慢SQL查询返回 - 如何获得更好的结果?

慢SQL查询返回 - 如何获得更好的结果?


我被要求编写一个只返回具有特定操作代码(内部名称)的帐户的查询。有6个代码必须在帐户上,并且不能有其他代码可用。该表存储在一个名为tblTrans表(见下文):慢SQL查询返回 - 如何获得更好的结果?

AccountNo ActionCode TransactionNo 
1234  Code1  45646453 
1234  Code2  88758475 
1234  Code3  48978978 
1234  Code4  15687898 
1234  Code5  59878988 
1234  Code6  12345677 
2548  Code1  45464533 
2548  Code2  89789489 
2548  Code3  89789781 
2548  Code4  16878983 
2548  Code5  59889884 
2548  Code6  12456776 
2548  Code12  12348887 



SELECT AccountNo, ActionCode, TransactionNo  
FROM tblTrans AS t1 
     tblTrans AS t2 ON t1.AccountNo = t2.AccountNo 
     tblTrans AS t3 ON t2.AccountNo = t3.AccountNo 
     tblTrans AS t4 ON t3.AccountNo = t4.AccountNo 
     tblTrans AS t5 ON t4.AccountNo = t5.AccountNo 
     tblTrans AS t6 ON t5.AccountNo = t6.AccountNo 
WHERE t1.ActionCode = 'Code1' 
    AND t2.ActionCode = 'Code2' 
    AND t3.ActionCode = 'Code3' 
    AND t4.ActionCode = 'Code4' 
    AND t5.ActionCode = 'Code5' 
    AND t5.ActionCode = 'Code6' 
    AND t6.AccountNo NOT IN (SELECT ActionCode 
          FROM tblTrans 
          WHERE ActionCode IN ('Code12')) 




SELECT AccountNo 
FROM tblTrans 
GROUP BY AccountNo 
HAVING Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code1' Then 1 End) > 0 
     And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code2' Then 1 End) > 0 
     And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code3' Then 1 End) > 0 
     And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code4' Then 1 End) > 0 
     And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code5' Then 1 End) > 0 
     And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code6' Then 1 End) > 0 
     And Sum(Case When ActionCode IN ('Code1', 'Code2', 'Code3', 'Code4', 'Code5', 'Code6') Then 0 Else 1 End) = 0 



; With FilteredData As 
    SELECT AccountNo 
    FROM tblTrans 
    GROUP BY AccountNo 
    HAVING Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code1' Then 1 End) > 0 
      And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code2' Then 1 End) > 0 
      And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code3' Then 1 End) > 0 
      And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code4' Then 1 End) > 0 
      And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code5' Then 1 End) > 0 
      And Sum(Case When ActionCode = 'Code6' Then 1 End) > 0 
      And Sum(Case When ActionCode IN ('Code1', 'Code2', 'Code3', 'Code4', 'Code5', 'Code6') Then 0 Else 1 End) = 0 
Select TblTrans.AccountNo, ActionCode, TransactionNumber 
From TblTrans 
     Inner Join FilteredData 
      On tblTrans.AccountNo = FilteredData.AccountNo 

为什么认为,这将有更好的表现? –


此版本比我的第一次尝试表现更好。我在比较执行计划的基础上这样说。 –


“DISTINCT”是否存在问题? –