微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

微软office 2016

微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

Among the new features in Microsoft Office 2016 are some improvements to the user interface. For example, they added a background image to the title bar in each Office program, and an improved dark theme. Customizing the background and theme is easy, and we’ll show you how to do it.

Microsoft Office 2016新功能包括对用户界面的一些改进。 例如,他们在每个Office程序的标题栏中添加了背景图片,并改进了深色主题。 自定义背景和主题很容易,我们将向您展示如何做。

By default, the background image is clouds, but there are several other background images from which you can choose. You cannot add your own images, but if you don’t like any of the included images, you can choose to not have a background image on the title bar at all.

默认情况下,背景图像是云,但是您可以从中选择其他几种背景图像。 您无法添加自己的图像,但是如果您不喜欢其中包含的任何图像,则可以选择完全不在标题栏上显示背景图像。

We’ll show you how to change the title bar background and theme in Word, but the procedure is the same in Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook as well. To begin, click the “File” tab.

我们将向您展示如何在Word中更改标题栏背景和主题,但是在Excel,PowerPoint和Outlook中的过程也相同。 首先,单击“文件”选项卡。

微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.


微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

The General screen displays by default. On the right side, in the Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office section, select an option from the “Office Background” drop-down list. If you don’t want a background image on the title bar, select “No Background”.

默认情况下会显示“常规”屏幕。 在右侧的“个性化Microsoft Office副本”部分中,从“ Office背景”下拉列表中选择一个选项。 如果不想在标题栏上显示背景图像,请选择“无背景”。

微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

If you don’t see a background image on the title and the Office Background drop-down list is not available on the Options dialog box, that means you aren’t signed into your Microsoft account in Office. The Office Background feature is only available when you are signed into your Microsoft account. If you’ve signed in to Windows 10 using your Microsoft account, you should have access to the Office Background option, unless you specifically sign out of Office.

如果标题上没有显示背景图像,并且“选项”对话框中没有“ Office背景”下拉列表,则表示您没有登录Office中的Microsoft帐户。 仅当您登录Microsoft帐户后,才能使用Office背景功能。 如果您已使用Microsoft帐户登录Windows 10,则应该有权使用Office背景选项,除非您专门退出Office。

微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

If you use a local account in Windows 10, or you’re using an earlier version of Windows, you can access the Office Background feature by signing into your Microsoft account in any Office program, using the “Sign in” link on the right side of the title bar.

如果您在Windows 10中使用本地帐户,或者您使用的是Windows的早期版本,则可以使用右侧的“登录”链接登录任何Office程序中的Microsoft帐户,从而访问Office背景功能。标题栏。

微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

To change the color theme, select an option from the “Office Theme” drop-down list. The Dark Gray and Black themes are now available as dark themes; however, the Black theme is only available to Office 365 subscribers. The Colorful theme is a different color in each program, such as blue in Word, green in Excel, and orange in PowerPoint.

要更改颜色主题,请从“办公室主题”下拉列表中选择一个选项。 深灰色和黑色主题现在可以作为黑暗主题使用。 但是,黑色主​​题仅适用于Office 365订阅者。 彩色主题在每个程序中都是不同的颜色,例如Word中的蓝色,Excel中的绿色和PowerPoint中的橙色。

微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

Once you’ve made your changes, click “OK” to accept them and close the Options dialog box.


微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

The newly selected background image (if any) and theme is applied to the title bar in the currently open Office program.


微软office 2016_如何在Microsoft Office 2016中自定义标题栏主题

The selected background image and theme is applied to all Office programs. You cannot select a different image and theme for each program.

所选的背景图像和主题将应用于所有Office程序。 您不能为每个程序选择不同的图像和主题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/253565/how-to-customize-the-title-bar-theme-in-microsoft-office-2016/

微软office 2016