LOD 烘焙地图需要注意的细节

LOD 烘焙地图需要注意的细节
要设置成Lightmap Static

LOD 烘焙地图需要注意的细节

To make sure your lower LOD models look correct with baked light, you must position Light Probes around them to capture the indirect lighting during the bake. Otherwise, your lower LOD models look incorrect, because they only receive direct light:

LOD 烘焙地图需要注意的细节
Light probes placed around an LOD model.


When you use the Progressive Lightmapper, there is no need to place Light Probes around the LOD Group to generate baked indirect lighting. However, to make Realtime GI affect the Renderers in the LOD Group, you must include the Light Probes.(当您使用渐进式光照映射器时,不需要在LOD组周围放置光探针来生成烘烤的间接光照。但是,要使实时GI影响LOD组中的呈现器,必须包含光探针.)