


Firefox, like many popular browsers, includes a built-in functionality to save your password. Often we’ll use the saved password feature so often that we’ve completely forgotten our password when we need to login to the same website on another computer. Here’s how to locate your saved password.

像许多流行的浏览器一样,Firefox包含用于保存密码的内置功能。 通常,我们经常会使用保存的密码功能,以至于当我们需要登录另一台计算机上的同一网站时,我们已经完全忘记了密码。 这是找到您保存的密码的方法。

In Firefox, navigate to the Tools \ Options menu item. Select the Privacy button, the Passwords tab, and then click on View Saved Passwords. You’ll be presented with this screen:

在Firefox中,导航到“工具\选项”菜单项。 选择“隐私”按钮,“密码”选项卡,然后单击“查看保存的密码”。 您将看到以下屏幕:


Click the Show Passwords button, and navigate down to the website password you are looking for. Note: usernames in the image scratched out to protect the poster!

单击显示密码按钮,然后向下导航到您要查找的网站密码。 注意:图片中的用户名会被划掉以保护张贴者!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/find-a-forgotten-password-saved-in-firefox/
