mac os使用技巧_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何使Mac OS X变得怪异

mac os使用技巧_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何使Mac OS X变得怪异

mac os使用技巧

mac os使用技巧_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何使Mac OS X变得怪异

Here’s a really stupid geek trick for you Mac users out there: You can make OS X lose its mind when minimizing a window with some quick timing and a terminal command.

这对您的Mac用户来说是一个非常愚蠢的怪胎窍门:当您通过一些快速的定时和终端命令最小化窗口时,可以使OS X失去理智。

This trick was first shown to me a few days ago by our very own Mac guru writer, Alex Layne, but I just finally got around to writing it up for the rest of you. Enjoy!

这个技巧是几天前由我们自己的Mac大师作家Alex Layne首次向我展示的,但是我终于终于可以为其余的人编写它了。 请享用!

使OS X变得怪异 (Make OS X Get Weird)

The trick to getting this to work is to first open up a Terminal window, and then type in killall Dock, but don’t hit enter, and make sure to use a capital letter since this command is case sensitive.

使此功能起作用的技巧是,首先打开一个Terminal窗口,然后键入killall Dock ,但不要按Enter键,并确保使用大写字母,因为此命令区分大小写。

mac os使用技巧_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何使Mac OS X变得怪异

Now flip over to another window, hold down the Shift key and click the minimize button. Note that this will only work if you have the Genie effect enabled for the Dock minimizing.

现在转到另一个窗口,按住Shift键并单击最小化按钮。 请注意,这仅在为最小化Dock启用了Genie效果时才有效。

mac os使用技巧_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何使Mac OS X变得怪异

You’ll need to quickly Cmd+Tab back over to the Terminal window, and then hit the enter key. This will cause the window to stop minimizing halfway through.

您需要快速将Cmd + Tab返回到“终端”窗口,然后按Enter键。 这将导致窗口停止最小化。

mac os使用技巧_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何使Mac OS X变得怪异

The really crazy thing is that you can continue to interact with the window—even browse, or do anything that you’d normally do.


mac os使用技巧_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何使Mac OS X变得怪异

恢复正常 (Put it Back to Normal)

To put the window back to normal, switch over to it, and then use the Minimize command from the menu. The window will minimize like normal, and then you can restore it again.

要使窗口恢复正常,请切换到该窗口,然后使用菜单中的“最小化”命令。 该窗口将像通常一样最小化,然后您可以再次将其还原。

mac os使用技巧_愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何使Mac OS X变得怪异

Naturally, the best way to use this trick is when somebody else leaves their Mac unattended—they will think their computer went insane.



mac os使用技巧