

An operating system is the heart of any computer without which it cannot withstand. It provides all the resources to software, manages the hardware, and implements all standard services for computer programs. In this article, we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an operating system. So let’s get started with the basics.

操作系统是任何计算机无法承受的心脏。 它为软件提供所有资源,管理硬件,并为计算机程序实现所有标准服务。 在本文中,我们将讨论操作系统的优缺点。 因此,让我们从基础开始。

操作系统定义 (Operating System Definition)


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An operating system is a software that controls all the working of computer architecture, including hardware, peripheral devices, and all other components. It takes input from the user, processes the data, and generates output for the same. Besides, it also acts as an interface between the hardware of the system and the user. Moreover, an operating system is designed to perform various tasks such as processing information, arithmetic calculations, task scheduling, memory allocation, and deallocation, etc.

操作系统是控制计算机体系结构的所有工作的软件,包括硬件,外围设备和所有其他组件。 它从用户处获取输入,处理数据并为其生成输出。 此外,它还充当系统硬件和用户之间的接口。 此外,操作系统被设计为执行各种任务,例如处理信息,算术计算,任务调度,内存分配和释放等。

操作系统类型 (Types of Operating Systems)

  • Batch Operating System

  • Time-Sharing Operating System

  • Distributed Operating System

  • Network Operating System

  • Real-Time Operating System


Also Read: Difference between DOS and Windows Operating System

另请阅读: DOS和Windows操作系统之间的区别

操作系统的优缺点 (Advantages and Disadvantages of Operating System)


There are different types of operating systems that have been transformed over time. As each operating system has its benefits and downsides, that’s the reason new operating systems have been developing. Now let’s look at the following advantages and disadvantages of an operating system.

随着时间的推移,已经转换了不同类型的操作系统。 由于每个操作系统都有其优点和缺点,所以这就是开发新操作系统的原因。 现在,让我们看一下操作系统的以下优点和缺点。

优点 (Advantages)

Computing Source


An operating system acts as an interface between the user and the hardware. It allows users to input data, process it, and access the output. Besides, through the operating system, users can communicate with computers to perform various functions such as arithmetic calculations and other significant tasks.

操作系统充当用户和硬件之间的接口。 它允许用户输入数据,处理数据以及访问输出。 此外,通过操作系统,用户可以与计算机通信以执行各种功能,例如算术计算和其他重要任务。

User-Friendly Interface


Windows operating system, when it came into existence, also introduces Graphical User Interface (GUI), which made using computers much more natural than earlier Command Line Interface. Moreover, users can quickly understand, interacts, and communicate with computer machines.

Windows操作系统应运而生,它还引入了图形用户界面(GUI),该图形用户界面使计算机的使用比早期的命令行界面自然得多。 而且,用户可以快速理解,与计算机交互并与之通信。

Resource Sharing


Operating systems allow the sharing of data and useful information with other users via Printers, Modems, Players, and Fax Machines. Besides, a single user can share the same data with multiple users at the corresponding time via mails. Also, various apps, images, and media files can be transferred from PC to other devices with the help of an operating system.

操作系统允许通过打印机,调制解调器,播放器和传真机与其他用户共享数据和有用信息。 此外,单个用户可以在同一时间通过邮件与多个用户共享相同的数据。 此外,借助操作系统,各种应用程序,图像和媒体文件可以从PC传输到其他设备。

No Coding Lines


With the invention of GUI, operating systems allow accessing hardware without writing programs. Unlike, earlier users don’t have to write code of lines to access the hardware functionality of a computer system.

利用GUI的发明,操作系统允许在不编写程序的情况下访问硬件。 与以前的用户不同,早期的用户不必编写行代码即可访问计算机系统的硬件功能。

Safeguard of Data


There’s a lot of user data stored on the computer, and that can only be accessed with the help of an OS. Besides, storing and accessing the data, another important task of an OS is to safely and securely manage the data. For example, Windows Defender in Microsoft Windows detects malicious and harmful files and removes them. Also, it secures your data by storing them with a bit to bit encryption.

计算机上存储了很多用户数据,这些数据只能在OS的帮助下进行访问。 除了存储和访问数据外,操作系统的另一个重要任务是安全地管理数据。 例如,Microsoft Windows中的Windows Defender会检测到恶意和有害文件并将其删除。 此外,它还通过一点一点的加密存储数据来保护您的数据。

Software Update


An operating system is a software which needs to update regularly to control high fleeting features that are continually increasing. With other apps and software hitting updates to improve their functionality, OS must improve their benchmarks and handle all the working of a computer. An OS can easily be updated without any complexity.

操作系统是一种软件,需要定期更新以控制不断增加的高转瞬即逝的功能。 随着其他应用程序和软件的更新以改善其功能,操作系统必须提高其基准并处理计算机的所有工作。 可以轻松更新OS,而无需任何复杂性。



An operating system can handle several tasks simultaneously. It allows users to carry out different tasks at the same point in time.

操作系统可以同时处理多个任务。 它允许用户在同一时间执行不同的任务。

Other Advantages


  • An OS allows installing of different types of apps and run them

  • OS improves work efficiency and saves time by reducing the complexity

  • Also, it helps in reducing the efforts need to access various data

  • Data can be copied, deleted, moved, and restored from the computer system

  • Every system component is independent of each other, so the failure of one system will not affect others


缺点 (Disadvantages)



When compared to the open-source platforms like Linux, some operating systems are costly. While users can use a free OS but generally they are a bit difficult to run than others. Moreover, operating systems such as Microsoft Windows with GUI functionality and other in-built features carry a costly price tag.

与Linux等开放源代码平台相比,某些操作系统的成本很高。 尽管用户可以使用免费的操作系统,但是通常它们比其他操作系统运行起来有点困难。 此外,诸如具有GUI功能和其他内置功能的Microsoft Windows之类的操作系统价格昂贵。

System Failure


If the central operating system fails, it will affect the whole system, and the computer will not work. Moreover, an OS is the heart of a computer system without which it cannot function. If the central system crashes, the whole communication will be halted, and there will be no further processing of data.

如果*操作系统发生故障,它将影响整个系统,并且计算机将无法运行。 而且,OS是计算机系统的心脏,没有它,它将无法运行。 如果*系统崩溃,则整个通信将停止,并且将不再进行数据处理。

Highly Complex


Operating systems are highly complex, and the language which used to establish these OS are not clear and well defined. Besides, if there’s an issue with OS users cannot directly understand, and it cannot be resolved quickly.

操作系统非常复杂,用于建立这些OS的语言尚不清楚且定义不明确。 此外,如果操作系统存在问题,用户将无法直接理解,也无法Swift解决。

Virus Threats


Threats to the operating systems are higher as they are open to such virus attacks. Many users download malicious software packages on their system which halts the functioning of OS and slow it down.

由于它们容易受到此类病毒攻击,因此对操作系统的威胁更高。 许多用户在其系统上下载恶意软件包,这会终止OS的功能并降低其运行速度。



Fragmentation in the computer is a state when storage memory breaks into pieces. Internal fragmentation occurs when the method of process is larger than the memory size. External fragmentation occurs when the method or process eliminates.

当存储内存破碎时,计算机中的碎片便成为一种状态。 当处理方法大于内存大小时,就会发生内部碎片。 当消除方法或过程时,就会发生外部碎片。

So, these are the following advantages and disadvantages of the operating system. If you have any other queries or related doubt, then please let us know in the comment box below.

因此,这些是操作系统的以下优点和缺点。 如果您还有其他疑问或相关疑问,请在下面的评论框中告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2019/12/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-operating-system.html
