初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间


If you’re a new user to Windows 7 Media Center you know it can act as a DVR and pause or record Live TV. You can set up a schedule for it to record your favorite TV programs as well.

如果您是Windows 7 Media Center的新用户,则知道它可以充当DVR并暂停或录制直播电视。 您可以为其设置时间表来录制自己喜欢的电视节目。

安排直播电视录制 (Schedule Live TV Recording)

To setup a schedule to record live broadcast TV shows open WMC and select TV then Guide.


初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

When the guide is displayed browse through it and when you find something you want to record, right-click it and select Record.


初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

Go through the guide and schedule what you want recorded throughout the week. After something is set to be recorded a red record button will appear next to the show.

仔细阅读指南并安排一周中要录制的内容。 设置好要录制的内容后,节目旁边将出现一个红色的录制按钮。

初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

One thing to keep in mind is you can only record one program during a particular time slot if you don’t have multiple tuners on your system. If you try to schedule two shows at the same time you’ll get the following screen. You will need to select the one you really want to record.

要记住的一件事是,如果系统上没有多个调谐器,则只能在特定的时间段内录制一个程序。 如果您尝试同时安排两个节目,则会显示以下屏幕。 您将需要选择一个您真正想要录制的。

If you want to record two channels at the same time you will need a tuner card capable of it such as the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250.

如果要同时录制两个频道,则需要一个具有此功能的调谐卡,例如Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250

初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

删除预定的录像 (Delete Scheduled Recordings)

If you want to edit or delete some scheduled recordings select Recorded TV from the main menu.


初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

This will bring up a list of your recorded programs. To see what you have set to record select View Scheduled.

这将显示您已录制节目的列表。 要查看已设置的记录,请选择“查看预定时间”

初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

This will give you a list of what you have scheduled to be recorded. If you have a lot scheduled you can sort by Date, Title, and Series.

这将为您提供您计划录制的内容的列表。 如果安排了很多时间,则可以按日期,标题和系列进行排序。

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To delete a show from being recorded, right-click on it and select Do not Record.


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That will remove the TV program(s) from the list.


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If you go through and set up a lot of shows to be recorded, you might not be sure which ones to not record. Right-click on the show and select Program Details. This gives you a synopsis displaying what the program is about, if it’s set to record or not, and you can select to not record it, or schedule the entire series to be recorded. This will help you in making your scheduling decisions.

如果您浏览并设置了很多要录制的节目,则可能无法确定哪些节目不录制。 右键单击节目,然后选择“节目详细信息”。 这为您提供了一个概述,显示该程序的内容(如果已设置为录制或不录制),您可以选择不录制它,或安排要录制的整个系列。 这将帮助您制定计划决策。

初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

In the History section you can see all of your previous recording activity, it a show has been recorded or not, or if the recording was cancelled.


初学者java学习计划_初学者:计划在Windows 7 Media Center中录制直播电视的时间

If you’ve never used Windows 7 Media Center to record broadcast TV before, these steps will definitely get you started. If you want more control over the process check out our article on how to remotely schedule and stream recorded TV on Windows 7 Media Center.

如果您以前从未使用Windows 7 Media Center录制广播电视,那么这些步骤肯定会让您入门。 如果您想对过程进行更多控制,请查看我们的文章,该文章如何在Windows 7 Media Center上远程安排和流式播放录制的电视

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/27262/beginner-schedule-times-to-record-live-broadcast-tv-in-windows-7-media-center/
