亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使Amazon Echo在一定时间后停止播放音乐

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使Amazon Echo在一定时间后停止播放音乐


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使Amazon Echo在一定时间后停止播放音乐

Whether you like to listen to music while you fall asleep or just don’t want to be bothered manually turning it off when you’re done, the Amazon Echo has a built-in “sleep timer” function that will turn your music off automatically.

无论您是想在入睡时听音乐,还是不想在完成后手动关闭音乐,Amazon Echo都有内置的“睡眠计时器”功能,可自动关闭音乐。

Sleep timers are available on a handful of devices that play music. Sleep timers automatically turn the music off after a certain amount of time has passed, so if you set a sleep timer for 60 minutes, the device will automatically shut off after 60 minutes as you fall asleep.

睡眠定时器可在少数播放音乐的设备使用 。 睡眠定时器会在经过一定时间后自动关闭音乐,因此,如果您将睡眠定时器设置为60分钟,则设备会在入睡60分钟后自动关闭。

On the Amazon Echo, the device itself doesn’t shut off completely, but any music or other audio will automatically stop playing. Setting a sleep timer is insanely easy: all you have to say is “Alexa, set a sleep timer for 30 minutes” (or however long you want it to last). Once 30 minutes has passed, the music, podcast, audiobook, or other sound will stop playing.

在Amazon Echo上,设备本身并未完全关闭,但是任何音乐或其他音频将自动停止播放。 设置睡眠计时器非常简单:您只需要说“ Alexa,将睡眠计时器设置为30分钟”即可(或者您希望它持续多长时间)。 30分钟过后,音乐,播客,有声读物或其他声音将停止播放。

Unfortunately, when you open up the Alexa app on your phone, you’ll see the sleep timer card on the main screen, but it won’t show you how much time is left on the sleep timer unlike a regular timer can.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使Amazon Echo在一定时间后停止播放音乐

However, you can cancel the sleep timer at any point by simply saying, “Alexa, cancel sleep timer”.

但是,您可以随时通过简单地说“ Alexa,取消睡眠计时器”来取消睡眠计时器。

