



As smartphone cameras get better and better it’s only natural that people would want to enjoy some of the trappings of proper photography with them. Read on as we show a reader how to cheaply add a remote shutter release to their smartphone camera so they can trigger the camera without jarring it, disturbing the composition, and while they’re actually in the photo.

随着智能手机相机变得越来越好,人们自然希望与他们一起享受一些适当的摄影陷阱。 请继续阅读,以向读者展示如何向其智能手机相机便宜地添加远程快门释放,以便他们可以触发相机而不会造成震动,干扰构图,并且实际上不在照片中。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My son and I have recently been experimenting with using the camera on an old iPhone as a stop-motion camera for LEGO minifigs and the little town we’ve built. While rigging up the phone to stay in place with an old tripod and tripod-mounted equipment spring-clamp wasn’t much trouble that’s only half the equation for good stop-motion video. The other side of things is keeping the camera super stable and not bumping it while snapping each shot.

我儿子和我最近一直在尝试在旧iPhone上使用相机作为乐高小人仔和我们建造的小镇的定格相机。 将电话固定在旧的三脚架和安装在三脚架上的设备上以固定在原处时,弹簧夹并不是什么大麻烦,这只是高质量定格录像的一半。 另一方面是保持相机超级稳定,并且在拍摄每张照片时不会撞到相机。

What’s the easiest (and hopefully cheapest too!) way we can add a remote shutter release to the smartphone much like the cable release triggers of photographer yesteryear?




Seeking Steadicam


Easy and cheap you say? Well do we have a proposition for you, then. There are two approaches you can take that range in price from free (as in you probably already have the gear to do it) to around $10 if you need to purchase a few accessories.

你说便宜又便宜? 那么,我们对您有一个建议。 如果您需要购买一些配件,则有两种方法可以使价格范围从免费(如您可能已经准备好了)到10美元左右。

While your focus is on keeping the camera very steady for continuity among your many stop-motion photos, remote shutter release is also really great for things like family photos. We’ve taken more than a few family photos over the years with remote shutter button. Since you’re already using your camera’s phone for traditional camera tasks you’ll likely find the remote shutter release just as useful. Let’s take a look at how you can enable a remote shutter on your smartphone.

虽然您的重点是保持相机稳定,以确保许多定格照片之间的连续性,但远程快门释放对于家庭照片等功能也非常有用。 多年来,我们使用遥控快门按钮拍摄了多张家庭照。 由于您已经将相机的手机用于传统的相机任务,因此您可能会发现远程快门释放按钮同样有用。 让我们看一下如何在智能手机上启用远程快门。

重新调整音量键 (Repurpose the Volume Key)

The first method relies on a rather clever bit of repurposing. Both iOS and Android support using the volume button to take a photo. Why the volume button? Because when you hold the phone in portrait mode it puts the volume button at the top roughly where the shutter button is on a point and shoot camera.

第一种方法依靠相当巧妙的用途。 iOS和Android均支持使用音量按钮拍照。 为什么选择音量键? 因为当您以纵向模式握住手机时,会将音量按钮大致放在快门按钮所指向的顶部,然后拍摄相机。


That volume button function isn’t hardwired to the actual volume key, however, it’s an operating system function that responds to the up-volume command while the phone’s camera app is open. This means any up-volume command will trigger the camera. You know those selfie-sticks with the headphone jack cord and the button on the handle? You guessed it; that button sends the up-volume command to the headphone jack via control standards built into more smartphones and triggers the shutter.

该音量按钮功能并未与实际的音量键硬连线,但是,它是一种操作系统功能,可在手机的相机应用程序打开时响应上音量命令。 这意味着任何高音量命令都会触发相机。 您知道那些带有耳机插Kong线和手柄上按钮的自拍杆吗? 你猜到了; 该按钮通过更多智能手机中内置的控制标准将高音量命令发送到耳机插Kong,并触发快门。

This means if you have a pair of Apple headphones that come with the little volume adjustment toggle on the headphone wires (or just about any pair of headphones with the same feature) you can use the + volume button as a shutter release for your camera. The best part is the headphones don’t even need to work. If you have a pair sitting in a drawer somewhere because the connection point between the wire and the earbuds is bad that doesn’t matter; as long as the connection between the jack and the volume control button is still good you can use them for snapping pictures.

这意味着,如果您有一副Apple耳机,并且耳机线上的音量调节开关很小(或者几乎任何一副具有相同功能的耳机),您都可以使用+音​​量按钮作为相机的快门释放按钮。 最好的部分是耳机甚至不需要工作。 如果您有一对坐在抽屉中的某个地方,因为电线和耳塞之间的连接点不好,那没关系; 只要插Kong和音量控制按钮之间的连接仍然良好,就可以使用它们拍摄照片。

If you don’t have a pair laying around and you’d like to use a cable-style release you can always pick up an auxiliary cable with an in-line volume control such as this $12 model. Then when you’re not using it as a release cable you can always use it for linking your devices to your car’s stereo system or to portable speakers.

如果您周围没有电线,并且想使用电缆释放,您可以随时使用带有内置音量控制的辅助电缆( 例如12美元的型号)来接听。 然后,当您不使用它作为释放电缆时,可以始终使用它来将设备链接到汽车的立体声系统或便携式扬声器。

借助蓝牙触发器实现免提 (Go Hands Free with a Bluetooth Trigger)

Now if you aren’t totally sold on the idea of using a shutter release cable (maybe you’re afraid of pulling on the cable or you want the ability to snap the shots in quick succession without returning to your smartphone and the tripod to do so) you may want to pick up a Bluetooth shutter button.


Bluetooth shutter buttons are really cheap; a well-reviewed one like this CamKix button will only set you back $9. The advantage in the case of your stop-motion application is definitely the ability to work quickly with the minifigs without constantly returning to location of the camera.

蓝牙快门按钮确实很便宜; 像CamKix这样的按钮,经过严格审查的价格仅为$ 9。 使用定格动画应用程序时,其优势绝对是可以快速处理小型图,而无需不断返回摄像机的位置。

Either way the only thing standing between you and remote shutter release is locating your old Apple headphones or a minor purchase to add in a wired or wireless button. Enjoy your stop motion antics!

不管是哪种方式,您和远程快门释放之间唯一的关系就是找到旧的Apple耳机,或者少量购买以添加有线或无线按钮。 享受定格滑稽动作!

Have a smartphone question big or small? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有大大小小的智能手机问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/215086/ask-htg-whats-the-easiest-way-to-add-a-remote-camera-shutter-to-my-smartphone/
