谷歌maps菜单语言设置_如何使用Google Maps查看商店现在有多忙

谷歌maps菜单语言设置_如何使用Google Maps查看商店现在有多忙


谷歌maps菜单语言设置_如何使用Google Maps查看商店现在有多忙
BigTunaOnline/ BigTunaOnline /

Now more than ever, we all want to go to grocery stores and other essential businesses when it’s not crowded. With a few taps, Google Maps can tell you how busy a store, restaurant, park, or other location is right now.

现在比以往任何时候都更重要,我们所有人都希望在不拥挤的时候去杂货店和其他重要企业。 轻点几下,Google Maps即可告诉您商店,餐厅,公园或其他地点现在有多忙。

You can find this information on the Google Maps website in your browser or in the Google Maps app for iPhone, iPad, and Android. Search for the name of a store, restaurant, business, or other location—it even works for parks.

您可以在浏览器的Google Maps网站上或在iPhone,iPad和Android的Google Maps应用中找到此信息。 搜索商店,餐馆,公司或其他位置的名称-甚至适用于公园。

Click or tap the name of the location to view more information about it. Look for the “Popular times” chart in the panel—you may need to scroll down to see it. Look for a “Live” time that tells you how busy a business is right now.

单击或点击位置名称以查看有关该位置的更多信息。 在面板中查找“热门时间”图表-您可能需要向下滚动才能看到它。 寻找“实时”时间,该时间可以告诉您企业现在有多忙。

谷歌maps菜单语言设置_如何使用Google Maps查看商店现在有多忙

You can also click the name of the weekday and select another day of the week to check when the location is usually the busiest. Do more people tend to shop on Wednesday or Sunday? Is the store less busy early in the morning or late at night? The chart will tell you.

您也可以单击工作日的名称,然后选择一周中的另一天以检查位置通常最繁忙的时间。 在周三或周日有更多人倾向于购物吗? 商店是不是在清晨或深夜不忙吗? 图表会告诉您。

It’s worth noting that this historical data may not be as predictive as usual right now. Shopping patterns (and store hours) have changed. However, the Live data should be useful—if it says a location is busy right now, you can wait until Google says the location is less busy to head there.

值得注意的是,这些历史数据现在可能不像以往那样具有可预测性。 购物方式(和营业时间)已经改变。 但是,实时数据应该很有用-如果它说某个位置现在很忙,您可以等到Google表示该位置不太忙之后再前往。

谷歌maps菜单语言设置_如何使用Google Maps查看商店现在有多忙

This information isn’t available for every location. It won’t be available for some locations that don’t “get enough visits” from people who have enabled Google Location History, according to Google.

此信息并非在每个位置都可用。 根据Google的说法,在某些无法“启用足够的访问量”的人中,该功能将无法使用。

它是如何工作的? (How Does It Work?)

This feature takes advantage of the location data Google receives from people who choose to enable Google Location History on their phones. Using this data, Google will estimate how busy it is at a particular location right now.

此功能利用了Google从选择在其手机上启用Google位置记录的人接收的位置数据的优势。 Google将使用这些数据来估算当前特定位置的繁忙程度。

It also remembers historical data and can average it to show you when a store is usually the most—and least—busy every week.


