fire.fire_使用Fire TV Cube语音控制您的家庭媒体中心

fire.fire_使用Fire TV Cube语音控制您的家庭媒体中心

fire.fire_使用Fire TV Cube语音控制您的家庭媒体中心

The Fire TV Cube may just seem like an ordinary Fire TV with Alexa capabilities built in, but its biggest feature by far is the ability to use it as a voice-activated universal remote of sorts.

Fire TV Cube看上去就像是内置了Alexa功能的普通Fire TV,但到目前为止,它的最大功能是可以将其用作语音**的通用遥控器。

什么是消防电视柜? (What Is the Fire TV Cube?)

The Fire TV Cube which, as you may have gathered from the name, is the latest Fire TV streaming set-top box from Amazon, but with a bit more added on. It’s pretty much a combination of the company’s Fire TV and an Echo Dot. So instead of having two separate devices, you can have a two-in-one box that fits nicely on your home theater stand.

您可能已经从名称中搜集到的Fire TV Cube是亚马逊最新的Fire TV流媒体机顶盒,但添加了更多内容。 这几乎是公司的Fire TVEcho Dot的结合 。 因此,您可以拥有一个非常适合家庭影院支架的二合一盒子,而不用拥有两个单独的设备。

fire.fire_使用Fire TV Cube语音控制您的家庭媒体中心

However, that’s really just the tip of the iceberg and it’s not even the coolest thing about the Fire TV Cube. Nope, the coolest feature is an integrated IR blaster that gives you voice control of your TV, soundbar, AV receiver, and whatever else you have. And of course, you can also use your voice to search for and play various content.

但是,这实际上只是冰山一角,甚至不是Fire TV Cube最酷的东西。 不会,最酷的功能是集成的IR blaster,可让您对电视,条形音箱,AV接收机以及其他所有设备进行语音控制。 当然,您也可以使用自己的声音搜索和播放各种内容。

The Fire TV Cube still comes with Amazon’s voice remote, in case you want to control the box the old-fashioned way. And you can still use your regular remotes for your TV and other home theater devices.

Fire TV Cube仍带有亚马逊的语音遥控器,以防您想以老式方式控制盒子。 而且,您仍然可以将常规遥控器用于电视和其他家庭影院设备。

将其用作语音**的通用遥控器(工作时) (Using It As a Voice-Activated Universal Remote (When It Works))

You might already have a setup like this, thanks to Logitech’s Harmony Hub and an Echo. However, the Fire TV Cube has the capabilities of both of these devices (with a streaming set-top box tacked on for good measure) at roughly the same price—you’re basically getting a Fire TV for free (normally $70) when you go with the Fire TV Cube instead of a Harmony Hub/Echo Dot combo.

由于Logitech的Harmony Hub和Echo ,您可能已经有这样的设置。 但是,Fire TV Cube可以以大致相同的价格同时具有这两种设备的功能(以流媒体机顶盒为佳),基本上,您免费获得Fire TV( 通常为70美元 )使用Fire TV Cube,而不是Harmony Hub / Echo Dot组合。

fire.fire_使用Fire TV Cube语音控制您的家庭媒体中心

What may also drive you to go with the Fire TV Cube is its incredibly easy setup process for detecting your home theater equipment, whereas the Harmony line of products aren’t the easiest in the world to set up and get off the ground. They work well once that setup is done, but the initial process is far from user-friendly. Because of this, the Fire TV Cube is great for people looking for a less-complicated way of controlling their home theater setup using their voice.

Fire TV Cube可能还促使您使用它的是难以置信的易于安装的过程,用于检测家庭影院设备,而Harmony系列产品并不是世界上最容易安装启动的。 一旦完成设置,它们就会很好地工作,但是初始过程远非用户友好的。 因此,Fire TV Cube非常适合寻求使用语音控制家庭影院设置的简单方法的人们。

The Fire TV Cube first tries to automatically detect your TV and other home theater equipment, and if successful, there’s really nothing you need to do other than selecting the brand of your various equipment. At worst, you have to teach it the commands on your remotes, but it does a good job of guiding you through the process.

Fire TV Cube首先尝试自动检测您的电视和其他家庭影院设备,如果成功,除了选择各种设备的品牌之外,您实际上不需要执行任何其他操作。 最糟糕的是,您必须在遥控器上教它命令,但是它可以很好地指导您完成该过程。

However, you may find that it doesn’t work very well for your specific setup, as seems to be the case for any IR blaster. With my own setup, the Fire TV Cube has been able to turn on and off my TV and soundbar just fine. However, it then turns off my soundbar after about ten seconds.

但是,您可能会发现它不适用于您的特定设置,就像任何IR blaster一样。 通过我自己的设置,Fire TV Cube能够正常打开和关闭电视和条形音箱。 但是,大约十秒钟后,它会关闭我的条形音箱。

I’m not sure exactly why this is happening, but there seems to be some kind of incompatibility between my soundbar and the Fire TV Cube. Your setup may work perfectly, though, but the point of the story is that not just everything will work correctly with the Cube.

我不确定为什么会这样,但是我的条形音箱和Fire TV Cube之间似乎有些不兼容。 尽管您的设置可能会完美运行,但故事的重点是,不仅所有内容都可以在多维数据集上正常运行。

不必使用火电视栏目 (You Don’t Have to Use the Fire TV Part)

fire.fire_使用Fire TV Cube语音控制您的家庭媒体中心

Perhaps what makes the Fire TV Cube unique is its ability to simply act as a universal remote for your home theater devices and nothing else. In an age where companies nearly force you to stay within their ecosystem, it’s refreshing to know that you don’t have to use the Fire TV portion of the Fire TV Cube at all in order to take advantage of its voice-controlled universal remote capabilities.

也许让Fire TV Cube独树一帜的是它能够简单地充当家庭影院设备的通用遥控器,而无其他功能。 在公司几乎迫使您留在生态系统中的时代,令人耳目一新的是,您完全不必使用Fire TV Cube的Fire TV部分即可利用其语音控制的通用远程功能。

Long story short, there’s really no reason to favor the Fire TV over competing streaming set-top boxes like the Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, or Nvidia’s Shield—pretty much every other box has a better interface, as well as a native YouTube app.

长话短说,与Apple TV,Roku,Chromecast或Nvidia的Shield等竞争性流媒体机顶盒相比,Fire TV确实没有理由受到青睐 -几乎所有其他机顶盒都具有更好的界面以及原生YouTube应用

The good news is that even if you don’t want to use the Fire TV part of the Fire TV Cube, you can still use it to turn your TV on and off with your voice, as well as control the volume (although it’s pointless because it only changes it by one increment). So I can use the Fire TV Cube to tell Alexa to turn my TV and soundbar on and off, but still use my Apple TV for watching content.

好消息是,即使您不想使用Fire TV Cube的Fire TV部分,仍可以使用它来通过声音打开和关闭电视以及控制音量(尽管这毫无意义)因为它只会将其更改一个增量)。 因此,我可以使用Fire TV Cube来告诉Alexa打开和关闭我的电视和条形音箱,但仍可以使用Apple TV观看内容。

At that point, the Fire TV Cube is nothing more than a voice-activated universal remote, as well as a regular Echo that I can use whenever to control smarthome devices and ask about the weather.

那时,Fire TV Cube只不过是一个语音**的通用遥控器,还有一个普通的Echo,我可以在任何时候用来控制智能家居设备并询问天气情况。

Would this be considered as severely under-utilizing the Fire TV Cube? Yeah, probably. But for the same price as a Harmony Hub/Echo Dot, I can have a similar product that’s way easier to set up and use.

是否会认为这严重利用了Fire TV Cube? 是的,可能 但是,同样的价格作为和谐集线器/回声点,我可以有一个类似的产品,是比较容易的方式来设置和使用。
