



Word features a few built-in ways to change up your headers and footers in a document. For example, you can pretty easily have different headers and footers for odd and even pages, or you can have a different header and footer on the first page. To go beyond that, you’ll need to create multiple sections in your document, and learn how to link and unlink headers and footers from the preceding section.

Word具有一些内置的方式来更改文档中的页眉和页脚。 例如,您可以很容易地为奇数页和偶数页设置不同的页眉和页脚,或者在第一页上具有不同的页眉和页脚。 除此之外,您需要在文档中创建多个部分,并学习如何链接和取消链接上一节中的页眉和页脚。

For demonstration purposes, we’ve created a simple document that uses a plain text header with the words “How-To Geek” and a plain text footer with a page number (like in the image at the top of the article).

为了演示,我们创建了一个简单的文档,该文档使用带有“ How-To Geek”字样的纯文本标题和带有页码的纯文本页脚(如本文顶部的图片所示)。

Note: We’re using Word 2016 for our examples in this article, but the techniques we’re talking about apply to pretty much any version of Word.

注意:本文中的示例将使用Word 2016,但我们讨论的技术几乎适用于任何版本的Word。

在首页上创建不同的页眉和页脚 (Create a Different Header and Footer on the First Page)

One typical document convention is having a different header and footer on the first page of a document than shows up in the rest of the document. Perhaps you have a title page where you want no header or footer at all. Or, perhaps you want the first page footer to show some official disclaimer text for your company, and the footer in the rest of the document to show page numbers. Whatever your reason, Word makes this easy.

一种典型的文档约定是,文档首页上的页眉和页脚与文档其余部分中显示的页眉和页脚不同。 也许您有一个标题页,根本不需要页眉或页脚。 或者,也许您希望首页的页脚显示公司的某些正式免责声明文本,而文档其余部分的页脚显示页码。 无论您出于什么原因,Word都使此操作变得容易。

First, double-click anywhere in either the header or footer region of a page to make those regions active.



The header/footer region becomes active and you’ll see a new “Design” tab show up on your Ribbon with controls for dealing with headers and footers. On that tab, select the “Different First Page” option.

页眉/页脚区域变为活动状态,并且您会在功能区上看到一个新的“设计”选项卡,其中包含用于处理页眉和页脚的控件。 在该选项卡上,选择“首页不同”选项。


When you select that option, any text already in the header and footer on the first page is deleted. Also note that the name of the areas on the first page change to “First Page Header” and “First Page Footer.” You can leave them blank, or you can fill the spaces with other text that will not impact the headers and footers on subsequent pages at all.

当您选择该选项时,首页上页眉和页脚中已经存在的所有文本都会被删除。 另请注意,首页上区域的名称将更改为“首页标题”和“首页页脚”。 您可以将它们保留为空白,或者可以用其他文本填充这些空格,而这些文本根本不会影响后续页面的页眉和页脚。


在奇数页和偶数页上创建不同的页眉和页脚 (Create Different Headers and Footers on Odd and Even Pages)

Word also has a built-in option for creating different headers and footers for odd and even pages. By far, the most common use of this feature is to have page numbers appear at the outer edges of facing pages—the way you see it done in most books.

Word还具有一个内置选项,可为奇数和偶数页面创建不同的页眉和页脚。 到目前为止,此功能最常见的用途是使页码出现在面对的页面的外边缘上,就像您在大多数书籍中看到的那样。


To do this, double-click anywhere in either the header or footer region of a page to make those regions active.



The header/footer region becomes active and you’ll see a new “Design” tab show up on your Ribbon with controls for dealing with headers and footers. On that tab, select the “Different Odd & Even Pages” option.

页眉/页脚区域变为活动状态,并且您会在功能区上看到一个新的“设计”选项卡,其中包含用于处理页眉和页脚的控件。 在该选项卡上,选择“奇数页和偶数页”选项。


When you select that option, anything you have in the footers of even numbered pages is deleted. You can then put anything you want there, and align it however you like.

选择该选项时,偶数页的页脚中的所有内容都会被删除。 然后,您可以在其中放置任何所需的东西,并根据需要进行对齐。

为文档的不同部分创建不同的页眉和页脚 (Create Different Headers and Footers for Different Sections of Your Document)

Unfortunately, that’s where the easy control of headers and footers in Word ends. If you want to change headers and footers within the document any more than we’ve already covered, you’ll have to break your document into sections. There are all kinds of reasons you might want to do this. For example:

不幸的是,这就是在Word中轻松控制页眉和页脚的地方。 如果要更改文档中的页眉和页脚超出我们已经介绍的范围,则必须将文档分为几部分。 您可能有多种原因要执行此操作。 例如:

  • You have some graphics or spreadsheets in your document that you want on landscape-oriented pages, when the rest of the document is portrait-oriented. You still want the headers and footers at the vertical top and bottom of the pages, though.

    当文档的其余部分都是纵向的时,您需要在横向页面上的文档中有一些图形或电子表格。 不过,您仍然希望页眉和页脚位于页面的垂直顶部和底部。
  • You’re creating a long document with multiple chapters and don’t want headers and footers (or want them to look different) on the title pages of each chapter.

  • You want to number some pages differently. For example, maybe you want your introduction and table of contents pages numbered with Roman numerals, but the main text of your document numbered with Arabic numerals.

    您想对某些页面进行不同的编号。 例如,也许您希望您的简介页和目录页使用罗马数字编号,但是文档的正文使用阿拉伯数字编号。

Whatever your reasons, the trick is to create different sections where you want the headers and footers to look different. Personally, I find it easiest to think about the document ahead of time and create all the sections I need before I start populating the document. This often prevents the weird layout glitches you can get (and then have to resolve) when sectioning an already full document. That said, you can still create sections in an existing document, and the process is the same.

无论出于何种原因,诀窍都是在希望页眉和页脚看起来不同的地方创建不同的部分。 就个人而言,我发现最容易提前考虑文档并创建我需要的所有部分,然后再开始填充文档。 这通常可以防止在剖切已满的文档时会出现(然后必须解决)怪异的布局故障。 也就是说,您仍然可以在现有文档中创建节,并且过程相同。

Place your cursor wherever you want to create a section break (typically this will be at the end of a page), and then switch to the “Layout” tab on the Ribbon. Click the “Breaks” button, and then choose the type of break you want. Usually, this is going to be a page break, so that’s what we’re using here.

将光标放在要创建分节符的位置(通常在页面末尾),然后切换到功能区上的“布局”选项卡。 单击“中断”按钮,然后选择所需的中断类型。 通常,这将是一个分页符,因此我们在这里使用。


Now, double-click the header or footer area on the page after the break you inserted. On the “Design” tab of the Ribbon, click the “Link to Previous” button to turn that option off. This breaks the link between the header or footer (whatever you have selected) of this section and the previous section. If you want to break the link for both the header and footer, you’ll need to do each one in turn this way.

现在,插入分隔符,双击页面上的页眉或页脚区域。 在功能区的“设计”选项卡上,单击“链接到上一个”按钮以关闭该选项。 这将中断本节的页眉或页脚(无论选择了什么)与上一节之间的链接。 如果您想同时断开页眉和页脚的链接,则需要按此顺序依次进行操作。


Unlinking does not delete any existing text or images in the header or footer. You can remove, modify, or replace what’s already in your header or footer, and your changes will not impact the headers and footers in the previous section.

取消链接不会删除页眉或页脚中的任何现有文本或图像。 您可以删除,修改或替换页眉或页脚中已存在的内容,并且所做的更改不会影响上一节中的页眉和页脚。

If you decide to reestablish a link to a previous sections header or footer, though, that action is destructive. When you relink sections, the header and footer in the active section is removed and replaced with whatever’s in the previous section. To do it, just double-click the header or footer on the page after the break. On the “Design” tab of the Ribbon, click the “Link to Previous” button to turn that option back on.

但是,如果您决定重新建立到前面各节的页眉或页脚的链接,则该操作将具有破坏性。 重新链接节时,活动节中的页眉和页脚将被删除,并替换为上节中的内容。 为此,只需在中断后双击页面上的页眉或页脚即可。 在功能区的“设计”选项卡上,单击“链接到上一个”按钮以重新启用该选项。


Word warns you that you’ll be deleting the current header or footer, and replacing it with the header or footer from the previous section. Click “Yes” to make it happen.

Word警告您,您将删除当前的页眉或页脚,并将其替换为上一节中的页眉或页脚。 单击“是”以使其实现。


And just like that, your header or footer is reconnected to the previous section. Just remember that you’ll have to link or unlink both the header and footer as separate actions.

就像这样,您的页眉或页脚将重新连接到上一节。 请记住,您必须同时链接或取消链接页眉和页脚作为单独的操作。

