ps 转到hsv通道_如何将所有信息转移到新的PS3

ps 转到hsv通道_如何将所有信息转移到新的PS3

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ps 转到hsv通道_如何将所有信息转移到新的PS3

The PlayStation 3 now costs half the price, has double the storage, and uses half the power. If you need another reason to upgrade, Sony also makes it easy to transfer all of your information to a new console.

现在,PlayStation 3的价格降低了一半,存储空间增加了一倍,功耗也降低了一半。 如果您需要其他原因进行升级,Sony还可轻松将您的所有信息转移到新控制台。

Transferring all of your games, data, and settings is easier than ever, and all you need is an ethernet cable. Read on as we walk you through the whole process of setting up your new PS3 and wiping all your information off the old one.

传输所有游戏,数据和设置比以往任何时候都更加轻松,您只需要一条以太网电缆即可。 在我们逐步引导您完成设置新PS3并将所有信息从旧信息中清除的整个过程中,请继续阅读。

准备旧的PlayStation 3 (Prep the old PlayStation 3)

The first thing you need to do is sync all of your trophy information to Sony’s servers. In the XMB go to game -> trophy collection and push triangle on your controller. The menu will open and you can select sync with server.

您需要做的第一件事是将所有奖杯信息同步到Sony的服务器。 在XMB中,转到游戏->奖杯收集,然后将三角形推入控制器。 菜单将打开,您可以选择与服务器同步。

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The sync will take a few minutes but once it completes all of your trophies will be safely copied on Sony’s servers.


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Next you should deactivate your system. To do that go to PlayStation network -> account management -> system activation and deactivate your system for game and video data.

接下来,您应该停用系统。 为此,请转到PlayStation网络->帐户管理->系统**,然后为游戏和视频数据停用系统。

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Next go to the settings menu and check for updates.


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Now to avoid errors during the transfer, scroll down to network connections and disable media server connection.


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Then disable internet connection.


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Finally scroll up in the system menu to the data transfer utility.


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At this point you should connect your old and new PlayStation 3 together with an ethernet cable. You should also have your new PS3 plugged into your TV so that you can get ready to begin the transfer once the old system is waiting for a connection.

此时,您应该使用以太网电缆将新旧PlayStation 3连接在一起。 您还应该将新的PS3插入电视,以便在旧系统等待连接后就可以开始传输了。

Note: You can use either a crossover ethernet cable or a standard patch cable. The PS3 will be able to internally switch to know which cable you used.

注意:您可以使用交叉以太网电缆或标准跳线。 PS3将能够在内部切换以了解您使用的电缆。

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Select transfer data from this system to the other PS3 system in the next step.


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If you have any other users on the system it is also a good time to deactivate the system under their PSN accounts and sync their trophy information too. You have to back all the way out of the process to do that, but at least you are warned before you continue.

如果您的系统上还有其他用户,那么也可以通过他们的PSN帐户停用系统并同步他们的奖杯信息。 您必须完全退出流程才能做到这一点,但至少会在继续之前被警告。

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Click OK on the next screen after you have connected the new system with an ethernet cable.


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Leave your old system at the waiting to transfer data screen and switch TV inputs to the new PS3 system.


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转移到新系统 (Transfer to the New System)

Just like the old system you will want to check for updates, disable media server connection, and disable internet connection on the new system and then start the data transfer utility.


This time select the option to transfer data from the other PS3 system to this one.


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Once the system connects it will ask you to format the new system which will erase all data. Only do this if you are sure that you don’t have any information stored on the new system.

系统连接后,将要求您格式化新系统,这将擦除所有数据。 仅当您确定在新系统上没有存储任何信息时,才执行此操作。

Note: The old system will not be erased during this process.


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Are you sure?


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Let the format finish and the system will automatically reboot and should connect again to the old system and begin transferring data.


Note: Depending on how much information you had on the old system this may take quite a while. I had about 35 GB of information on my PS3 and the process took about 40 minutes.

注意:根据您在旧系统上拥有的信息量,这可能需要一段时间。 我的PS3上有大约35 GB的信息,整个过程耗时约40分钟。

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Once finished the new PS3 will automatically reboot


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All of your information should be on the new system exactly as it was on the original.


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You may need to re-authenticate some services like Netflix and Hulu Plus but otherwise games and settings should be the same.

您可能需要重新认证某些服务,例如Netflix和Hulu Plus,但否则游戏和设置应该相同。

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擦除旧PS3 (Wipe Old PS3)

Some games may store data elsewhere on the system and you will want to make sure that you have a backup of any games that may support extra data. Little Big Planet and PlayStation Home both have extra areas you may want to check to make sure your data is backup up before proceeding to the next step.

某些游戏可能会将数据存储在系统上的其他位置,因此您需要确保已备份所有可能支持额外数据的游戏。 Little Big Planet和PlayStation Home都有额外的区域,您可能需要检查以确保备份数据,然后再继续下一步。

You can also verify all of the information on the new system before continuing with wiping the old system.


Once you verify you have any information you need and want to erase your personal data go to the settings menu -> system -> restore PS3 system.


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We had already deactivated the system and synced our trophy information earlier but if you haven’t you will want to do that now.


Select what method you want to use to format the PS3 with. Unless there is something really personal on the system a quick format should be good enough.

选择您要用来格式化PS3的方法。 除非系统上确实有个人问题,否则快速格式化应该足够好。

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Are you sure?


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The format will go really fast and then ask you to restart your PS3.


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After it has finished it will walk you through the initial setup of the system. You don’t need to walk through the setup if you plan on selling the system so you can also just shut it down.

完成后,它将引导您完成系统的初始设置。 如果您打算出售该系统,则无需完成安装过程,因此也可以将其关闭。


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