如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

If you’ve been using VirtualBox to run virtual machines and you want to switch to Parallels Desktop for Mac, you can convert your VirtualBox virtual machines to Parallels—whether you’re using VirtualBox in Windows, Linux, or macOS.

如果您一直使用VirtualBox运行虚拟机,并且想要切换到Mac的Parallels Desktop ,则可以将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Parallels(无论您是在Windows,Linux还是macOS中使用VirtualBox)。

VirtualBox provides a free, bare-bones way of using virtual machines on your Mac. However, Parallels is easier to use and more integrated with macOS than VirtualBox. It’s easier to transfer files between your VMs and the host macOS system, and Parallels even lets you run Windows programs directly from the macOS dock, if you choose to.

VirtualBox提供了一种在Mac上使用虚拟机的免费的准系统方法。 但是,与VirtualBox相比,Parallels更易于使用,并且与macOS集成程度更高。 在虚拟机和主机macOS系统之间传输文件更加容易,并且Parallels甚至允许您直接从macOS扩展坞运行Windows程序(如果选择)。

If you want to migrate your virtual machine, here’s what you need to do.


步骤1:创建VirtualBox虚拟机的克隆 (Step One: Create a Clone of the VirtualBox Virtual Machine)

First, we’ll create a clone of the virtual machine you want to convert to Parallels. To do this, open VirtualBox (on Windows, Linux, or Mac) and select the virtual machine to be cloned. Right-click on the virtual machine and select “Clone” from the popup menu. You can also press Ctrl+O.

首先,我们将创建要转换为Parallels的虚拟机的克隆。 为此,请打开VirtualBox(在Windows,Linux或Mac上),然后选择要克隆的虚拟机。 右键单击虚拟机,然后从弹出菜单中选择“克隆”。 您也可以按Ctrl + O。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

The Clone Virtual Machine dialog box displays. On the New Machine Name screen, VirtualBox automatically enters the name of the virtual machine in the box and adds “Clone” to the end. If you want to assign a different name to the cloned virtual machine, enter it in the box. We accepted the default name. Click “Next”.

将显示“克隆虚拟机”对话框。 在“新计算机名称”屏幕上,VirtualBox会在框中自动输入虚拟机的名称,并在末尾添加“克隆”。 如果要为克隆的虚拟机分配其他名称,请在框中输入名称。 我们接受了默认名称。 点击下一步”。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

On the Clone type screen, make sure “Full clone” is selected. This makes the cloned virtual machine independent of the original and allows you to move it to a different computer, if needed. Click “Next”.

在“克隆类型”屏幕上,确保选择“完全克隆”。 这使克隆的虚拟机独立于原始虚拟机,并允许您在需要时将其移动到另一台计算机。 点击下一步”。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

Make sure “Current machine state” is selected on the Snapshots screen. This is important because Parallels cannot open virtual machines from VirtualBox with snapshots. Click “Clone”.

确保在“快照”屏幕上选择了“当前计算机状态”。 这很重要,因为Parallels无法使用快照从VirtualBox打开虚拟机。 点击“克隆”。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

A dialog box displays the progress of the cloning process. This may take a while, depending on how big your virtual machine’s hard drive is and how many snapshots you have that need to be merged.

对话框显示克隆过程的进度。 这可能需要一段时间,具体取决于虚拟机的硬盘驱动器大小以及需要合并的快照数量。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

第二步:在克隆的虚拟机中卸载VirtualBox Guest Additions (Step Two: Uninstall the VirtualBox Guest Additions in the Cloned Virtual Machine)

Once the cloning process is complete, we need to uninstall the VirtualBox Guest Additions in the cloned virtual machine. To do this, select the cloned virtual machine in the list on the main VirtualBox Manager window and click “Start” or press Enter.

克隆过程完成后,我们需要在克隆的虚拟机中卸载VirtualBox Guest Additions。 为此,请在VirtualBox Manager主窗口的列表中选择克隆的虚拟机,然后单击“开始”或按Enter。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

Use the standard procedure in the guest operating system to uninstall the “Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions” program. For example, in Windows 7, we open “Programs and Features” in the Control Panel, select “Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions 5.1.12” and click “Uninstall/Change”.

使用来宾操作系统中的标准过程来卸载“ Oracle VM VirtualBox来宾添加”程序。 例如,在Windows 7中,我们在控制面板中打开“程序和功能”,选择“ Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions 5.1.12”,然后单击“卸载/更改”。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

第三步:关闭并转移克隆的虚拟机 (Step Three: Shut Down and Transfer the Cloned Virtual Machine)

Shut down (do not sleep or hibernate) the cloned virtual machine using the standard method for your guest operating system.


如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

If your cloned virtual machine is on a Windows PC or a different Mac, you’ll need to transfer the virtual machine. You’ll find the folder for the virtual machine in the default machine location. If you’re not sure where this is, you can find out by going to File > Preferences on the main VirtualBox Manager window.

如果克隆的虚拟机在Windows PC或其他Mac上,则需要转移虚拟机。 您将在默认计算机位置找到虚拟机的文件夹。 如果不确定该在哪里,可以通过在VirtualBox Manager主窗口中转到“文件”>“首选项”来查找。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

You’ll find the path to the Default Machine Folder on the General screen. Make a note of the path and then click “OK” or “Cancel” to close the dialog box.

您将在“常规”屏幕上找到“默认计算机文件夹”的路径。 记下路径,然后单击“确定”或“取消”以关闭对话框。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

Head to that folder, select the folder for your cloned virtual machine, and copy that folder to your Mac (using a flash drive or some other means). It doesn’t matter where you paste the virtual machine folder. Parallels will handle creating the converted virtual machine in the correct place.

转到该文件夹​​,选择要克隆的虚拟机的文件夹,然后将该文件夹复制到Mac(使用闪存驱动器或其他方式)。 粘贴虚拟机文件夹的位置无关紧要。 Parallels将在正确的位置创建转换后的虚拟机。

第四步:在Parallels Desktop for Mac中打开并转换.vbox文件 (Step Four: Open and Convert the .vbox File in Parallels Desktop for Mac)

On your Mac, open Parallels Desktop and go to File > Open.

在Mac上,打开Parallels Desktop,然后转到文件>打开。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

Navigate to the folder into which you copied the cloned virtual machine folder, select the .vbox file and click “Open”.


如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

On the Name and Location dialog box, the name of the is set, by default, to the name of the cloned virtual machine. If you want to change the name, edit the text in the “Name” box. We took “Clone” off of the name. The default virtual machines folder is selected as the “Location”. You can change that if you want, but we recommend allowing Parallels to create the virtual machine in the same location as other virtual machines. If you want an alias on the desktop for quickly accessing the virtual machine, check the “Create alias on the desktop” box. Click “Continue”.

在“名称和位置”对话框上,默认情况下将的名称设置为克隆的虚拟机的名称。 如果要更改名称,请在“名称”框中编辑文本。 我们取消了“克隆”的名称。 默认虚拟机文件夹被选为“位置”。 您可以根据需要进行更改,但是我们建议允许Parallels在与其他虚拟机相同的位置创建虚拟机。 如果要在桌面上使用别名以快速访问虚拟机,请选中“在桌面上创建别名”框。 点击“继续”。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

Parallels starts converting the virtual machine.


如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

While the virtual machine is being upgraded, you’ll see that both the original cloned virtual machine a and the converted virtual machine are added to the Control Center.


You can remove the original cloned virtual machine by right-clicking on it and selecting Remove from the popup menu.


如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

Then, the Parallels Tools are installed.

然后,安装了Parallels Tools。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

When all that is done, a message displays saying your virtual machine has been successfully configured. Click “OK”.

完成所有操作后,将显示一条消息,说明您的虚拟机已成功配置。 点击“确定”。

如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

The virtual machine automatically starts and you can log into your account in the guest operating system and begin working with your virtual machine.


如何将VirtualBox虚拟机转换为Mac的Parallels Desktop

If you converted a Windows virtual machine that was on a different computer, you will have to either call to activate the converted virtual machine or enter a new license key. This is because the Windows detects new hardware, so even though it’s the same virtual machine, Windows thinks it’s a new installation of the operating system. You can search for “windows activation” on the Start menu (Windows 7), Search box on the Taskbar (Windows 10), or on the Start screen (Windows 8) for more information about activating the Windows system in this virtual machine.

如果转换了另一台计算机上的Windows虚拟机,则必须调用以**转换后的虚拟机或输入新的许可证**。 这是因为Windows检测到新硬件,因此即使它是同一台虚拟机,Windows也会认为这是操作系统的新安装。 您可以在“开始”菜单(Windows 7),任务栏(Windows 10)或“开始”屏幕(Windows 8)的“搜索”框中搜索“ Windows**”,以获取有关在此虚拟机中**Windows系统的更多信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/288802/how-to-convert-a-virtualbox-virtual-machine-to-parallels-desktop-for-mac/