
       相对于传统神经网络的方法而言,深度学习方法一般对数据集规模、硬件平台有着比较高的要求,如果只是单纯的想尝试了解图像分类任务的基本流程,建议采用小数据集样本及传统的神经网络方法实现。本文将带领读者采用鸢尾属植物数据集(Iris Data Set)来实现一个分类任务,整个鸢尾属植物数据集是机器学习中历史悠久的数据集,比现在常用的数字手写体数据集(Mnist Data Set)数据集还要早得多,该数据集来源于英国著名的统计学家、生物学家Ronald Fiser。本文在不使用相关软件库的情况下,从头开始构建针对鸢尾属植物数据的神经网络模型,对其进行训练并获得好的结果。


       鸢尾属植物数据集是用于测试机器学习算法的最常用数据集。该数据包含四种特征,萼片长度、萼片宽度、花瓣长度和花瓣宽度,用于鸢尾属植物的不同物种(versicolor, virginicasetosa)。此外,每个物种有50个实例(数据行),下面让我们看看样本数据分布情况。





#import libraries
import os
import pandas as pd
#Set working directory and load data
iris = pd.read_csv('iris.csv')
#Create numeric classes for species (0,1,2) 
iris.loc[iris['Name']=='setosa','species'] = 2
iris = iris[iris['species']!=2]
#Create Input and Output columns
X = iris[['PetalLength', 'PetalWidth']].values.T
Y = iris[['species']].values.T
Y = Y.astype('uint8')
#Make a scatter plot
plt.scatter(X[0, :], X[1, :], c=Y[0,:], s=40, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral);
plt.title("IRIS DATA | Blue - Versicolor, Red - Virginica ")
plt.xlabel('Petal Length')
plt.ylabel('Petal Width')





def initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y):
    np.random.seed(2) # we set up a seed so that our output matches ours although the initialization is random.
    W1 = np.random.randn(n_h, n_x) * 0.01 #weight matrix of shape (n_h, n_x)
    b1 = np.zeros(shape=(n_h, 1))  #bias vector of shape (n_h, 1)
    W2 = np.random.randn(n_y, n_h) * 0.01   #weight matrix of shape (n_y, n_h)
    b2 = np.zeros(shape=(n_y, 1))  #bias vector of shape (n_y, 1)
    #store parameters into a dictionary    
    parameters = {"W1": W1,
                  "b1": b1,
                  "W2": W2,
                  "b2": b2}
    return parameters

步骤3:前向传播(forward propagation)


def forward_propagation(X, parameters):
#retrieve intialized parameters from dictionary    
    W1 = parameters['W1']
    b1 = parameters['b1']
    W2 = parameters['W2']
    b2 = parameters['b2']
    # Implement Forward Propagation to calculate A2 (probability)
    Z1 = np.dot(W1, X) + b1
    A1 = np.tanh(Z1)  #tanh activation function
    Z2 = np.dot(W2, A1) + b2
    A2 = 1/(1+np.exp(-Z2))  #sigmoid activation function
    cache = {"Z1": Z1,
             "A1": A1,
             "Z2": Z2,
             "A2": A2}
    return A2, cache

步骤4:计算代价函数(cost function)


def compute_cost(A2, Y, parameters):
    m = Y.shape[1] # number of training examples
    # Retrieve W1 and W2 from parameters
    W1 = parameters['W1']
    W2 = parameters['W2']
    # Compute the cross-entropy cost
    logprobs = np.multiply(np.log(A2), Y) + np.multiply((1 - Y), np.log(1 - A2))
    cost = - np.sum(logprobs) / m
    return cost

步骤5:反向传播(back propagation)


def backward_propagation(parameters, cache, X, Y):
# Number of training examples
    m = X.shape[1]
    # First, retrieve W1 and W2 from the dictionary "parameters".
W1 = parameters['W1']
    W2 = parameters['W2']
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    # Retrieve A1 and A2 from dictionary "cache".
    A1 = cache['A1']
    A2 = cache['A2']
    # Backward propagation: calculate dW1, db1, dW2, db2. 
    dZ2= A2 - Y
    dW2 = (1 / m) * np.dot(dZ2, A1.T)
    db2 = (1 / m) * np.sum(dZ2, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    dZ1 = np.multiply(np.dot(W2.T, dZ2), 1 - np.power(A1, 2))
    dW1 = (1 / m) * np.dot(dZ1, X.T)
    db1 = (1 / m) * np.sum(dZ1, axis=1, keepdims=True)
grads = {"dW1": dW1,
             "db1": db1,
             "dW2": dW2,
             "db2": db2}
    return grads



def update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate=1.2):
# Retrieve each parameter from the dictionary "parameters"
W1 = parameters['W1']
    b1 = parameters['b1']
    W2 = parameters['W2']
    b2 = parameters['b2']
    # Retrieve each gradient from the dictionary "grads"
    dW1 = grads['dW1']
    db1 = grads['db1']
    dW2 = grads['dW2']
    db2 = grads['db2']
    # Update rule for each parameter
    W1 = W1 - learning_rate * dW1
    b1 = b1 - learning_rate * db1
    W2 = W2 - learning_rate * dW2
    b2 = b2 - learning_rate * db2
    parameters = {"W1": W1,
                  "b1": b1,
                  "W2": W2,
                  "b2": b2}
    return parameters



  • 初始化参数
  • 前向传播
  • 计算代价函数
  • 反向传播
  • 更新参数
def nn_model(X, Y, n_h, num_iterations=10000, print_cost=False):
    n_x = layer_sizes(X, Y)[0]
    n_y = layer_sizes(X, Y)[2]
    # Initialize parameters, then retrieve W1, b1, W2, b2. Inputs: "n_x, n_h, n_y". Outputs = "W1, b1, W2, b2, parameters".
parameters = initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y)
    W1 = parameters['W1']
    b1 = parameters['b1']
    W2 = parameters['W2']
    b2 = parameters['b2']
    # Loop (gradient descent)
for i in range(0, num_iterations):
        # Forward propagation. Inputs: "X, parameters". Outputs: "A2, cache".
        A2, cache = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
        # Cost function. Inputs: "A2, Y, parameters". Outputs: "cost".
        cost = compute_cost(A2, Y, parameters)
        # Backpropagation. Inputs: "parameters, cache, X, Y". Outputs: "grads".
        grads = backward_propagation(parameters, cache, X, Y)
        # Gradient descent parameter update. Inputs: "parameters, grads". Outputs: "parameters".
        parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads)
        ### END CODE HERE ###
        # Print the cost every 1000 iterations
        if print_cost and i % 1000 == 0:
            print ("Cost after iteration %i: %f" % (i, cost))
return parameters,n_h



parameters = nn_model(X,Y , n_h = 6, num_iterations=10000, print_cost=True)



def plot_decision_boundary(model, X, y):
    # Set min and max values and give it some padding
    x_min, x_max = X[0, :].min() - 0.25, X[0, :].max() + 0.25
    y_min, y_max = X[1, :].min() - 0.25, X[1, :].max() + 0.25
    h = 0.01
    # Generate a grid of points with distance h between them
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h))
    # Predict the function value for the whole grid
    Z = model(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
    # Plot the contour and training examples
    plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
    plt.scatter(X[0, :], X[1, :], c=y, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict(parameters, x.T), X, Y[0,:])
plt.title("Decision Boundary for hidden layer size " + str(6))
plt.xlabel('Petal Length')
plt.ylabel('Petal Width')






Rohan Joseph,数据科学家
文章原标题《Neural network on iris data》,译者:海棠,审校:Uncle_LLD。