
本文为美国托莱多大学(作者:Bhavana Daddala)的硕士论文,共75页。


Security is one of the biggest concerns inthe developing world. It is important to ensure a safe transfer of informationbetween communicating parties, protecting them from attacks. Many standards anddeveloped encryption protocols are available as resources and are used based onthe requirements. In this thesis, we propose a customized encryption algorithmand an authentication scheme to safely transfer information. The algorithm is avariation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and is carried out betweenmultiple devices. AES uses only one private key (symmetric key) to encrypt thedata. The implementation works on a single standard irreducible polynomial ofdegree ‘8’ which is further used to compute multiplicative inverse tables,S-boxes and inverse S-Boxes required for the working of every layer in thealgorithm. As compared to AES, we use sixteen irreducible polynomials of degree‘8’ instead of one in our implementation. Key sizes for AES are usually 128,192 and 256 bits in size; we use a 128-bit key. Unlike symmetric encryption,asymmetric encryption uses two keys, private and public keys. The public keysare shared among the communicating parties, while the private keys are keptsecret. The keys are supposed to be large in size to maintain strength. Thus,they usually range from 512 bits to 2048 bits or more for asymmetriccryptography. The communicating parties can start with public-private keys andagree upon a common key (session key) which can be used as a key to AES.Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol uses a combination of AES and RSAalgorithms resulting in reliable cryptosystems. Our algorithm focuses ondevising a new protocol for key establishment and agreement, using thecombination framework. The implementation of the communication protocol betweentwo devices, with a prospect of working with multiple devices using a centralizedserver, is presented. The outcome is to establish a different approach towardsencryption and enhance security by providing protection againstMan-in-the-Middle attacks. The customized algorithms are implemented usingPython.

1 引言
2 文献回顾
3 标准加密方法
4 自定义加密方法
5 性能与实现
6 结论与未来工作展望
