使用VMware 5.5.3在Ubuntu Edgy上安装VMware Tools

The VMware Workstation 5.5.3 release notes indicate that it includes “Experimental support for Ubuntu Linux 6.10, 32-bit and 64-bit”, which means that you can install the VMware tools directly on Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) without having to compile.

VMware Workstation 5.5.3 发行说明表明它包含“对Ubuntu Linux 6.10(32位和64位)的实验支持”,这意味着您可以直接在Ubuntu 6.10(Edgy Eft)上安装VMware工具。 。

If you are using a version prior to 5.5.3, you will want to follow this guide.


To install the VMware tools, start by choosing “Install VMware tools” from the menu:


使用VMware 5.5.3在Ubuntu Edgy上安装VMware Tools

You will see a new icon on your desktop, and a File Browser window should be opened immediately. If the file browser doesn’t open, just double-click on the cdrom icon.

您将在桌面上看到一个新图标,并且应立即打开“文件浏览器”窗口。 如果文件浏览器没有打开,只需双击cdrom图标。

You will see a file named VMwareTools-5.5.3-xxxxx.tar.gz. Right click it and choose Extract To. Pick a location to extract the files to.

您将看到一个名为VMwareTools-5.5.3-xxxxx.tar.gz的文件。 右键单击它,然后选择“提取到”。 选择一个位置来提取文件。

使用VMware 5.5.3在Ubuntu Edgy上安装VMware Tools

The tools will be extracted into the folder you chose in the previous step:


使用VMware 5.5.3在Ubuntu Edgy上安装VMware Tools

For the next step, you will have to open a terminal window and change directory to the location you extracted the files to. Make sure you are inside the vmware-tools-distrib directory, and then run this command:

对于下一步,您将必须打开终端窗口并将目录更改为将文件提取到的位置。 确保您位于vmware-tools-distrib目录中,然后运行以下命令:

sudo ./vmware-tools.pl


If you have a prior version of the VMware tools installed, you will see this message:


The vmxnet network driver is in use, please stop the network by invoking the command…


You will have to use sudo before the commands instead of the way they are listed in the error message, so run these two commands before re-running the vmware tools install script.


sudo /etc/init.d/networking stopsudo rmmod vmxnet

sudo /etc/init.d/networking停止udo rmmod vmxnet

sudo ./vmware-tools.pl


The installation of vmware tools should proceed smoothly at this point. It’s important after the installation is done to run the following commands:

此时,vmware工具的安装应顺利进行。 完成安装后,请运行以下命令很重要:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking stopsudo rmmod pcnet32sudo rmmod vmxnetsudo depmod -asudo modprobe vmxnetsudo /etc/init.d/networking start

sudo /etc/init.d/networking停止udo rmmod pcnet32sudo rmmod vmxnetsudo depmod -asudo modprobe vmxnetsudo /etc/init.d/networking start

At this point, everything should be back up and running. You’ll probably want to reboot just to make sure everything is going to start back up smoothly.

此时,所有内容都应备份并运行。 您可能需要重新启动,以确保一切都将顺利启动。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-vmware-tools-on-ubuntu-edgy-with-vmware-553/