Ubuntu和centos下Codeblocks 配置 mysql


 进入 project  ------>  build options
        a. compiler settings tab -------> other options: 添加 `mysql_config --cflags`  (此处非单引号,而是反点,在Tab键的上面一个按键)
        b. linker settings tab -> other options:  添加 `mysql_config --libs`
        to get codecompletion you probably need to add the include dir to your project

        c. search directories tab -> compiler:  添加 /usr/include/mysql

Ubuntu和centos下Codeblocks 配置 mysql

Ubuntu和centos下Codeblocks 配置 mysql

Ubuntu和centos下Codeblocks 配置 mysql


Ubuntu和centos下Codeblocks 配置 mysql