



Google Chrome supports DNS over HTTPS (DoH) for increased privacy and security. It’s still disabled by default as of Google Chrome 80, but you can enable it using a hidden flag.

Google Chrome浏览器支持基于HTTPS(DoH)的DNS,以提高隐私性和安全性。 从Google Chrome 80开始,默认情况下仍禁用该功能,但是您可以使用隐藏标志启用它。

Note that Chrome won’t actually use DoH unless you’re configured to use a DNS server that supports DNS over HTTPS. You might have to change your DNS server to take advantage of it. Google Public DNS, Cloudflare, and even Comcast’s DNS all support it.

请注意,除非您配置为使用支持HTTPS上的DNS的DNS服务器,否则Chrome实际上不会使用DoH。 您可能必须更改DNS服务器才能利用它。 Google Public DNS,Cloudflare甚至Comcast的DNS都支持它。

如何在Chrome中通过HTTPS启用DNS (How to Enable DNS Over HTTPS in Chrome)

To enable DoH in Chrome, start by typing or copy-pasting “chrome://flags/#dns-over-https” into the address bar and press Enter.

要在Chrome中启用DoH,请先在地址栏中输入或复制“ chrome://flags/#dns-over-https ”,然后按Enter。

Open the drop-down menu to the right of “Secure DNS Lookups” and select “Enabled.”



Click the “Relaunch” button at the bottom of this page to restart Chrome and activate these changes.


切换到DoH兼容的DNS服务器 (Switch to a DoH-Compatible DNS Server)

DNS over HTTPS will work only if your configured DNS server has DoH support. You might need to change your DNS server to take advantage of DoH.

仅当您配置的DNS服务器具有DoH支持时,HTTP over DNS才能工作。 您可能需要更改DNS服务器才能利用DoH。

We recommend using Google’s own Google Public DNS or Cloudflare, which is the default DNS server when DoH is enabled for Firefox. Google has a list of DNS providers Chrome can use DoH with, including Cleanbrowsing, Comcast, DNS.SB, OpenDNS, and Quad9.

我们建议使用Google自己的Google Public DNSCloudflare ,这是为Firefox启用DoH时的默认DNS服务器。 Google列出了Chrome可以与 DoH 一起使用DNS提供程序的列表,包括Cleanbrowsing,Comcast,DNS.SB,OpenDNS和Quad9。

You can check to see if DNS over HTTPS is working in Chrome by visiting Cloudflare’s Browsing Experience Security Check. Run the test by clicking the button and see whether “Secure DNS” is enabled or not.

您可以通过访问Cloudflare的“ 浏览体验安全性检查”来检查基于HTTPS的DNS是否在Chrome中正常工作。 通过单击按钮运行测试,然后查看是否启用了“安全DNS”。

Fortunately, DNS over HTTPS is becoming standard by default soon. Google plans to enable DoH by default in Chrome 81, due mid-March. However, you’ll still need to use a DoH-compatible DNS server to take advantage of it.

幸运的是,默认情况下,基于HTTPS的DNS很快将成为标准配置。 Google 计划于 3月中旬在Chrome 81中默认启用DoH 。 但是,您仍然需要使用兼容DoH的DNS服务器来利用它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/660088/how-to-enable-dns-over-https-in-google-chrome/
