hulu dpp_如何更改您的Hulu密码

hulu dpp_如何更改您的Hulu密码

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hulu dpp_如何更改您的Hulu密码
AhmadDanialZulhilmi/Shutterstock AhmadDanialZulhilmi / Shutterstock

Keeping your passwords updated is very important, especially for streaming services that have personal information. Thankfully, it’s simple to update your Hulu password, and here’s just how to do that.

保持密码更新非常重要,特别是对于具有个人信息的流服务而言。 幸运的是,更新Hulu密码很简单,这就是操作方法。

Start by visiting Hulu’s desktop website and then select the account icon in the top right-hand corner.

首先访问Hulu的桌面网站 ,然后选择右上角的帐户图标。

hulu dpp_如何更改您的Hulu密码

Once the drop-down menu appears, select the “Account” link.


hulu dpp_如何更改您的Hulu密码

You should now be able to view your account information. Click the “Change Password” link next to your current password within the “Your Account” section.

您现在应该可以查看您的帐户信息。 在“您的帐户”部分中,单击当前密码旁边的“更改密码”链接。

hulu dpp_如何更改您的Hulu密码

The “Change Password” box will pop up. Type in your current password and then enter your new password twice. Ensure that the password is strong and cannot be easily be guessed.

将弹出“更改密码”框。 输入您的当前密码,然后输入两次新密码。 确保密码强度高并且不容易被猜到。

hulu dpp_如何更改您的Hulu密码

When you have the password filled out, select the “Save Changes” button to update your password. You may want to check the box next to “Log Me Out Of Other Computers”, especially if you think an unwanted party has access to your Hulu account.

密码填写完毕后,选择“保存更改”按钮以更新密码。 您可能需要选中“从其他计算机注销我”旁边的框,尤其是当您认为不需要的一方可以访问您的Hulu帐户时。

hulu dpp_如何更改您的Hulu密码

You have now updated your Hulu password. Sign back into your account on any devices that you want to have access to the streaming service.

您现在已经更新了Hulu密码。 在您想要访问流服务的任何设备上重新登录您的帐户。

Now that your password is secure and up-to-date, you can breathe a little easier. Make sure to update any friends or family members that may use your Hulu account. Your service is now secure with a better password, and you can keep on streaming.

现在您的密码是安全的并且是最新的,您可以放心一点。 确保更新任何可能使用您的Hulu帐户的朋友或家人。 现在,您可以使用更好的密码来确保服务安全,并且可以继续进行流式传输。


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