



Applying color to alternate rows makes your spreadsheet data easier to read. In Excel, this is quick and simple to apply by formatting your data as a Table. The row shading is then automatically applied to new rows added to the table.

将颜色应用于替代行使电子表格数据更易于阅读。 在Excel中,通过将数据格式化为表格,可以快速简便地进行应用。 然后,行阴影将自动应用于添加到表中的新行。

如何将数据格式化为表格 (How to Format Your Data As a Table)

Select the range you want to format as a table. Next, click the “Format as Table” button within the “Home” tab and then select the table style you want to use.

选择要格式化为表格的范围。 接下来,单击“主页”选项卡中的“设置为表格格式”按钮,然后选择要使用的表格样式。


If your data range already contains some formatting, it can be a good idea to right-click on the table style and select the “Apply and Clear Formatting” link. This will remove any current formatting before applying the table style.

如果您的数据范围已经包含某种格式,则最好右键单击表格样式并选择“应用并清除格式”链接。 应用表格样式之前,这将删除所有当前格式。


You will then be prompted for the range to format and whether it has headers. Check that this range is correct, and change it if necessary. Click the “OK” button to proceed.

然后,将提示您输入要格式化的范围以及它是否具有标题。 检查此范围是否正确,并在必要时进行更改。 单击“确定”按钮继续。


The table is applied along with shading on alternate rows. This formatting will automatically be applied when new rows are added to the table.

该表将与阴影一起应用在备用行上。 将新行添加到表时,将自动应用此格式。


如何编辑行底纹颜色 (How to Edit the Row Shading Color)

If you aren’t happy with the color used for the row shading, you can change it. You cannot directly edit the existing Excel table styles, but you can create your own or duplicate an existing style and edit that.

如果您对用于行底纹的颜色不满意,可以进行更改。 您不能直接编辑现有Excel表格样式,但可以创建自己的样式或复制现有样式并进行编辑。

Let’s take a look at duplicating and changing the table style we’ve applied to this data range. Begin by clicking on a cell within the table.

让我们看一下复制和更改应用于此数据范围的表格样式。 首先单击表中的单元格。

From the “Table Design” tab (last tab on the ribbon), right-click the style in the “Table Styles” gallery and then click “Duplicate.”



Enter a name for your new table style.


To edit the row shading, select “First Row Stripe” and then click the “Format” button.



Click the “Fill” tab. Select the color you want to use. The “More Colors” button will provide more specific color options.

点击“填充”标签。 选择您要使用的颜色。 “更多颜色”按钮将提供更多特定的颜色选项。

Click the “OK” button at the bottom of the window to proceed.



Back in the “Modify Table Style” dialog window, you can make your style the default for the spreadsheet by checking the “Set As Default Style for This Document” box. Click the “OK” button to save your changes.

返回“修改表样式”对话框窗口,您可以通过选中“为此文档设置为默认样式”框将样式设置为电子表格的默认样式。 单击“确定”按钮保存更改。


The duplicated style is created, but it is not applied immediately. Click the “More” button to open the table style gallery.

复制的样式已创建,但不会立即应用。 单击“更多”按钮以打开表格样式库。


Select your custom style from the list provided.



将您的表转换回范围 (Convert Your Table Back to a Range)

There are many additional benefits to formatting your Excel data as a Table, so using one is encouraged. However, if you do not want this functionality, you can convert your table back to a range and still keep the alternate row shading.

将Excel数据格式化为表格还有很多其他好处,因此鼓励您使用它。 但是,如果您不希望使用此功能,则可以将表转换回范围,并仍然保留备用行底纹。

Click a cell in your table, select the “Table Design” tab (last tab on the Ribbon), and then click “Convert to Range.”



You will be asked whether you’re sure you want to do this. Click the “Yes” button.

系统将询问您是否确定要执行此操作。 点击“是”按钮。


Without being a table, it will not automatically apply the shading to rows when they are added. But you can copy the formatting quickly using the Format Painter button, or a similar technique.

如果不是表格,添加阴影时,它将不会自动将阴影应用于行。 但是您可以使用“格式刷”按钮或类似技术快速复制格式。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/442857/how-to-apply-shading-to-alternate-rows-in-excel/
