


时间序列-编程语言 (Time Series - Programming Languages)


A basic understanding of any programming language is essential for a user to work with or develop machine learning problems. A list of preferred programming languages for anyone who wants to work on machine learning is given below −

对任何编程语言的基本理解对于用户处理或发展机器学习问题都是必不可少的。 下面列出了想要从事机器学习的任何人的首选编程语言列表-

Python (Python)

It is a high-level interpreted programming language, fast and easy to code. Python can follow either procedural or object-oriented programming paradigms. The presence of a variety of libraries makes implementation of complicated procedures simpler. In this tutorial, we will be coding in Python and the corresponding libraries useful for time series modelling will be discussed in the upcoming chapters.

它是一种高级解释型编程语言,可以快速,轻松地编写代码。 Python可以遵循过程式或面向对象的编程范例。 各种库的存在使复杂过程的实现更加简单。 在本教程中,我们将使用Python进行编码,并将在接下来的章节中讨论对时间序列建模有用的相应库。

[R (R)

Similar to Python, R is an interpreted multi-paradigm language, which supports statistical computing and graphics. The variety of packages makes it easier to implement machine learning modelling in R.

与Python相似,R是一种解释型多范式语言,支持统计计算和图形。 各种软件包使在R中更容易实现机器学习建模。

Java (Java)

It is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, which is widely famous for a large range of package availability and sophisticated data visualization techniques.


C / C ++ (C/C++)

These are compiled languages, and two of the oldest programming languages. These languages are often preferred to incorporate ML capabilities in the already existing applications as they allow you to customize the implementation of ML algorithms easily.

这些是编译语言,也是两种最古老的编程语言。 通常首选使用这些语言将ML功能集成到现有应用程序中,因为它们使您可以轻松自定义ML算法的实现。


MATrix LABoratory is a multi-paradigm language which gives functioning to work with matrices. It allows mathematical operations for complex problems. It is primarily used for numerical operations but some packages also allow the graphical multi-domain simulation and model-based design.

MATrix LABoratory是一种多范式语言,可为使用矩阵提供功能。 它允许对复杂问题进行数学运算。 它主要用于数值运算,但某些软件包还允许图形化多域仿真和基于模型的设计。

Other preferred programming languages for machine learning problems include JavaScript, LISP, Prolog, SQL, Scala, Julia, SAS etc.



翻译自: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/time_series/time_series_programming_languages.htm
