linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

linux usb驱动

linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

If you need to install Windows or Linux and you don’t have access to a CD/DVD drive, a bootable USB drive is the solution. You can boot to the USB drive, using it to run the OS setup program, just like a CD or DVD.

如果您需要安装Windows或Linux,但无权访问CD / DVD驱动器,则可引导USB驱动器是解决方案。 您可以引导至USB驱动器,使用它来运行OS安装程序,就像CD或DVD一样。

We have collected some links to free programs that allow you to easily setup a USB drive to install Windows or Linux on a computer.


NOTE: If you have problems getting the BIOS on your computer to let you boot from a USB drive, see our article about booting from a USB drive even if your BIOS won’t let you.


Windows USB / DVD下载工具 (Windows USB/DVD Download Tool)

Editor’s Note: if you want to create a bootable Windows install USB, this is the tool you should choose.


The Windows USB/DVD Download Tool is an official, freeware tool from Microsoft that allows you to install Windows 7 and Windows 8 and Windows 10 without having to first run an existing operating system on your computer. You can change the boot order of the drives in your computer’s BIOS so the Windows installation on your USB drive runs automatically when you turn on your computer. Please see the documentation for your computer for information about how to access BIOS and change the boot order of drives.

Windows USB / DVD下载工具是Microsoft提供的官方免费软件工具,它使您可以安装Windows 7,Windows 8和Windows 10,而无需先在计算机上运行现有的操作系​​统。 您可以在计算机的BIOS中更改驱动器的启动顺序,以便在打开计算机时USB驱动器上的Windows安装会自动运行。 请参阅您计算机的文档,以获取有关如何访问BIOS和更改驱动器引导顺序的信息。

linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

鲁弗斯 (Rufus)

Rufus is a small, portable program that allows you to create bootable USB drives for Windows and Linux. It also allows you to check the USB device for bad blocks, using up to four passes. Rufus runs in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. You can create bootable USB drives for the listed versions of Windows, as well as almost all popular Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSUSE. It’s our current preferred way to create Linux Live CDs and USB drives.

Rufus是一个小型可移植程序,可让您创建适用于Windows和Linux的可启动USB驱动器。 它还允许您检查USB设备是否有坏块(最多四遍)。 Rufus可以在Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7和Windows 8的32位和64位版本中运行。您可以为列出的Windows版本以及几乎所有流行Linux发行版创建可启动的USB驱动器。 Ubuntu,Kubuntu,Fedora和OpenSUSE。 这是当前创建Linux Live CD和USB驱动器的首选方法

Rufus is very easy to use and the program looks like the default format window shown in Windows when you format a hard disk partition, USB drive, or other external drive.


In addition to Windows and Linux systems, you can also use Rufus to put utilities on USB drives, such as Parted Magic, Ultimate Boot CD, and BartPE.

除了Windows和Linux系统之外,您还可以使用Rufus在USB驱动器上放置实用程序,例如Parted MagicUltimate Boot CDBartPE

linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

UNetbootin (UNetbootin)

UNetbootin is a free program for both Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X that allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions instead of burning a CD. It runs on both Windows and Linux. Either use UNetbootin to download one of the many Linux distributions it supports or provide the location of your own Linux ISO file.

UNetbootin是适用于Windows,Linux和Mac OS X的免费程序,它使您可以为Ubuntu,Fedora和其他Linux发行版创建可启动的Live USB驱动器,而无需刻录CD。 它可以在Windows和Linux上运行。 使用UNetbootin下载它支持的许多Linux发行版之一,或者提供您自己Linux ISO文件的位置。

NOTE: The resulting USB drive is only bootable on PCs, not Macs. In addition, UNetbootin isn’t as reliable as it once was—we now recommend one of the other tools mentioned here, like Rufus.

注意:生成的USB驱动器只能在PC上引导,而不能在Mac上引导。 此外,UNetbootin并不像以前那样可靠—我们现在推荐此处提到的其他工具之一,例如Rufus

linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

Ubuntu启动盘创建器 (Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator)

The Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator allows you to convert a USB flash drive or SD card into a drive from which you can run your Ubuntu system. You don’t have to dedicate the whole drive to the Ubuntu system. You can store other files in the remaining space.

Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator允许您将USB闪存驱动器或SD卡转换为可运行Ubuntu系统的驱动器。 您不必将整个驱动器专用于Ubuntu系统。 您可以将其他文件存储在剩余空间中。

The program also allows you to create a drive for Debian, or any other Debian-based OS for which you have a CD or .iso image.


linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

通用USB安装程序 (Universal USB Installer)

Universal USB Installer is a program that allows you to choose from several Linux distributions to install on a USB flash drive. Select the Linux distribution, provide a location for the appropriate ISO file, select your USB flash drive, and click Create.

通用USB安装程序是一个程序,可让您从多个Linux发行版中进行选择以安装在USB闪存驱动器上。 选择Linux发行版,提供适当ISO文件的位置,选择USB闪存驱动器,然后单击“创建”。

NOTE: The USB flash drive must be formatted as a Fat16, Fat32, or NTFS drive.


linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

WiNToBootic (WiNToBootic)

WiNToBootic is another free tool that allows you to create a bootable USB flash drive for installing Windows 7 or Windows 8. It supports an ISO file, a DVD, or a folder as the boot disk source. It’s a standalone tool that doesn’t require installation and it operates very fast.

WiNToBootic是另一个免费工具,可让您创建用于安装Windows 7或Windows 8的可启动USB闪存驱动器。它支持ISO文件,DVD或文件夹作为启动磁盘源。 这是一个不需要安装的独立工具,并且运行速度非常快。

Note: this tool doesn’t appear to be developed anymore.


linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

Windows可启动映像(WBI)创建器 (Windows Bootable Image (WBI) Creator)

Update: this tool doesn’t seem to exist anymore.


WBI Creator is a free program that allows you to create a bootable ISO image from Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 setup files. It’s a portable tool that’s easy to use. Simply tell the tool where the Windows setup files are and select a target folder for the new ISO file that will get created. Then, you can use one of the other tools mentioned in this article to setup a bootable USB flash drive or CD/DVD for use in setting up a Windows system.

WBI Creator是一个免费程序,可让您从Windows XP,Vista和Windows 7安装文件创建可启动的ISO映像。 这是一种易于使用的便携式工具。 只需告诉该工具Windows设置文件在哪里,然后为将要创建的新ISO文件选择目标文件夹即可。 然后,您可以使用本文提到的其他工具之一来设置可启动的USB闪存驱动器或CD / DVD,以用于设置Windows系统。

linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

WinToFlash (WinToFlash)

Update: we’ve been told by our readers that this application has a lot of adware so we’re removing the link.


WinToFlash is a free, portable tool that allows you to create a bootable USB flash drive from a Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7,  Server 2003, or Server 2008 installation CD or DVD. It will also transfer a Windows pre-install environments (WinPE), which are handy for troubleshooting and repairs, to a USB flash drive. You can even use WinToFlash to create a MSDOS bootable USB drive.

WinToFlash是一个免费的便携式工具,使您可以从Windows XP,Vista,Windows 7,Server 2003或Server 2008安装CD或DVD创建可引导的USB闪存驱动器。 它还会将用于故障排除和维修的Windows预安装环境(WinPE)转移到USB闪存驱动器。 您甚至可以使用WinToFlash创建MSDOS可启动USB驱动器。

linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

XBoot (XBoot)

Update: this tool hasn’t been updated in a very long time.


XBoot is a free utility for creating multiboot USB flash drives or ISO image files. This allows you to combine multiple ISO files (Linux, utilities, and antivirus rescue CDs) onto one USB drive or ISO file, allowing you to create a handy utility drive. Simply drag and drop the ISO files onto the XBoot window and click Create ISO or Create USB.

XBoot是一个免费实用程序,用于创建多重启动USB闪存驱动器或ISO映像文件。 这使您可以将多个ISO文件(Linux,实用程序和防病毒救援CD)组合到一个USB驱动器或ISO文件中,从而可以创建方便的实用程序驱动器。 只需将ISO文件拖放到XBoot窗口中,然后单击“创建ISO”或“创建USB”。

NOTE: XBoot requires .NET Framework 4.0 (Standalone installer or Web installer) to be installed on your system to run.

注意:XBoot需要在系统上安装.NET Framework 4.0(独立安装程序Web安装程序)才能运行。

linux usb驱动_用于创建可启动Windows或Linux USB驱动器的最佳免费工具

If there are any other free tools you’ve found useful for creating bootable USB flash drives, let us know.



linux usb驱动