微软edge如何退出登录_如何在Microsoft Edge中为以后设置选项卡

微软edge如何退出登录_如何在Microsoft Edge中为以后设置选项卡


微软edge如何退出登录_如何在Microsoft Edge中为以后设置选项卡

Windows 10’s Creators Update brings a number of improvements to Microsoft Edge—mostly in the areas of responsiveness and security. It also includes some new tab management features, like being able to set aside tabs for later.

Windows 10的创作者更新对Microsoft Edge进行了许多改进,主要是在响应性和安全性方面。 它还包括一些新的标签管理功能,例如能够为以后预留标签。

RELATED: What's New in Windows 10's Creators Update

相关文章 Windows 10创建者更新中的新增功能

If you’re like us, you often  find yourself with a bunch of open tabs. You’d like to get those tabs out of the way sometimes, but they’re maybe not worth saving as actual bookmarks. Edge now lets you set tabs aside in a sort of temporary workspace so that you can call them back up later.

如果您像我们一样,通常会发现自己有一堆打开的标签。 您有时可能希望不使用这些标签,但不值得将它们另存为实际书签。 Edge现在允许您在某种临时工作区中放置选项卡,以便以后可以将其备份。

In Edge—and with some tabs open—you just have to click the button directly to the left of your open tabs. This is an all-or-nothing affair. You cannot set aside individual tabs; you have to set aside all open tabs in the window. You can, however, set aside all your tabs and then selectively reopen just the tabs you want. We’ll get to that in just a minute.

在Edge中-并打开一些选项卡-只需单击打开的选项卡左侧的按钮即可。 这是全有或全无的事情。 您不能留出单独的标签; 您必须预留窗口中所有打开的标签页。 但是,您可以将所有选项卡放在一边,然后有选择地仅重新打开所需的选项卡。 我们将在一分钟内解决这个问题。

微软edge如何退出登录_如何在Microsoft Edge中为以后设置选项卡

Note that after clicking the button, all the open tabs disappear. To see the tabs you’ve set aside, click the “Tabs” button at the far left.

请注意,单击按钮后,所有打开的选项卡均消失。 要查看已保留的标签,请点击最左侧的“标签”按钮。

微软edge如何退出登录_如何在Microsoft Edge中为以后设置选项卡

Tabs that you’ve set aside are organized by when you set them aside. You won’t see any exact dates here. It’s just very general categories like “just now,” “last week,” and “last month.”

搁置的选项卡按搁置的时间进行组织。 您在这里看不到确切的日期。 只是“现在”,“上周”和“上个月”等非常笼统的类别。

Click any tab’s thumbnail to re-open it. Tabs you reopen will disappear from the list of tabs you’ve set aside. Click “Restore tabs” to restore all the tabs for that time period. Click the “X” to delete the tabs from a time period.

单击任何选项卡的缩略图以重新打开它。 重新打开的标签会从您保留的标签列表中消失。 单击“还原选项卡”以还原该时间段内的所有选项卡。 单击“ X”从一个时间段删除选项卡。

微软edge如何退出登录_如何在Microsoft Edge中为以后设置选项卡

You can also click the “More” button (the ellipsis) to add a group of tabs to your favorites or to share those tabs with whatever apps or services you’ve set up for sharing.


微软edge如何退出登录_如何在Microsoft Edge中为以后设置选项卡

It’s a pretty simple tab management system and there are some really basic things missing. You can’t search tabs you’ve set aside. You can only browse tabs by the general times you set them aside. The options for working with individual tabs instead of groups are limited. But if you really just need to get some tabs out of the way for a while so you can focus on particular task, this new feature works well enough.

这是一个非常简单的标签管理系统,确实缺少一些基本的东西。 您无法搜索已预留的标签页。 您只能按通常的时间浏览标签页。 用于处理单个选项卡而非组的选项受到限制。 但是,如果您真的只需要暂时删除一些标签,以便专注于特定任务,那么此新功能就足够好了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/303544/how-to-set-tabs-aside-for-later-in-microsoft-edge/
