

Nintendo has a dizzying array of different online accounts connected to various services. If you’re setting up a new Switch, here’s what you need to know and how to claim your unique Nintendo Account ID.

任天堂拥有连接到各种服务的令人眼花array乱的不同在线帐户。 如果您要设置新的Switch,这是您需要了解的以及如何索取唯一的Nintendo帐户ID。

任天堂帐户的不同种类及其用途 (The Different Kinds of Nintendo Accounts, and What They Do)

It seems like Nintendo creates a new online account system every few years. If you can’t keep them straight, don’t worry. You’re in good company. Here are the different accounts and IDs, plus what they’re used for:

任天堂似乎每隔几年就会创建一个新的在线帐户系统。 如果您不能使它们笔直,请不要担心。 你陪伴很好以下是不同的帐户和ID,以及它们的用途:

  • Nintendo Account: This is the new account system introduced in March of 2016. You can use this to log in to non-Nintendo devices—for example, signing into Super Mario Run on your smartphone—or the My Nintendo rewards program. This will also be the primary account used on the Nintendo Switch to play online and buy digital game downloads. Your Nintendo Account also has a nickname (mine’s “Eric”, for example) that is used locally to differentiate you from other people that use that Switch.

    Nintendo帐户:这是2016年3月引入的新帐户系统。您可以使用它登录非Nintendo设备(例如,在智能手机上登录Super Mario Run)My Nintendo奖励计划 这也将是Nintendo Switch上用于在线玩和购买数字游戏下载的主要帐户。 您的Nintendo帐户也有一个昵称(例如,我的“ Eric”),该昵称在本地用于将您与使用该Switch的其他人区分开。

  • Nintendo Account User ID: You can think of this like your gamertag on services like Steam, Xbox Live, or PlayStation Network. This is tied to your Nintendo Account, but curiously you don’t have to create an ID when you sign up for a Nintendo Account. Since the company’s been cagey about the Switch’s online capabilities, it’s not clear what this will be used for just yet. But unlike your Nintendo Account’s nickname, your User ID must be unique, so you should claim it while you can, before someone else gets the one you want. Instructions to do so can be found below.

    Nintendo帐户用户ID:您可以在Steam,Xbox Live或PlayStation Network等服务上将其视为您的Gamertag。 这与您的Nintendo帐户相关联,但是奇怪的是,您注册Nintendo帐户时不必创建ID。 由于该公司一直对Switch的在线功能持谨慎态度,因此目前尚不清楚它将用于什么用途。 但是,与您的Nintendo帐户的昵称不同,您的用户ID必须是唯一的,因此您应该在其他人能够获得所需身份的同时,尽可能声明其身份。 有关说明,请参见下文。

  • Nintendo Network ID: This is the account system used on the Wii U and 3DS platforms. It lets you play online and buy games from the eShop. If you already have a Nintendo Network ID, you can link it to your Nintendo Account.

    Nintendo Network ID:这是Wii U和3DS平台上使用的帐户系统。 它使您可以在线玩并从eShop购买游戏。 如果您已经有一个Nintendo网络ID,则可以将其链接到您的Nintendo帐户。

  • My Nintendo: This is a rewards program that you can use to earn points you can redeem for rewards, like discounts on downloadable games. It’s optional, but it’s tied to your Nintendo Account. That means you won’t need yet another login for your console like you did for the old Club Nintendo rewards program.

    我的任天堂:这是一个奖励计划,您可以用来赚取可以兑换奖励的积分,例如可下载游戏的折扣。 它是可选的,但已与您的Nintendo帐户绑定。 这意味着您将不需要像旧版Club Nintendo奖励计划那样再次登录控制台。

  • Friend Codes: These are terrible. Prior to Nintendo Network ID, the only way to connect with someone was to share a random twelve-digit code that was unique to you. A day-one update brings this feature to the Switch. Mercifully, they’re not the only way to add other players on your new console. However, there may be that rare situation where you still need them.

    朋友代码:这很糟糕。 在使用Nintendo Network ID之前,与某人联系的唯一方法是共享一个您独有的随机12位代码。 一日更新将这一功能引入了Switch。 幸运的是,它们并不是在新控制台上添加其他播放器的唯一方法。 但是,在少数情况下,您仍然需要它们。

Yes, this is all very confusing. Nintendo has held a lot of information about their online features back prior to the Switch’s release, which makes it all the more frustrating. The company’s making a big push to overhaul its online services with this console—including a new, paid online gaming service comparable to Xbox Live or PSN coming later this year—so hopefully it won’t always be this confusing. For now, though, there are a few things you should do to get your account ready for your Switch.

是的,这一切都很令人困惑。 在Switch发行之前,任天堂已经保留了许多有关其在线功能的信息,这使它更加令人沮丧。 该公司正在大力推动使用此控制台进行在线服务的全面改革,其中包括今年晚些时候将提供与Xbox Live或PSN相当的新的付费在线游戏服务,因此希望它不会总是造成这种混乱。 不过,目前来说,您应该做一些事情来为您的Switch准备好帐户。

如何声明您的Nintendo帐户用户ID(在其他人之前) (How to Claim Your Nintendo Account User ID (Before Someone Else Does))

Even if you’ve been using your Nintendo Account for a while, you might not have created a unique Nintendo Account User ID. Before you set up your Switch, you should claim the one you want, before someone else does. To get started, head to your account settings page here.

即使您已经使用了一段时间的Nintendo帐户,也可能尚未创建唯一的Nintendo帐户用户ID。 在设置交换机之前,您应该先索取想要的交换机,然后再索取其他证书。 首先,请转到此处的帐户设置页面

Scroll down to User ID and click Edit.



On the next page, re-enter your password and click OK.



Next, create your unique User ID and click Save. Unlike your account’s nickname, this must be unique. You can change it later if you want, but you can only pick a new name that isn’t already in use.

接下来,创建唯一的用户ID,然后单击“保存”。 与您帐户的昵称不同,此名称必须唯一。 以后可以更改它,但只能选择一个尚未使用的新名称。


Your new User ID will now be tied to your Nintendo Account. You can use it to sign into your account instead of your email address.

您的新用户ID现在将绑定到您的Nintendo帐户。 您可以使用它而不是电子邮件地址登录帐户。

如何将您的Nintendo帐户链接到Nintendo网络ID (How to Link Your Nintendo Account to Your Nintendo Network ID)

If you have an old Nintendo Network ID, you might have a bunch of old games and purchases tied to it. Fortunately, you can bring those over to your Nintendo Account—though it’s unclear just yet if that means you’ll be able to download those purchases to your Switch. Regardless, it’s a good idea to connect your two accounts. If you never signed up for a Nintendo Network ID, you can skip to the next section.

如果您有旧的Nintendo Network ID,则可能会有许多旧游戏和相关的购买记录。 幸运的是,您可以将其带入您的Nintendo帐户-尽管目前尚不清楚,是否意味着您可以将这些购买的内容下载到Switch。 无论如何,连接两个帐户是一个好主意。 如果您从未注册过Nintendo Network ID,则可以跳至下一部分。

To merge your accounts, head to your Nintendo Account settings page here. Scroll down to “Linked accounts” and click Edit.

要合并您的帐户,请转到此处的Nintendo帐户设置页面。 向下滚动到“关联的帐户”,然后点击修改。


Click the checkbox next to Nintendo Network ID.

单击Nintendo Network ID旁边的复选框。


On the next page, log into your Nintendo Network ID, then click Sign In.



Your two accounts are now linked. You can now share funds between the two accounts if you have any, or see your purchase history from your Nintendo Account.

您的两个帐户现已关联。 现在,您可以在两个帐户之间共享资金(如果有的话),或者从Nintendo帐户查看购买历史记录。

如何将您的Nintendo帐户添加到新的Nintendo Switch (How to Add Your Nintendo Account to Your New Nintendo Switch)

Once you’ve done both of the above steps, you’re ready to add your account to Switch. When you first set up your console, you should have been instructed to create a User for each person who would be playing on it. To pair your Nintendo Account with your User profile, open the System Settings app from the home screen.

完成上述两个步骤后,就可以将帐户添加到Switch了。 首次设置控制台时,应该已指示您为要在其上玩游戏的每个人创建一个用户。 要将您的Nintendo帐户与用户个人资料配对,请从主屏幕打开“系统设置”应用程序。


Next, scroll to Users on the left side of the screen and press A. Then choose your user profile and press A again.



On your User profile page, choose Link Nintendo Account.



Next, you’ll be asked to either sign into an existing account or create a new one. If you followed the steps in the previous sections, you should already have an account, so choose “Sign In and Link.”

接下来,系统将要求您登录现有帐户或创建一个新帐户。 如果按照前面几节中的步骤进行操作,则应该已经有一个帐户,因此请选择“登录并链接”。


You’ll then be asked to sign into your Nintendo Account using your email address or Nintendo Account User ID. Alternatively, you can sign in using your credentials for social accounts including Google, Facebook, Twitter, or your old Nintendo Network ID. Choose the one you want to use to sign in.

然后,将要求您使用您的电子邮件地址或Nintendo帐户用户ID登录到Nintendo帐户。 或者,您可以使用自己的凭据登录社交帐户,包括Google,Facebook,Twitter或旧的Nintendo Network ID。 选择您要使用的登录帐户。


Enter your login information and select Sign In.



At last, you’ll see a box confirming that your account has been successfully logged in.



If you use Nintendo’s eShop, all your purchases will now be tied to this account. Presumably, you’ll also be able to download games you’ve already purchased, although at launch there aren’t many that are compatible with the Switch.

如果您使用Nintendo的eShop,则所有购买的商品都将与此帐户绑定。 大概,您还可以下载已经购买的游戏,尽管在发行时并没有很多与Switch兼容的游戏。
