加载项inprivate_如何在Internet Explorer的Metro版本中打开InPrivate选项卡

加载项inprivate_如何在Internet Explorer的Metro版本中打开InPrivate选项卡


加载项inprivate_如何在Internet Explorer的Metro版本中打开InPrivate选项卡

Internet Explorer has a secret mode called InPrivate which is pretty much the same as Chrome’s incognito mode. It can be accessed on the desktop by right-clicking on the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar, but how do you open an InPrivate tab in the Metro IE? Read on to find out.

Internet Explorer具有一个称为InPrivate的秘密模式,该模式与Chrome的隐身模式几乎相同。 可以通过右键单击任务栏上的Internet Explorer图标在桌面上对其进行访问,但是如何在Metro IE中打开InPrivate选项卡? 请仔细阅读,找出答案。

在Metro Internet Explorer中打开InPrivate选项卡 (Opening an InPrivate Tab in the Metro Internet Explorer)

Press the Windows key to switch over to the Metro Start screen and open Internet Explorer.

按Windows键切换到Metro Start屏幕并打开Internet Explorer。

加载项inprivate_如何在Internet Explorer的Metro版本中打开InPrivate选项卡

Now right-click anywhere on the screen, and then click on the Tab tools button that appears in the top right-hand corner.


加载项inprivate_如何在Internet Explorer的Metro版本中打开InPrivate选项卡

From here you can open a new InPrivate tab.


加载项inprivate_如何在Internet Explorer的Metro版本中打开InPrivate选项卡

When the tab opens you will immediately see that InPrivate has been activated on this tab.


加载项inprivate_如何在Internet Explorer的Metro版本中打开InPrivate选项卡

If you ever need to see which tabs have InPrivate activated just right-click anywhere on the screen and look for InPrivate at the bottom of your open tabs.


加载项inprivate_如何在Internet Explorer的Metro版本中打开InPrivate选项卡

That’s all there is to it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/123550/how-to-open-an-inprivate-tab-in-the-metro-version-of-internet-explorer/
