件,您需要以root用户身份运行BleachBit –您可能在菜单中有一个BleachBit as Administrator选项。 如果没有此选项,例如在Ubuntu上,则需要以root用户身份手动运行BleachBit。 要在Ubuntu上执行此操作,请关闭BleachBit,按ALT + F2,键入gksu bleachbit ,然后按Enter。


Once it’s launched, you can delete APT cache data, localizations, and other data in system directories. One caveat – BleachBit won’t see your personal data while running as root. You’ll need to close the BleachBit window and run BleachBit normally to delete your browser data and other user-specific data.

启动后,您可以在系统目录中删除APT缓存数据,本地化和其他数据。 一个警告– BleachBit作为root用户运行时看不到您的个人数据。 您需要关闭BleachBit窗口并正常运行BleachBit才能删除浏览器数据和其他特定于用户的数据。


删除语言 (Deleting Languages)

Your system probably has localization files for a wide variety of languages on it. While this normally isn’t a huge problem and doesn’t take up a large amount of disk space, it does use some. For example, on a fairly standard Ubuntu 12.04 system, BleachBit offers to delete 54MB of language files with its default settings. If you’re feeling squeezed for space, deleting language files can free up a bit. To use this feature, enable the Localizations option under System.

您的系统上可能具有用于多种语言的本地化文件。 尽管这通常不是一个大问题,并且不会占用大量磁盘空间,但确实会使用一些磁盘空间。 例如,在相当标准的Ubuntu 12.04系统上,BleachBit提供了使用默认设置删除54MB语言文件的功能。 如果您感到空间不足,删除语言文件可以腾出一些空间。 要使用此功能,请启用“系统”下的“本地化”选项。

You can select the languages you want to keep on the Languages tab in the Preferences window. Just check the languages you want to keep – BleachBit will remove everything else.

您可以在“首选项”窗口的“语言”选项卡上选择要保留的语言。 只需检查您想要保留的语言即可-BleachBit将删除所有其他内容。


If you’re deleting system data to free up space, you should also check out the APT category near the top of the window to remove unneeded software packages.


命令行界面 (Command-Line Interface)

BleachBit has a command-line interface, too. From a terminal window, you can run bleachbit -l to list all available cleaners.

BleachBit也具有命令行界面。 在终端窗口中,您可以运行bleachbit -l列出所有可用的清理程序。


Use the bleachbit -c command, followed by a list of cleaners, to run the cleaners. For example, to run all Firefox cleaners and delete your Chromium browser history, you’d run the following command:

使用bleachbit -c命令以及清洁程序列表来运行清洁程序。 例如,要运行所有Firefox清理程序并删除您的Chromium浏览器历史记录,请运行以下命令:

bleachbit -c firefox.* chromium.history

bleachbit -c firefox。*Chrome的历史


Like other terminal commands, you could integrate this command into a script to run BleachBit automatically in the background.


