zoom网络会议 软件_如何在Zoom中更改您的个人会议ID(PMI)

zoom网络会议 软件_如何在Zoom中更改您的个人会议ID(PMI)

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zoom网络会议 软件_如何在Zoom中更改您的个人会议ID(PMI)

Your Zoom account’s personal meeting ID (PMI) should only be used for private meetings. If it’s shared enough, uninvited people could Zoombomb your personal Zoom calls by using the said ID. Here’s how to change your PMI in Zoom.

您的Zoom帐户的个人会议ID(PMI)仅应用于私人会议。 如果共享程度足够高, 则不请自来的人可以使用上述ID来炸弹您的个人Zoom呼叫 。 这是在Zoom中更改PMI的方法。

什么是Zoom Personal Meeting ID(PMI)? (What’s a Zoom Personal Meeting ID (PMI)?)

Every Zoom user has their own unique PMI, a 10-digit number assigned to you when you create your account. Essentially, this is your own private Zoom room. For security purposes, you should never use your PMI for business or scheduled meetings. For this, you should use a Zoom meeting ID—a nine-digit number generated when creating a new meeting.

每个Zoom用户都有自己独特的PMI,即创建帐户时分配给您的10位数字。 本质上,这是您自己的私人Zoom房间。 为了安全起见 ,切勿将PMI用于业务会议或预定会议。 为此,您应该使用“缩放会议ID”(在创建新会议时生成的9位数字)。

  • Personal Meeting ID: 10-digit number for personal meetings only

    个人会议ID: 10位数字,仅用于个人会议

  • Zoom Meeting ID: Nine-digit number for business meetings


如何更改您的Zoom个人会议ID (How to Change Your Zoom Personal Meeting ID)

Open you preferred web browser and access your Zoom account. Once signed in, you’ll be in the “Profile” tab.

打开您喜欢的网络浏览器并访问您的Zoom帐户 。 登录后,您将进入“个人资料”标签。

zoom网络会议 软件_如何在Zoom中更改您的个人会议ID(PMI)

Your PMI will be the second option on the page, directly below your name and account number. Only the last three digits of your PMI are displayed for security reasons. Click the “Show” button if you wish to see what your current PMI is.

您的PMI将是页面上的第二个选项,位于您的姓名和帐号正下方。 出于安全原因,仅显示PMI的最后三位数字。 如果您想查看当前的PMI,请单击“显示”按钮。

zoom网络会议 软件_如何在Zoom中更改您的个人会议ID(PMI)

To edit your PMI, click the “Edit” button on the right side of the window.


zoom网络会议 软件_如何在Zoom中更改您的个人会议ID(PMI)

You can now change your PMI by entering your desired numbers in the text box. You’ll also have the option to use the PMI for instant meetings—but you should probably leave this box unchecked. When you’re ready, click the “Save Changes” button.

现在,您可以通过在文本框中输入所需的数字来更改PMI。 您还可以选择使用PMI进行即时会议-但您可能应取消选中此框。 准备好后,点击“保存更改”按钮。

zoom网络会议 软件_如何在Zoom中更改您的个人会议ID(PMI)

A message will appear at the top of the window confirming if you successfully changed your PMI.


像对待密码一样对待您的PMI (Treat Your PMI Like a Password)

If someone gets their hands on your PMI, but doesn’t get access to your account information, change your PMI. You should treat it as a password. That is, don’t use a PMI string that’s easy to guess. In fact, Zoom itself will block you from using specific strings for your PMI.

如果有人获得了您的PMI,但无法访问您的帐户信息,请更改您的PMI。 您应该将其视为密码。 也就是说,不要使用容易猜测的PMI字符串。 实际上,Zoom本身会阻止您将特定的字符串用于PMI。

Your PMI must not:


  • Start with a 0 or 1

  • Use these toll-free number prefixes: 800, 400, 888, 887, 877, 866, 855, 850, 803, 804, 807, 808, 809, 660, 508, 900, 200, 300, 500, 600, 700

  • Repeat 3-digit groups such as: 828 828 828x or 555 666 777x

  • Use the same digits: 333 333 3333

    使用相同的数字:333 333 3333
  • Use a number more than five times in a row: 777 77x xxxx

    连续使用五个以上的数字:777 77x xxxx
  • Use sequential numbers: 234 567 8901

    使用***:234 567 8901
  • Use existing meeting IDs


But, if someone does get ahold of your Zoom account’s PMI, you at least now know how to change it in the future.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/673436/how-to-change-your-personal-meeting-id-pmi-in-zoom/

zoom网络会议 软件