

SoundCloud, an alternative platform for posting and selling music and other audio-only content, offers an API that lets other websites and applications access its data for cool connections. But it’s always possible to be too connected, and if you’d rather be a little more secure with your SoundCloud account, you’ll want to restrict and cancel some of those connections. Here’s how.

SoundCloud是发布和销售音乐和其他纯音频内容的替代平台,它提供了一个API,该API可让其他网站和应用程序访问其数据以建立凉爽的连接。 但是,总是可以建立紧密的连接,如果您希望使用自己的SoundCloud帐户更安全一些,您将希望限制和取消其中一些连接。 这是如何做。

Go to the SoundCloud website from a desktop browser (or a mobile browser in “desktop mode“), and then log in in the normal fashion. Either a regular SoundCloud account or a connected Facebook or Google account is fine.

从桌面浏览器(或在“ 桌面模式的移动浏览器) 访问SoundCloud网站 ,然后以常规方式登录。 常规的SoundCloud帐户或已连接的Facebook或Google帐户都可以。

Click the three-dot “menu” button in the upper-right hand corner, and then click the “Settings” option.



On the main Settings screen, click the “Connections” tab.



The “Connections” page is divided into two sections: the upper section for connections to social networks, and the lower section for connections to mobile apps and other sound-related tools. Things are pretty self-explanatory from here: click the “Disconnect” button on social networks to remove the connection.

“连接”页面分为两个部分:上部用于连接社交网络,下部用于连接移动应用程序和其他与声音相关的工具。 从这里开始,事情非常不言自明:单击社交网络上的“断开连接”按钮以删除连接。


And click the “Revoke access” button for apps in the “Connected Applications” section. Make sure these are changes you want—there are no verification dialogues for this step.

然后在“连接的应用程序”部分中为应用程序单击“撤消访问权限”按钮。 确保这些是您想要的更改-此步骤没有验证对话框。


As always, remember that revoking access from third-party apps or sites doesn’t necessarily mean the data they’ve already collected goes away. Log into the other application and remove the data (or your account) manually, if the option is offered.

与往常一样,请记住,撤消来自第三方应用程序或网站的访问并不一定意味着他们已经收集的数据就会消失。 如果提供了该选项,请登录到另一个应用程序并手动删除数据(或您的帐户)。

Image credit: William Bout

图片来源: William Bout

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/326108/how-to-revoke-third-party-app-access-from-soundcloud/