python 创建工具包_创建者工具包–快速创建

python 创建工具包_创建者工具包–快速创建

python 创建工具包

You asked for it – and we delivered. We’ve been eagerly mixing, mastering, and magicking for your drag and drop delight. We are delighted to introduce our brand new Creator Kits for absolute beginners.

您要求的-我们已经交付了。 我们一直热衷于混合,掌握和魔术化您的拖放乐趣。 我们很高兴为绝对的初学者介绍我们全新的Creator Kit。


We’ve produced three kits: A puzzle game, an FPS and an RPG. Get a brief introduction to each game genre and learn the basics of Unity without writing code. The kits offer beginners a good way to create your own game in under an hour before embarking on something with a broader scope like the Game Kits.

我们制作了三种工具包:益智游戏,FPS和RPG。 无需编写代码即可简要介绍每种游戏类型,并学习Unity的基础知识。 这些工具包为初学者提供了一个不错的途径,让他们可以在不到一个小时的时间内创建自己的游戏,然后再着手进行更广泛的应用,例如游戏工具包。

Play around with the Puzzle Kit – think of Rube Goldberg, Mouse Trap or Pinball and play around with our 3D physics-based puzzle game. Grab a spoon, a seesaw, funnel, and a paddle, and see if you can get the incredulously shiny silver marble to run smoothly down your marvelous machine.

拼图套件 -想想鲁布·戈德堡,鼠标陷阱或弹球,并玩我们的基于3D物理的拼图游戏。 拿起勺子,跷跷板,漏斗和桨,看看是否可以得到难以置信的闪亮银色大理石,使其在奇妙的机器上顺畅运行。

If you’re itching to practice your role play, we’ve brought you a 2D RPG complete with a conversation system, quests, a collection of characters for your scintillating storylines — and fully animated chickens. We want to see your storylines, and this Creator Kit makes it super slick to get going.

如果您渴望练习角色扮演,我们为您提供了 2D RPG, 其中包括对话系统,任务,用于闪烁的故事情节的角色集合以及完全动画的小鸡。 我们希望看到您的故事情节,并且此创作者工具包使它变得超级光滑。

Now for the big one. Doctor, I’m afraid you’ve been miniaturized. You’ll have to go in and blast the deadly germs from the INSIDE. Try not to destroy the red blood cells, and everything should be fine. In our 3D FPS Creator Kit, you can create an entire system of juicy insides including the Stomach room, Brain room, and Heart room all connected with snapping drag and drop fleshy corridors to run through and save your patient.

现在换大个子。 医生,恐怕您已经小型化了。 您必须走进去,炸掉INSIDE上的致命细菌。 尽量不要破坏红细胞,一切都应该没事。 在我们的 3D FPS Creator套件中, 您可以创建一个完整的多汁内部系统,包括胃室,脑室和心脏室,所有这些系统都通过快速的拖放式多肉走廊连接起来,以贯穿并拯救您的患者。

Check out our beautiful Creator Kits on our brand new Learn site.

在我们 全新的学习网站 上查看我们美丽的Creator Kit

Let us know what you think on the forums: Puzzle Kit, FPS Kit, RPG Kit.  

让我们知道您在论坛上的想法: 拼图套件FPS套件RPG套件


python 创建工具包