



If your Mac is suddenly feeling very sluggish and unresponsive, it’s possible that a runaway application is consuming a large percentage of your CPU’s processing power. To find out, we’ll use a built-in macOS utility called Activity Monitor. Here’s how.

如果您的Mac突然感觉很迟钝并且没有响应,则可能是失控的应用程序消耗了CPU大量的处理能力。 为了找出答案,我们将使用一个名为Activity Monitor的内置macOS实用程序。 这是如何做。

First, open “Spotlight” by pressing Command+Space or by clicking the “small magnifying glass” icon in your menu bar.

首先,通过按Command + Space或单击菜单栏中的“小放大镜”图标,打开“ Spotlight”。


When the “Spotlight Search” bar pops up on your screen, type “activity monitor” and hit “Return.” Or you can click the “Activity” icon that appears.

屏幕上弹出“ Spotlight Search”栏时,键入“活动监视器”,然后单击“返回”。 或者,您可以单击出现的“ Activity”图标。


In “Activity Monitor,” you will see a list of all the processes running on your computer. The term “process” is a generic term for any program running on your Mac. This includes both applications you run and silent programs operating in the background that make your computer work properly.

在“活动监视器”中,您将看到计算机上运行的所有进程的列表。 术语“进程”是Mac上运行的任何程序的通用术语。 这包括您运行的应用程序和在后台运行的静默程序,这些程序可以使计算机正常运行。


To see which process is using the most CPU, click the “CPU” tab. Then click the “% CPU” column header until the carat beside it is facing downward. This will rank the processes, from greatest to least, by what percentage of the total CPU processing capacity they are using.

要查看哪个进程使用的CPU最多,请单击“ CPU”选项卡。 然后单击“%CPU”列标题,直到旁边的克拉朝下。 这将按照使用的总CPU处理能力的百分比(从最大到最小)对进程进行排名。


Look for suspiciously high numbers in the “% CPU” column beside one of the entries in the list. Most applications rarely use over 50% CPU unless they are doing something very processor intensive, such as playing a complex game or rendering a video, and you will usually understand why. In that case, it’s best to just wait until the task completes.

在列表中条目之一旁边的“%CPU”列中查找可疑的高数字。 大多数应用程序很少使用超过50%的CPU,除非它们做的是处理器密集型的工作,例如玩复杂的游戏或渲染视频,而且您通常会明白为什么。 在这种情况下,最好等到任务完成。

But if a runaway process is your issue—a program that gets stuck in an unwanted CPU-intensive loop—it should be obvious by looking at the high CPU % listed in Activity Monitor. When you get into the 90% range or above, the odds are high that that process will dramatically slow down your machine.

但是,如果您遇到的问题是流程失控(程序陷入了不必要的CPU密集型循环),则可以通过查看活动监视器中列出的较高CPU%来明显看出这一点。 当您进入90%或更高的范围时,该过程将大大降低您的计算机速度。


At this point, if the process using a large percentage of the CPU is an app, you can try to quit it using the usual methods, such as selecting “Quit” in the File menu or right-clicking its icon in the Dock and selecting “Quit.”


But if the process or app is unresponsive and you would like to force it to close, click the process in the list to select it, then press the “Stop” button, which looks like an octagon with an “X” inside.

但是,如果进程或应用程序无响应,并且您想强制其关闭,请单击列表中的进程以将其选中,然后按“停止”按钮,该按钮看起来像是一个带有“ X”的八边形。


Upon pushing the “Stop” button, a small menu will pop up asking for confirmation. Click “Force Quit.”

按下“停止”按钮后,将弹出一个小菜单,要求您进行确认。 点击“强制退出”。


After that, the problematic app or process will close. If your computer becomes responsive again, then you know that an unresponsive runaway process was the issue.

之后,有问题的应用程序或进程将关闭。 如果您的计算机再次变得敏感,则说明问题出在无响应的失控过程中。

If you keep having repeated CPU issues with the same app, it’s best to try to update the app, which may fix a bug that is causing the problem. You could also try updating macOS, which may fix a bug with a background process or a bug that is affecting how an app runs. It also never hurts to restart your Mac, which can solve a variety of problems. Good luck!

如果同一应用程序反复出现CPU问题,最好尝试更新该应用程序 ,这可能会修复导致该问题的错误。 您也可以尝试更新macOS ,这可能会修复后台进程中的错误或影响应用程序运行的错误。 重新启动Mac也无济于事,它可以解决各种问题 。 祝好运!

