vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

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vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

Google+ is sort of an anomaly—the folks who love it really love it. The folks who don’t, well…don’t. If you signed up at some point but don’t really use it, there’s a chance you still get unwanted notifications.

Google+有点反常,喜欢它的人真的很喜欢它。 那些不这样做的人,嗯……不。 如果您在某个时候注册,但实际上并没有真正使用它,那么您仍有机会收到不想要的通知。

If that sounds like you, I have good news: disabling all Google+ notifications is actually pretty easy. And if you don’t want to disable them across the board, you can actually take granular control over your notifications. Here’s the skinny.

如果听起来像您,那么我有个好消息:禁用所有Google+通知实际上非常容易。 而且,如果您不想全面禁用它们,则实际上可以对通知进行精细控制。 这是骨感。

First off, there are a couple of different way to manage Google+ notifications: on the web and in the app. Each option is a little different from the other, so we’re going to break it down for each. We’ll start with the web.

首先,有两种不同的方法来管理Google+通知:在网络上和在应用程序中。 每个选项彼此之间都有些不同,因此我们将对每个选项进行分解。 我们将从网络开始。

在网络上管理Google+通知 (Managing Google+ Notifications on the Web)

First, jump over to the Google+ website. From there, click on “Settings” in the left-hand navigation bar. If the bar isn’t visible, you’ll need to click the three lines in the upper left to show the sidebar.

首先,跳至Google+网站 。 从那里,单击左侧导航栏中的“设置”。 如果该栏不可见,则需要单击左上角的三行以显示侧栏。

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There are a few different notification options in this menu, but we’ll start at the very top. The first option in this menu is “Who can send you notifications.” There are a few different options here (the default is set to Extended Circles), so you can pick and choose what you’d like to do. If you’re trying to completely disable notifications, you don’t have to do anything here—we’ll do that down below.

此菜单中有几个不同的通知选项,但我们将从最顶部开始。 此菜单中的第一个选项是“谁可以向您发送通知”。 这里有几个不同的选项(默认设置为Extended Circles),因此您可以选择要执行的操作。 如果您要完全禁用通知,则无需在此处做任何事情-我们将在下面进行说明。

vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

Scroll down until you see the “Notifications” section. Here’s where you’ll completely disable Google+ notifications if that’s what you’re after. Simply set the toggles to “off” on any option you’d like to disable notifications for. Easy peasy.

向下滚动,直到看到“通知”部分。 如果您要这么做,这里就是您将完全禁用Google+通知的地方。 只需在要禁用通知的任何选项上将切换开关设置为“关闭”即可。 十分简单。

vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

But here’s the thing: that’s just the general control. If you’re looking for more granular control, click the arrow next to each sub-section (like Posts, People, Photos, etc.) for really  deep customization of notifications for both email and photos.

但这就是问题:这只是常规控制。 如果您正在寻找更精细的控件,请单击每个子部分(如“帖子”,“人物”,“照片”等)旁边的箭头,以真正深度地自定义电子邮件和照片的通知。

vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

Seriously, it gets crazy. Look at all those options. Have fun.

严重的是,它变得疯狂。 查看所有这些选项。 玩得开心。

在您的Android手机上管理Google+通知 (Managing Google+ Notifications on Your Android Phone)

If you’re not much of the “I think I’ll do this in my browser” type, you can also handle notifications on your phone, but keep in mind that this will only handle notifications on that phone—it won’t handle email notifications. You’ll have to do that from the web. Sorry.

如果您不太喜欢“我想在浏览器中执行此操作”类型,则也可以在手机上处理通知,但请记住,这只会处理该手机上的通知,而不会处理邮件通知。 您必须通过网络进行操作。 抱歉。

To get started, fire up the Google+ app on your phone, slide open the left-hand menu, then tap “Settings.”


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Choose your account, then “Notifications.”


vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知
vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

If you want to completely disable mobile notifications, just toggle the top option (“Notifications”) to off. Done.

如果要完全禁用移动通知,只需将顶部选项(“通知”)切换为关闭即可。 做完了

vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

But again, if you’re looking for more granular control, simply scroll below. There are lots of options to pick through here, and they’re all pretty straightforward, so you should be able to tackle whatever you’re trying to achieve at this point.

但是,如果您正在寻找更精细的控制,只需在下面滚动即可。 这里有很多可供选择的选项,而且它们都很简单,因此您应该能够解决此时要达到的目标。

vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知
vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

It’s also worth noting that these settings sync across your Google account, so anything you change here will change on any other mobile device you’re using, as well as the “Phone” section on the website’s notification settings. That’s pretty neat.

还值得注意的是,这些设置将在您的Google帐户之间同步,因此您在此处所做的任何更改都会在您使用的任何其他移动设备上以及网站通知设置的“电话”部分中更改。 那很整齐。

在iPhone上管理Google+通知 (Managing Google+ Notifications on Your iPhone)

If you’re an iOS user, things are a bit different than on Android—instead of having native notification management, the Google+ app literally just redirects to the web settings. Still, that’s better than nothing.

如果您是iOS用户,则与Android有所不同– Google+应用实际上没有重定向到本机通知管理,而是重定向到Web设置。 尽管如此,总比没有好。

Open the Google+ app, slide open the menu on the left, then tap Settings.


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From here, select Notifications.


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The app will then open the Google+ web settings within the app window where you can manage both email and app notifications.


vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知

Just like the settings we talked about in the first section of this post, you can either blanket enable/disable notifications for both email and mobile or tap on each sub-section to get granular control.


vc++ 禁用u盘_如何在所有设备上禁用Google+通知


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