c# 先机先出队列_为游戏开发者提供了先机

c# 先机先出队列_为游戏开发者提供了先机

c# 先机先出队列

Catsoft Studios builds essential game creation tools that shave time off production so you can focus your energy where it counts. 

Catsoft Studios构建了重要的游戏创建工具,可以节省生产时间,因此您可以将精力集中在重要的方面。

Every game begins with an idea – a world to build, a compelling game mechanic, a feature that players are bound to fall in love with – but it takes a lot of work to bring that idea into fruition. Catsoft Studios creates tools to help make the journey from idea to playable game a lot smoother. Built around the studio’s core product, Game Creator, this hard-working Unity Asset Store publisher has produced a slew of tools, templates, and systems designed to help you bring your ideas closer to reality. 

每款游戏都从一个想法开始-一个要建立的世界,一个引人注目的游戏机制,一个玩家一定会爱上的功能-但是要使这个想法付诸实践需要大量的工作。 Catsoft Studios创建了一些工具,以帮助使从创意到可玩游戏的旅程更加顺畅。 这位辛勤工作的Unity Asset Store发行商以工作室的核心产品Game Creator为基础,开发了一系列工具,模板和系统,旨在帮助您将想法变为现实。

Game Creator acts as a bridge between game programming and design,” says Marti Nogue Coll, the main force behind Barcelona-based Catsoft Studios, describing the ethos that drives the publisher’s Asset Store offerings. 

总部位于巴塞罗那的 Catsoft Studios 背后的主要力量 Marti Nogue Coll 说: “ 游戏创作者 充当了游戏编程与设计之间的桥梁,”他 描述了推动发行商提供资产商店产品的精神。

“I like to think of the game development cycle as a set of layers. When you create your game from scratch, you start from the lowest level and have to make your way up to the top. Unity gives you a tremendous head start,” he explains. “Game Creator aims to push this even further. When you want a character to move to a certain position, you don’t want to deal with direction vectors, acceleration formulas, lerping between animations or obstacle avoidance. You want to move a character from A to B. That’s what Game Creator is all about: making game development more human-friendly.”

“我喜欢将游戏开发周期视为一组层次。 从头开始创建游戏时,您需要从最低级别开始,然后必须逐步达到*别。 Unity给您带来了巨大的开端,”他解释说。 “ Game Creator旨在进一步推动这一发展。 当您希望角色移动到某个位置时,您不想处理方向矢量,加速度公式,动画之间的束缚或避开障碍物。 您想将角色从A移到B。这就是Game Creator的全部目的:使游戏开发对人类更友好。”

Game Creator is the base, a core package of common, genre-agnostic systems, including cameras, characters, variables, and a high-level visual scripting solution. Modules add and extend these features with gameplay elements from managing inventory to defining melee fight systems to crafting quests. The Stats module helps you to create intricate RPG attribute systems, while the Dialogue add-on is a system for managing complex branching conversations between characters. Each integrates closely with Game Creator to boost developers’ freedom and productivity, and the visual scripting system can be extended with free custom nodes shared on the Game Creator Hub. The Game Creator ecosystem includes features with appeal for game designers as well as developers – really, Marti claims, his tools are for “anyone with a game idea.”

Game Creator是基础,是常见的与体裁无关的系统的核心软件包,其中包括照相机,角色,变量和高级视觉脚本解决方案。 模块通过游戏元素添加和扩展这些功能,从 管理库存定义近战系统制作任务 。 “ 统计” 模块可帮助您创建复杂的RPG属性系统,而“ 对话” 附加组件是一个用于管理角色之间的复杂分支对话的系统。 每个组件都与Game Creator紧密集成,以提高开发人员的*度和生产力,并且可视脚本系统可以通过 Game Creator Hub 上共享的免费自定义节点进行扩展 。 Marti称,Game Creator生态系统包含了吸引游戏设计师和开发人员的功能-实际上,Marti声称,他的工具适用于“具有游戏创意的任何人”。

从长处出发 (Starting from strengths)

As a computer science student based in Barcelona, Marti discovered that he had a flair for creating tools. “I worked on a project where we had to develop an RPG mobile game. We spent almost nine months developing the tools and assets, and only two to flesh out the game,” he says. “The fact that those first nine months were more satisfying than the stressful latter ones was a hint for me that I may enjoy creating tools more than developing fully fledged games.”

作为 住 在巴塞罗那的计算机科学专业的学生, Marti 发现他具有创造工具的天赋。 “我在一个必须开发RPG手机游戏的项目中工作。 我们花了将近9个月的时间开发工具和资产,而只有2个月的时间充实了游戏。”他说。 “前九个月比压力大的那两个月令人满意,这一事实向我暗示,我可能更喜欢开发工具,而不是开发成熟的游戏。”

Marti took advantage of a two-week break between semesters to dig deeper into UDK, RPG Maker, and Cocos 2D, and it was around the same time that he fell in love with Unity. “When I opened Unity 2.6, I fell in love with its simplicity,” he recalls. “A big scene view with an island for me to play with, scripts that get automatically compiled and a clear interface. It simply clicked.”

Marti利用两个学期之间的两周休息时间来深入研究UDK,RPG Maker和Cocos 2D,并且大约在同一时间,他爱上了Unity。 他回忆说:“当我打开Unity 2.6时,我爱上了它的简单性。” “一个大场景视图,上面有一个供我玩耍的小岛,可自动编译脚本并提供清晰的界面。 它只是单击。”

From there, the shift toward developing creator tools for the Asset Store felt natural. Marti has observed that many programmers who work on games are constrained by tight deadlines that don’t leave them enough time to build great tools for their own workflow – instead, they’re often forced to create things that just barely get the job done. “Focusing on Game Creator makes this work the other way around,” he explains, “putting all the effort into the tools, and, from time to time, testing them by joining a game jam.”

从那里开始,转向为Asset Store开发创作者工具的转变自然而然。 马蒂(Marti)观察到,许多从事游戏的程序员受时间紧迫的束缚,他们没有足够的时间为自己的工作流程构建出色的工具,相反,他们常常*创建几乎无法完成工作的东西。 他解释说:“专注于Game Creator会使这项工作反其道而行之,将所有精力投入工具中,并不时通过加入游戏果酱来对其进行测试。”

在资源商店中激发灵感 (Inspiring and being inspired on the Asset Store )

Catsoft Studios currently has eight packages on the Asset Store, but Marti says that he uses assets in his own dev process as well. “The Asset Store is a place full of hidden gems and well-known top-notch products,” he says, citing UMotion Pro animation editor and the wide-ranging suite of Synty Studios art asset packages among his go-to resources. 

Catsoft Studios目前在Asset Store上有八个软件包,但是Marti说他也在自己的开发过程中使用资产。 他说:“资产商店到处都是隐藏的宝石和知名的*产品。”他引用 UMotion Pro 动画编辑器和广泛的 Synty Studios 艺术资产 套件套件作为 参考 资源。

He’s fueled by the collaborative energy and collegial spirit of the Asset Store community, which helps him to refine his tools to better serve the game developers who use Game Creator and its modules. “So far, it’s like a dream job,” he says. “Game developers are very passionate about making games. This means that when someone sends you an email, it’s because they genuinely want to know something, not because their boss told them to ask.”

Asset Store社区的协作精神和协作精神使他倍受鼓舞,这有助于他完善工具,以更好地为使用Game Creator及其模块的游戏开发人员提供服务。 他说:“到目前为止,这就像梦dream以求的工作。” “游戏开发人员非常热衷于制作游戏。 这意味着当有人向您发送电子邮件时,这是因为他们确实想知道一些事情,而不是因为老板告诉他们要问。

Looking forward, Catsoft Studios is working on a new module called Traversal, which he plans to follow up with a “research phase” exploring how best to create assets that harness the latest Unity features like polymorphic serialization, DOTS, and the UI Toolkit, among others. 

展望未来,Catsoft Studios正在开发一个名为Traversal的新模块,他计划在其后续的“研究阶段”中探索如何最有效地利用最新的Unity功能(例如多态序列化,DOTS和UI Toolkit)创建资产。其他。

For Marti, publishing on the Asset Store creates a virtuous cycle of creativity – developers use the tools he creates to fuel their projects, while engaging with customers encourages Marti to keep pushing the envelope on what he creates for them. 

对于Marti而言,在Asset Store上进行发布会创造一个创造力的良性循环–开发人员使用他创造的工具来推动其项目发展,同时 与客户 互动会鼓励Marti继续努力为自己创造的东西。

“Most users usually have a very clear idea of the game they want to make and are excited about developing them,” says Marti. “Talking and discussing ideas is a blast of good energy and excitement, which boosts our motivation to continue further developing better tools.”

“大多数用户通常对他们想要制作的游戏有非常清晰的想法,并且对开发它们感到兴奋,” Marti说。 “讨论和讨论想法是充满活力和激情的爆发,这激发了我们继续进一步开发更好的工具的动力。”

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/05/25/giving-game-developers-a-head-start/

c# 先机先出队列