



We’ve all been in a situation where one hand or the other simply isn’t available for responding to a text message, and with the ever-increasing size of Android phones, that’s starting to become more of an issue. The good news is that Google Keyboard now has a much-needed feature: One-Handed Mode.

我们都处在这样的情况下,一只手或另一只手根本无法回复短信,并且随着Android手机尺寸的不断增加,这已成为一个更大的问题。 好消息是,Google键盘现在具有急需的功能:单手模式。

One-Handed Mode basically takes the normal keyboard, shrinks it down, and forces it over to one side or the other. This makes it much easier to, well, type with one hand. Or, probably more accurately, one thumb. But “One Thumb Mode” sounds silly, so it makes sense why they stayed away from that name.

单手模式基本上采用普通键盘,将其缩小,然后将其推到一侧或另一侧。 这样一来,用一只手打字就容易得多。 或者,也许更准确地说,是一个拇指。 但是“单拇指模式”听起来很愚蠢,因此为什么他们不使用该名称是有道理的。

But I digress. This is how you can check out One-Handed Mode for yourself in the newest version of Google Keyboard.

但是我离题了。 这样,您就可以在最新版本的Google键盘中自行查看单手模式。

First and foremost, you need version 5.0 of the keyboard installed. It’s fairly new, and Play Store updates generally roll out to users in stages, so you may already have it–but if you don’t, you can either wait a few days or get it directly from APK Mirror—a highly trusted and reliable site for downloading free Play Store apps (none of the content there is paid, so it’s not a pirate site). If you do this, make sure you grab the right version–there are both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, so check your phone to see which you need.

首先,您需要安装键盘的5.0版。 它是相当新的,并且Play商店更新通常会分阶段向用户推出,因此您可能已经拥有了-但是,如果没有,则可以等待几天或直接从APK Mirror获得它-一个高度受信任和可靠网站,以下载免费的Play商店应用(该网站的内容均未付款,因此不是盗版网站)。 如果这样做,请确保获取正确的版本-同时有32位和64位版本,因此请检查手机以查看需要的版本

Okay, stay with me here: once you’ve got the keyboard installed, you need to long-press on the comma key, then slide your thumb over to the left icon—the one that looks like a little hand over a square. Somehow, in GoogleLand, that means “make the keyboard smaller.”

好的,在这里和我呆在一起:安装好键盘后,您需要长按逗号键,然后将拇指滑到左侧的图标上,该图标看起来像是一只手放在一个正方形上。 在GoogleLand中,以某种方式意味着“使键盘变小”。


It’s also worth noting that if you’re trying to do this by using Chrome’s Omnibar as the text input field, then this symbol will be a backslash, not a comma.



That’s pretty much it: the keyboard will be small and forced to one side now. To switch sides, just hit the arrow. To make it bigger again, hit the maximize icon. See? So easy.

就是这样:键盘会很小,现在*放在一边。 要切换侧面,只需按箭头。 要使其再次变大,请点击最大化图标。 看到? 太简单。


Now for the challenge: can you type as quickly with one thumb on a small keyboard as you can with two on the full-size keyboard? And…go!

现在迎接挑战:您能否在小键盘上用一个拇指像在全尺寸键盘上用两个拇指一样快速打字? 去!

