UoG Text as Data Lecture2

1.Term Frequency & Bag-of-words

与上一期的one-hot encoding不同,bag-of-words会记录每个term的frequency

bag-of-words假设:If a term occurs lots in a document it should imply something about what that document is about. A relaxation of the binary occurrence assumption.一个term在文章中出现次数越多,那么这篇文章与它的相关性就越大,aboutness就越大

bag-of-words也可以用sparse来表示(省空间):UoG Text as Data Lecture2

1)document-term matrix (DTM)

UoG Text as Data Lecture2


UoG Text as Data Lecture2

2. Vector Space Model,用高维向量表示


很多搜索引擎用的都是BoW Vector来表示/ 还通常用于spam email filtering

UoG Text as Data Lecture2

UoG Text as Data Lecture2


在统计term frequency之前,先得消除停用词,比如a,I, you, me, the 这种常见的又没用的词。它们将不会被统计进去

2)Term Frequency 单词在文中的重要性


原因:Aboutness does not increase linearly with term frequency.

eg:A document with 10 occurrences of the term is more related than a document with 1 occurrence of the term. But it is not 10 times more relevant.

因此我们将term frequency变成 1+ log(tf)。出现了1000次的单词比出现了1次的单词重要4倍,挺合理的。

UoG Text as Data Lecture2

3) Document Frequency 该文章在整个预料库里面的重要性

UoG Text as Data Lecture2

N表示整个语料库里面有多少篇文章, df表示出现过该单词的文章一共有多少篇。log如上面的tf用来减弱权重


4)tf-idf weighting 每篇文章关于某个单词的权重

UoG Text as Data Lecture2

权重 = 这个单词在文章中的重要性 * 这篇文章在整个语料库里面的重要性。

注:在计算cosine similarity的时候,通常用这个公式,而不是 term frequency.


5) Zipf's Law 奇普夫定律

