sdr 收听广播_产品管理的50个最佳阅读,收听和观看资源

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You want it all, you want it now. But it will surely take some time to make you a product management guru. This post contains a set of relevant resources about product management for those who prefer to read, listen and watch.
您想要全部,现在想要。 但是,要使您成为产品管理专家肯定会花费一些时间。 这篇文章包含了一组有关产品管理的相关资源,供那些喜欢阅读,收听和观看的人使用。
sdr 收听广播_产品管理的50个最佳阅读,收听和观看资源

Bruce Lee

You may take advantage of this collection and dedicate about 30 minutes every day to study every link, working your own way through the whole collection. Once you act this way, you will definitely have a deep understanding of the project manager role and what it takes to be a great professional.
您可以利用此集合,每天花费大约30分钟研究每个链接,并按照自己的方式遍历整个集合。 一旦采取这种行动,您肯定会对项目经理的角色以及成为一名出色的专业人员所需要的知识有深刻的了解。
Studying all the resources proposed below, you'll get more about:
  • Product management fundamentals that cover what product management is, what the PM role entails, what skills and professional product management software you need to succeed.


  • Product vision. A compelling vision demonstrates how the world will positively change if you succeed.

    产品愿景 。 令人信服的愿景表明,如果您成功了,世界将如何发生积极变化。

  • Strategy — one more important aspect for product managers to master. A well-defined strategy details how you'll dominate your market and refine until you find product fit.

    战略 -产品经理要掌握的另一重要方面。 明确定义的策略详细说明了如何在市场中占据主导地位并不断完善,直到找到适合自己的产品为止。

  • Design that delivers a usable and delightful experience to your clients. Product managers should closely work with designers by facilitating customer research, prioritizing a roadmap, gathering functional requirements, etc.

    为您的客户提供可用和令人愉快的体验的设计 。 产品经理应通过促进客户研究,确定路线图的优先级,收集功能要求等与设计师紧密合作。

  • Execution is the final stage that ultimately determines whether you'll make your vision a reality.


  • PM leadership. Product management is one of the leadership roles in the product development team. Developing leadership skills defines success in the role.

    下午领导 。 产品管理是产品开发团队的领导角色之一。 发展领导能力定义了角色的成功。

So here the list of the best resources:

图书 (Books)

,尼尔·艾亚尔,瑞安·胡佛 (Hooked, Nir Eyal, Ryan Hoover)

Nir Eyal and Ryan Hoover have created a great guide for developers and designers who dream to build the best products. These products should be self-sustaining in their ability to keep users loyal and active.
Nir Eyal和Ryan Hoover为梦想创建最佳产品的开发人员和设计师创建了一个很好的指南。 这些产品应具有自我维持能力,以保持用户的忠诚度和积极性。
The book explains why some products capture high attention while others fail and that makes us engage with certain products. The authors describe consecutive “hook cycles” thanks to which these products achieve their key goal of bringing users back again without advertising efforts.
这本书解释了为什么有些产品会引起高度关注,而另一些产品却会失败,这使我们与某些产品互动。 作者描述了连续的“摘机周期”,由于这些产品,这些产品达到了他们的关键目标,即无需广告即可再次吸引用户。
This book is a brilliant source for start-up founders, product managers, designers, marketers, designers, and anyone who desire to understand how products influence people behavior.
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精益创业公司 ,埃里克·里斯 (Lean Startup, Eric Ries)

The author of this book is famous for creating the Lean Startup movement that helps startups allocate their resources more effectively. Eric Ries notes that most of startups failures can be preventable. The Lean Startup as the advanced approach that is aimed to change the way people build companies and launch products.
这本书的作者以创建精益创业运动而闻名,该运动可以帮助创业公司更有效地分配资源。 Eric Ries指出,大多数启动失败都是可以避免的。 精益创业是一种先进的方法,旨在改变人们建立公司和发布产品的方式。
This approach motivates companies to be more capital efficient and improves human's productivity and creativity.
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零对一 :关于初创企业或如何打造未来的笔记,彼得·泰尔(Peter Thiel),布莱克·马斯特斯 (Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future, Peter Thiel, Blake Masters)

If your interest is startups and product management and you want to improve your product thinking, then this book will definitely suit you.
This book presents an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new look at innovation. The author begins by learning to ask questions that will help you discover value in unexpected places.
本书对美国的未来发展持乐观态度,并对创新进行了新的展望。 作者从学习开始提出问题开始,这些问题将帮助您在意想不到的地方发现价值。
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腾出时间 ,杰克·纳普(Jake Knapp),约翰·泽拉茨基(John Zeratsky) (Make time, Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky)

Any creative work should have regard for time. «Make time» provides clear ways for defining new reserves of that precious commodity.
任何创造性的工作都应该考虑时间。 “制造时间”为定义该珍贵商品的新储量提供了清晰的方法。
The book is an insightful guide that helps to take control of the design of your life. The authors of the book have helped many teams all over the world to solve their challenges by changing the way they work. There is no one-size-fits-all formula. The book just proposes a set of tips and strategies that can be tailored to individual habits and lifestyles.
这本书是有见地的指南,可帮助您控制生活设计。 这本书的作者已经帮助世界各地的许多团队通过改变工作方式来解决挑战。 没有一个适合所有人的公式。 这本书只是提出了一系列技巧和策略,可以针对个人习惯和生活方式进行定制。
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心态 :成功的新心理学,Carol Dweck (Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck)

The author of this masterpiece is a famous expert in human motivation who is studying why people succeed or not, what is within their control to foster success and other vivid topics.
The book combines excellent researches about motivation and inspiration. You'll find out how our conscious and unconscious thoughts affect us, how simple things or events may have a significant impact on our ability to improve. You'll also learn how great managers, teachers or athletes use this idea to reach new heights.
这本书结合了关于动机和灵感的出色研究。 您将发现我们的有意识和无意识的思想如何影响我们,简单的事情或事件可能会对我们的提高能力产生重大影响。 您还将学到伟大的管理人员,老师或运动员如何使用这个想法达到新的高度。
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进球 ,埃利·戈尔德拉特 (The Goal, Eli Goldratt)

The author of multiple management-oriented works, Eliyahu Goldratt first published this book in 1984. Then The Goal was revised republished several times.
Eliyahu Goldratt是多本面向管理的著作的作者,于1984年首次出版了此书。随后,《目标》进行了多次重新修订。
The book is widely used in colleges and university to teach students about the importance of constraint management and strategic capacity planning. You may use the lessons from «The Goal» in everyday life because they have real practicality.
该书在大学和大学中广泛用于向学生传授约束管理和战略能力规划的重要性。 您可以在日常生活中使用“目标”中的课程,因为它们具有实际意义。
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电子书 (eBooks)

42 Rules of Product Management42产品管理规则
Forty high-class product managers from the whole world share their experience and knowledge. This eBook is a great collection of wisdom and insightful rules that young talents should follow indisputably.
来自全世界的40位高级产品经理分享了他们的经验和知识。 这本电子书汇集了年轻人才无可争议的智慧和见识的规则。 A Practical Guide: Product Management & Agile Development实用指南:产品管理和敏捷开发
This amazing eBook offers practical tips on how to professionally run Agile development teams. You will get more about the role of product management, release management and planning, the essence of roadmaps, prioritization, backlog, product launches, and many more.
这本惊人的电子书提供了有关如何专业运营敏捷开发团队的实用技巧。 您将获得有关产品管理,发布管理和计划的角色,路线图的本质,优先级划分,积压,产品发布等更多信息。 Take the Guesswork Out of Product Management从产品管理中排除猜测
This helpful guide for digital product managers will teach how to convert trial users to paying customers, prioritize product features, improve roadmaps, measure the impact of UI changes, and make important decisions during the product development stages.
这本对数字产品经理有用的指南将教您如何将试用用户转换为付费客户,确定产品功能的优先级,改进路线图,衡量UI更改的影响以及在产品开发阶段做出重要决策。 Digital Product Management数字产品管理
This eBook will be a good choice for those who need to understand customers' and stakeholders' needs, to research market data, write effective user stories, prioritize product enhancements, analyze, apply such powerful methods as the Kano Model, use the MVP concept (Minimum Viable Product) to validate ideas, etc.
对于那些需要了解客户和利益相关者的需求,研究市场数据,撰写有效的用户故事,对产品增强进行优先级排序,分析,应用诸如Kano模型之类的强大方法,使用MVP概念的人来说,这本电子书将是一个不错的选择。最低可行产品)以验证想法等。 The Product Manager’s Guide to Smart Product Roadmap Prioritization《产品经理的智能产品路线图优先级指南》
This eBook is a brief but valid introduction to the world of prioritization. You will learn how to prioritize feature requests, tasks, bugs and different initiatives, to stay in sync with product strategy, global vision, and customer needs.
这本电子书是对优先领域的简要但有效的介绍。 您将学习如何确定功能请求,任务,错误和不同计划的优先级,以与产品策略,全球视野和客户​​需求保持同步。

专业博客 (Professional blogs)

肯·诺顿 (Ken Norton)

Ken Norton
在Ken Norton blog is the place where you may find great insightful articles on product management, product vision, and strategic thinking and other interesting business topics. Ken Norton combines both product vision and a strong technical background in his blog.博客中,您可以找到有关产品管理,产品愿景,战略思考和其他有趣的商业主题的出色见解文章。 Ken Norton在他的博客中结合了产品愿景和强大的技术背景。

大卫·斯科克 (David Skok)

面向企业家的 blog for entrepreneurs contains an excellent collection of texts on SaaS as a whole, metrics, growth, and scale of different businesses. The author pays a lot of attention to important details and interesting cases.博客包含有关SaaS的整体文本,指标,不同业务的增长和规模的大量优秀文章。 作者非常关注重要的细节和有趣的案例。

希恩·沙 (Hiten Shah)

Hiten Shah
Hiten Shah blog is the professional resource where the author publishes interesting articles about product processes, best practices, and companies’ cases in weekly emails. Hiten Shah is the founder of KISSmetrics, Quick Sprout and Crazy Egg, so his experience is really worth to be learned.博客是专业资源,作者在每周的电子邮件中发布有关产品流程,最佳实践和公司案例的有趣文章。 Hiten Shah是KISSmetrics,Quick Sprout和Crazy Egg的创始人,因此他的经验非常值得学习。

杰森·弗里德 (Jason Fried)

Jason Fried
Jason Fried blog will empower your knowledge base with the help of various essays about product management approaches and teamwork.博客将通过有关产品管理方法和团队合作的各种文章来帮助您增强知识库。
The CEO at Basecamp CEO, Jason Fried shares easy-to-understand cases and interesting topics, available for a wide range of readers.
Basecamp的首席执行官Jason Fried分享了易于理解的案例和有趣的话题,可供广大读者使用。

罗曼·皮克勒 (Roman Pichler)

Roman Pichler
Roman Pichler blog is famous all over the world, as Roman is a popular product management guru, specializing in digital products.博客在全世界闻名,因为Roman是流行的产品管理专家,专门研究数字产品。
His great experience in training product managers has helped Roman to cover different topics, including Scrum and Agile practices.

史蒂夫·布兰克 (Steve Blank)

Steve Blank
如果您对推动持续创新感兴趣,那么Steve Blank blog is the right place for you if you're interested in driving continuous innovation. He applies the same battle-tested processes that Lean Startups use to achieve success. The author offers a great collection of articles on the products assembly and launching. It will be helpful for everyone who aims to know more about startups and customer development.博客将是您的最佳选择。 他采用了精益初创公司用来取得成功的经过考验的流程。 作者提供了大量有关产品组装和发布的文章。 对于希望了解更多有关初创企业和客户发展的人来说,这将是有帮助的。

布莱恩·巴尔福(Brian Balfour) (Brian Balfour)

Brian Balfour
Brian Balfour blog provides readers with the articles on product growth, strategic and tactical considerations, great reviews and professional tips. 博客为读者提供了有关产品增长,战略和战术考虑,出色的评论和专业技巧的文章。
The CEO of Reforge (and former vice president of growth at Hubspot) writes in-depth posts on growth and user acquisition that have been featured in Hacker Monthly and Forbes.
Reforge的首席执行官(Hubspot的前任增长副总裁)撰写了有关增长和用户获取的深入文章,这些文章在Hacker Monthly和Forbes中都有介绍。

专业网站 (Professional websites)

  • Producttalk is a resource where the author helps teams get valuable information from client interviews, conduct effective product experiments and manage results that create value for customers and business. Here you will learn how to link research and product solutions, inspiring customers’ confidence that they are on the right track.

    Producttalk是一种资源,作者可以在其中帮助团队从客户访谈中获得有价值的信息,进行有效的产品实验并管理可为客户和业务创造价值的结果。 在这里,您将学习如何将研究与产品解决方案联系起来,激发客户对他们走上正确道路的信心。

  • Similarweb is the platform with web analytics services for businesses. Similarweb will propose you the relevant information on your clients’ and competitors’ website traffic volumes and referral sources.

    Sametimeweb是为企业提供Web分析服务的平台。 Sametimeweb将为您提供有关客户和竞争对手网站流量和推荐来源的相关信息。

  • Crunchbase shares business info about private and public companies. Investments and funding information, mergers and acquisitions, latest news and industry trends, as well as nontrivial articles can be found there.

    Crunchbase分享有关私人和上市公司的业务信息。 在这里可以找到投资和资金信息,并购,最新新闻和行业趋势以及不平凡的文章。

  • Useronboard allows you to get more about interesting onboarding cases from successful companies and teams. The process of user onboarding aims to increase the likelihood that new users become successful when adopting your product and Useronboard is one of the best places where you can enrich such knowledge.

    Useronboard使您可以从成功的公司和团队那里获得有关有趣的入职案例的更多信息。 用户入职过程旨在增加采用新产品时新用户成功的可能性,而Useronboard是您可以丰富此类知识的最佳场所之一。

  • AngelList will be helpful for investors, startups, and job seekers looking to work at startups. The goal of this website is to democratize the investment process and help startups with core challenges in fundraising and talent.

    AngelList对于希望在初创公司工作的投资者,初创公司和求职者将有所帮助。 该网站的目标是使投资程序*化,并帮助初创企业在筹款和人才方面面临核心挑战。

相关公司的博客 (Relevant companies’ blogs)

  • Hygger blog – project/product management, productivity hacks, team collaboration

    Hygger 博客 –项目/产品管理,生产力黑客,团队协作

  • Atlassian blog – project management, Agile, product development

    Atlassian 博客 –项目管理,敏捷,产品开发

  • Workzone blog — project management, teamwork

    工作区博客 —项目管理,团队合作

  • Favro blog – project management, client management, methodologies

    Favro 博客 –项目管理,客户管理,方法论

  • Intercom blog – project management, product design

    对讲博客 –项目管理,产品设计

  • Breeze blog – product management, reputation management, productivity

    Breeze 博客 –产品管理,声誉管理,生产力

  • Amplitude blog – analytics, data-informed culture

    幅度博客 –分析,数据知情文化

  • Taiga blog – project management, startups, design

    Taiga 博客 –项目管理,创业公司,设计

  • Pendo blog – product management, client management

    Pendo 博客 –产品管理,客户管理

  • Planview blog – resource management, product innovations, customer success

    Planview 博客 –资源管理,产品创新,客户成功

  • Insightly blog – product management, marketing, CRM trends

    具有洞察力的博客 –产品管理,营销,CRM趋势

  • Mavenlink blog – project management, leadership, productivity hacks

    Mavenlink 博客 –项目管理,领导力,生产力黑客

相关播客(产品管理和启动) (Relevant podcasts (product management & startups))

专业课程 (Professional courses)

产品学校培训 (Product School training)

Productschool is the product management website and blog where you can find relevant tips, cases studies and available professional information to become an advanced product manager. Productschool是产品管理网站和博客,您可以在其中找到相关的技巧,案例研究和可用的专业信息,以成为高级产品经理。
The courses will share product management best practices and tools as well as basic PM skills such as Scrum, user testing, prototyping, A/B testing, and so on. You'll know how to become a product leader and master the product lifecycle. As a student, you will have access to exclusive course materials, as well as free entrance to all events where you can meet product professionals.
这些课程将分享产品管理最佳实践和工具以及基本的PM技能,例如Scrum,用户测试,原型设计,A / B测试等等。 您将知道如何成为产品领导者并掌握产品生命周期。 作为学生,您将可以访问独家课程资料,还可以免费参加所有可以与产品专业人士会面的活动。

产品管理101 (Product Management 101)

Todd Birzer的Product Management 101 by Todd Birzer is a flexible set of courses that can be completed on your own time, taking about 4 hours and 13 minutes to complete. The author is a product management director and consultant, the author of «Becoming a More Strategic Product Manager».产品管理101是一套灵活的课程,可以按您自己的时间完成,大约需要4个小时13分钟才能完成。 作者是产品管理总监兼顾问,也是《成为更具战略性的产品经理》的作者。
The course includes 62 lectures and in-depth program helpful for people who want to learn better strategies and practices for product management.

PM Loop提供的产品管理课程包 (Product Management Course Bundle by PM Loop)

The course by PM Loop covers the responsibilities of a product manager to help you land a job in the role.PM Loop的课程涵盖了产品经理的职责,以帮助您找到该职位。
PM Loop is a platform for training of business professionals working in the tech industry. You'll get 4 courses that will help you use popular product management tools, dive into strategies and goals, work with a product team, and manage new managers.
PM Loop是一个平台,用于培训从事技术行业的业务专业人员。 您将获得4门课程,这些课程将帮助您使用流行的产品管理工具,深入研究策略和目标,与产品团队合作以及管理新经理。

产品集体 (Product collective)

实际提供重要新闻通讯的resource that actually provides great newsletters shares access to interesting updates on the industry. This true community will be a definitely helpful addition to your knowledge base. 资源共享对行业有趣更新的访问。 这个真正的社区肯定会对您的知识库有所帮助。

产品管理的第一步 (Product Management First Steps)

LinkedIn Learning的“产品管理第一步” course Product Management First Steps by LinkedIn Learning were designed to educate users on creative, business, and technology skills. It covers all stages of a product's lifecycle: researching, planning, building, releasing, refining, and retiring.课程旨在教育用户创新,业务和技术技能。 它涵盖了产品生命周期的所有阶段:研究,计划,构建,发布,完善和淘汰。
The course teaches the basic responsibilities of a product manager and understanding the necessary process for putting out the best possible product.

产品管理课程 (Productmanagementhq course)

这些classes will arm you with everything you need to know from the essential fundamentals of product management and developing your own project to running your product management interviews.课程将为您提供从产品管理的基本原理,开发自己的项目到运行产品管理面试所需的一切知识。

相关的YouTube频道 (Relevant YouTube channels)


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