

Google Chrome doesn’t have a built-in dark theme like Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge do, but you can get a dark Chrome browser in a few clicks. You can even apply a dark theme to every web page you visit.

Google Chrome没有Mozilla FirefoxMicrosoft Edge这样的内置深色主题,但单击几下即可获得深色Chrome浏览器。 您甚至可以将深色主题应用于您访问的每个网页。

Update: Chrome now offers a built-in dark mode on Windows 10 and macOS.

更新:Chrome现在在Windows 10和macOS上提供了内置的暗模式。

如何在Windows 10和macOS上启用暗模式 (How to Enable Dark Mode on Windows 10 and macOS)

Google Chrome gained a built-in dark theme on Windows in Chrome 74 and on macOS in Chrome 73. To enable Chrome’s dark theme, just switch your operating system to dark mode.

Google Chrome在Windows中的Chrome 74和在macOS中的Chrome 73中获得了内置的深色主题。 要启用Chrome的深色主题,只需将操作系统切换为深色模式即可。

On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select “Dark” under “Choose your default app mode.” On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode.

在Windows 10上,转到“设置”>“个性化”>“颜色”,然后在“选择默认应用程序模式”下选择“深色”。 在Mac上,启用系统范围的暗模式


Here’s how to activate Chrome’s new dark mode if you’d rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10. That article also includes instructions for tweaking the color of Chrome’s window title bars.

如果您希望在Windows 10的其余部分中使用Chrome的暗模式和浅模式,则以下是**Chrome的新暗模式的方法。该文章还包括有关调整Chrome窗口标题栏颜色的说明。

套用深色主题 (Apply a Dark Theme)

Chrome supports user-created themes, which you can download from the Chrome Web Store. To give Chrome a dark interface, all you have to do is install a dark theme. Google even provides a helpful collection of editor-selected dark themes. This will give your Chrome browser a dark mode on Windows 7, Linux, Chrome OS, and other operating systems it isn’t available on.

Chrome支持用户创建的主题,您可以从Chrome网上应用店下载这些主题。 要为Chrome提供深色界面,您只需安装深色主题即可。 Google甚至提供了有用的编辑器选择的深色主题集合。 这将使您的Chrome浏览器在Windows 7,Linux,Chrome OS和其他尚不可用的操作系统上处于暗模式。

Update: Google now offers some official Chrome browser themes, including a “Just Black” dark mode theme. You may want to give that a try.

更新:Google现在提供了一些正式的Chrome浏览器主题,包括“ Just Black ”暗模式主题。 您可能需要尝试一下。

We recommend Morpheon Dark, which is the most popular dark theme in the Store. Unlike some other dark themes, it provides a decent amount of contrast between your active tab, which is a bit lighter, and your inactive tabs, which are darker.

我们推荐Morpheon Dark ,这是商店中最受欢迎的深色主题。 与其他一些深色主题不同,它在活动选项卡(较亮)和非活动选项卡(较暗)之间提供了相当大的对比度。

This theme turns the tab bar, title bar, toolbar, and New Tab page dark. That’s all you can theme in Chrome. You can’t make Chrome’s context menus or Settings page dark, for example.

此主题将选项卡栏,标题栏,工具栏和“新建选项卡”页面变暗。 这就是您可以在Chrome中使用的主题。 例如,您不能使Chrome的上下文菜单或“设置”页面变暗。

Update: Chrome’s new built-in dark mode makes context menus dark, too!



If you ever want to switch back to Chrome’s default theme you can, click menu > Settings. Look for the Themes option under appearance and click “Reset to Default.”

如果您想切换回Chrome的默认主题,请点击菜单>设置。 在外观下找到“主题”选项,然后单击“重置为默认值”。


安装暗模式扩展 (Install a Dark Mode Extension)

A theme changes your browser’s interface, but most websites use white backgrounds. Sure, you can enable dark mode in Gmail and some other websites individually, but that only works for one website at a time.

主题更改了浏览器的界面,但是大多数网站使用白色背景。 当然,您可以在Gmail和其他一些网站中分别启用暗模式,但是一次仅适用于一个网站。

To get a dark mode for the entire web, install the Dark Reader extension from the Chrome Web Store. Some other browser extensions work similarly, but we like Dark Reader most out of all the dark mode extensions we’ve tried.

要使整个网络处于黑暗模式,请从Chrome网上应用店安装Dark Reader扩展程序。 其他一些浏览器扩展的工作方式与此类似,但是在我们尝试过的所有暗模式扩展中,我们最喜欢Dark Reader

This extension automatically applies a dark style to every web page you visit, and you can click the Dark Reader button on your toolbar to adjust it. You can also disable dark mode for a website from here. The extension even lets you set sites to never open in dark mode, which is useful if Dark Reader doesn’t work well with a website.

此扩展程序会自动将深色样式应用于您访问的每个网页,您可以单击工具栏上的“深色阅读器”按钮进行调整。 您还可以从此处禁用网站的暗模式。 该扩展程序甚至可以让您将网站设置为从不以暗模式打开,如果Dark Reader在网站上无法正常使用,这很有用。


Unfortunately, Chrome’s Settings pages will always be white and blue. Extensions can’t tamper with these for security reasons. Chrome’s context menus are provided by the operating system, so you can’t turn those dark—at least not until Windows 10’s dark mode applies to application context menus, too.

不幸的是,Chrome的“设置”页面将始终为白色和蓝色。 出于安全原因,扩展不能篡改这些扩展。 Chrome的上下文菜单由操作系统提供,因此您不能将它们调暗-至少要等到Windows 10的暗模式也适用于应用程序上下文菜单时才能将它们调暗。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/360650/how-to-enable-dark-mode-for-google-chrome/