mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

mac os文件创建和编辑

mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

Have you ever used OS X and wondered, what’s the deal with Smart Folders? After all, they’re all over the Finder. So how do they work and, more importantly, how can you make them work for you?

您是否曾经使用过OS X,并想知道智能文件夹的处理方式是什么? 毕竟,它们遍布Finder。 那么它们如何工作,更重要的是,您如何使它们为您工作?

Smart Folders aren’t really folders at all, at least not in the traditional sense. In traditional folders, you place your data in a single location, which is represented by the folder symbol.

智能文件夹根本不是真正的文件夹,至少不是传统意义上的文件夹。 在传统文件夹中,您将数据放在单个位置,该位置由文件夹符号表示。

The upside to this is that it allows you to gather data and files (documents, music, even other folders) into one single place. The downside is that, that may not always be possible. You may have particular file types spread out in several folders across different locations that you can’t move or consolidate.

这样做的好处是可以将数据和文件(文档,音乐甚至其他文件夹)收集到一个位置。 不利之处在于,这并不总是可能的。 您可能会将特定的文件类型散布在无法移动或合并的不同位置的多个文件夹中。

Smart Folders are actually saved searches. Whenever you then “open” that Smart Folder, everything in the search’s criteria will appear as if they’re in the same place. And, since searches are always updated as items are added and removed, Smart Folders are too.

智能文件夹实际上是保存的搜索。 每当您“打开”该智能文件夹时,搜索条件中的所有内容都将显示在同一位置。 而且,由于搜索总是随着项目的添加和删除而更新,因此智能文件夹也是如此。

A Smart Folder is then really a virtual folder, it merely organizes disparate data stores from all over your system but none of it ever has to be touched, let alone moved.


创建一个智能文件夹 (Creating a Smart Folder)

So with that in mind, let’s organize some PDFs located in several locations into one single smart folder.


You create a Smart Folder by clicking on the “File” menu and selecting the option, or using the keyboard combination “Command + Option + N”. This action doesn’t create a folder but rather opens a new tab in Finder.

通过单击“文件”菜单并选择选项,或使用键盘组合“命令+选项+ N”来创建智能文件夹。 该操作不会创建文件夹,而是会在Finder中打开一个新选项卡。

mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

As we said, Smart Folders are simply saved searches. As such, you can build them to encompass everything that you want to organize and keep tabs on. To create this saved search, we follow the same procedure that we lightly touched upon in our earlier Spotlight article.

正如我们所说,智能文件夹只是保存的搜索。 这样,您可以构建它们以包含要组织的所有内容并保持其选项卡不变。 要创建此保存的搜索,我们将遵循我们先前在Spotlight文章中略过的相同过程。

Click the “+” next to “Save” in the upper-right corner of the Finder window.

单击Finder窗口右上角“保存”旁边的“ +”。

mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

Remember, we want this Smart Folder to be all about PDFs. We’ve found that over the years, we’ve collected PDFs and placed them in various locations. To find them all would obviously require a search each and every time, but with a Smart Folder, whenever we open it, we’ll see all our PDFs together.

请记住,我们希望此智能文件夹与PDF有关。 我们发现,多年来,我们已经收集了PDF并将其放置在不同的位置。 要找到它们,显然每次都需要搜索,但是有了智能文件夹,无论何时打开它,我们都会一起看到所有PDF。

When we add criteria then, we’re going to search for file “kind” is “PDF”.

当我们添加条件时,我们将搜索文件“种类”为“ PDF”。

mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据
Any PDFs we add or removed will be reflected in the results.

At this point, we can click “Save” and give our new Smart Folder an appropriate name, then save it where we want, and even add it to the Sidebar.


mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

Now, our Smart Folder (saved search) can be found where we saved it (and on the Sidebar, since we decided to place it there).


mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

You can always go back later and edit your Smart Folder(s), if necessary. The easiest way to do this is to open your “Saved Searches” and then the “Actions” menu.

如有必要,您以后总是可以返回并编辑您的智能文件夹。 最简单的方法是打开“保存的搜索”,然后打开“操作”菜单。

Click “Show Search Criteria” to edit your saved search.


mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

You can add to it by clicking the “+” or remove, by clicking the “-“.

您可以通过单击“ +”将其添加,也可以通过单击“-”将其删除。

mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

For example, let’s say we want our “PDFs” Smart Folder to display our PDFs in the past two years, instead from any time. All we have to do is add criteria by clicking the “+” and specifying the “Created date” as within the last two years.

例如,假设我们希望我们的“ PDF”智能文件夹在过去两年中而不是在任何时间显示PDF。 我们要做的就是通过单击“ +”并指定“创建日期”为最近两年内的条件来添加标准。

mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

If you want to change the name of a saved search, you can just rename your Smart Folder in your saved search folder like you would any normal folder.


You’re not limited to stuff like PDFs of course, you can create Smart Folder folder for images, music, documents, and so on.

当然,您不仅限于PDF之类的东西,还可以为图像,音乐,文档等创建Smart Folder文件夹。

In the following example, we’ve created a simple search for JPGs, GIFs, BMPs, and PNGs using the Boolean operator OR, so we have a saved search for all these image types.


mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

If you’re unsure what we’re talking about when we say “Boolean” then you should definitely check out this article for a quick primer/refresher.


When you start building more and more saved searches, you will want to access them quickly. We recommend placing your “Saved Searches” folder in the Finder Sidebar. That way you’ll have instant access to all your Smart Folders, but you won’t crowd the Sidebar with individual ones.

当您开始建立越来越多的保存的搜索时,您将希望快速访问它们。 我们建议将“保存的搜索”文件夹放置在Finder边栏中。 这样,您将可以立即访问所有智能文件夹,但不会在侧边栏上挤满单个文件夹。

mac os文件创建和编辑_如何在OS X上创建和使用智能文件夹在Mac上组织数据

After awhile, you will have enough searches saved, that you won’t have to look for or locate stuff you need regularly. Plus, whenever you add or remove items that fit within your saved search’s criteria, they will appear or disappear, respectively.

一段时间后,您将保存足够的搜索,而不必定期查找或查找所需的内容。 另外,无论何时添加或删除符合保存的搜索条件的项目,它们都会分别出现或消失。

In this way, you’ll never lose a file be it a document or download because you’ll have your Smart Folder keeping a watchful eye on it. Thus, if you’re a stickler for organization and want to make order from the chaos of your hard drive, using Smart Folders is a a great way to stay on top of things.

这样,您将永远不会丢失文件,无论是文档还是下载文件,因为您将使您的智能文件夹对它保持警惕。 因此,如果您是组织的坚持者,并希望从硬盘驱动器的混乱中进行订购,那么使用智能文件夹是一种掌握一切的好方法。

As always, if you have anything you would like to add, such as a comment or question, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.



mac os文件创建和编辑