

很棒的列表是社区策划的很棒的事情的列表,涉及从CLI应用程序到幻想书籍的所有内容。 就像其他数千个很棒的清单一样,

一种wesome Lists collects curated, worthy and up-to-date links for ITCS, including Programming Language(Java, JavaScript, Python, Go, Rust, etc.), Software Engineering, Backend(Spring, Nginx, MicroServices, etc.), Infrastructure(Database, Network, etc.), InfoSecurity & Penetration, Industrial Application, DataScienceAI(Statistics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, CV), Frontend Technology(iOS, Android, RN, Electron), etc. Note that I've attempted to order the books in order of most "tackleable". So the idea is to read books from top to bottom.

What's the difference between Awesome Lists and others?

  • 所有列表均以系统和结构化的方式进行整理,并保留在“我的最终知识图”中(请参见下文)。单个列表中的链接是手动排序的,分为多个部分:概述,资源(书籍,课程等),教程等。



You can use xCompass for searching in Web or alfred-sg for searching in MAC.

Knowledge Graph



  • {Something}-List.md - This file may contain or separate into the following:Overview & Case Study & CheatSheetResource & Book & CollectionTutorial & Learning Path{Something}-Syntax-List.md - This file may contain or separate into the following:Variable & ExpressionControl flow & Error HandlerFunction & Functional ProgrammingClass & Object元编程{Something}-DataStructure-List.md - This file may contain or separate into the following:基本类型索引集合键控集合{Something}-Functionality-List.md - This file may contain or separate into the following:存储网络系统/过程{Something}-DevOps-List.md - This file may contain or separate into the following:生成器,任务运行器,捆绑器,依赖管理除错测试,单元测试,集成测试,端到端测试架构,模块系统,状态管理,StyleGuide,JavaScript编程语言中源代码的编码标准。{Something}-Production-List.md - This file may contain or separate into the following:性能优化/调优发布/部署辅助功能/监视器即时的I18n{Something} -OpenSource-List.md-很棒的工具,框架,项目{Something} -Internals-List.md内部机制,核心/编译器/引擎

from: https://dev.to//wxyyxc1992/awesome-lists-systematic--structured-guide-to-galaxy-45jo