



Old photographs seem to collect dirt, scratches, and bad textures as they collect dust in shoeboxes and photo albums. If you’ve taken the task of scanning them, but have found damage and scratches, here’s how to fix them.

旧照片似乎会在鞋盒和相册中收集灰尘,因此会​​积聚污垢,划痕和不良纹理。 如果您已完成扫描任务,但发现损坏和划痕,请按照以下方法修复它们。

While only a miracle (or a talented artist) can repair extremely bad photographs, dust, scratches, dirt, and other damage can be taken care of quickly, and not just in Photoshop. Popular Freeware GIMP and Paint.NET both offer tools that can be used to make bad scans look like brand new photographs in no time at all. Keep reading to see how it’s done.

尽管只有奇迹(或才华横溢的艺术家)才能修复极其糟糕的照片,但可以Swift处理灰尘,划痕,污垢和其他损坏,而不仅仅是在Photoshop中。 流行的免费软件GIMP和Paint.NET都提供了可立即用于使不良扫描看起来像全新照片的工具。 继续阅读以了解其效果。

修复Photoshop中的划痕(视频) (Repairing Scratches in Photoshop (Video))


The whole problem with dust and scratches is that, even if they aren’t severe, they ugly up a photo and distract from the image itself. While they may not overwhelmingly stand out in this image…

灰尘和划痕的整个问题在于,即使它们不严重,它们也会丑陋地照出照片并分散图像本身的注意力。 尽管他们可能不会在这张图片中脱颖而出……


Erased with this method, it’s nearly impossible to tell that they were even there in the first place. Check out the video to see the Photoshop tools in action, or keep reading to learn about the tools you can use in Photoshop, GIMP, or Paint.NET.

用这种方法擦除后,几乎不可能一开始就知道它们是否在那里。 观看视频以查看实际使用的Photoshop工具,或者继续阅读以了解可在Photoshop,GIMP或Paint.NET中使用的工具。

修复图像的工具 (Tools for Repairing Images)


Clone Stamp Tool: Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET



One of the staples of photo repair, the Clone Stamp will sample (copy from) and allow you to paint with other areas of the photograph.


In Photoshop, hold down Alt to select a sample area, then paint it over your damaged areas with your left mouse buttons.


GIMP and Paint.NET work the same way, except you have to use the Ctrl key to sample your image. Simply sample (and resample) and paint over your unwanted image areas to improve your photo.

GIMP和Paint.NET的工作方式相同,只是必须使用Ctrl键对图像进行采样。 只需采样(并重新采样)并在不需要的图像区域上绘画即可改善照片质量。

  • Photoshop: Shortcut Key (S), sample with Alt + Click

    Photoshop快捷键(S),使用Alt +单击示例

  • GIMP: Shortcut Key (C), sample with Ctrl + Click

    GIMP快捷键(C),使用Ctrl +单击示例

  • Paint.NET: Shortcut Key (L), sample with Ctrl + Click

    Paint.NET快捷键(L),使用Ctrl +单击示例


Marquee, Lasso Selection Tools: Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET



One of the most basic solutions to fixing a photo—copy and paste. The marquee and lasso select tools will allow you to pick pieces of your image, and copy them to cover up your photograph’s blemishes. This is particularly helpful to cover up large areas of scratches and dust, or even large areas containing unwanted objects.

修复照片的最基本解决方案之一-复制和粘贴。 选取框和套索选择工具将使您可以拾取图像片段,然后进行复制以掩盖照片的瑕疵。 这对于遮盖较大的划痕和灰尘区域 ,甚至是包含有害物体的较大区域特别有用。

In all three programs, copy and paste are Ctrl + C, then Ctrl + V. You can use the eraser, Clone Stamps, etc to blend the area to the rest of the photograph.

在这三个程序中,复制和粘贴都是Ctrl + C,然后是Ctrl +V。您可以使用橡皮擦,克隆印章等将区域混合到照片的其余部分。

  • Photoshop: Shortcut Key (M) for Marquee, (L) for Lasso


  • GIMP: Shortcut Key (R) for Marquee, and (F) for Lasso


  • Paint.NET: Shortcut Key (S) to toggle between both



Eraser, Brush Tools: Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET



Not for the faint of heart, repairing large sections of photographs with the Eraser and Brush Tools is exactly what it sounds like—redrawing the lost and damaged areas. However, for certain situations, the brush and eraser can be helpful, blending copied information into the background, or painting over small spots of dust or dirt. Other than that, you can expect a lot of tedious, slow work with the Eraser and Brush tools in those unavoidable situations when you have to use them and only them to repair images.

并非出于胆小,用橡皮擦和画笔工具修复大部分照片确实听起来像是-重新绘制丢失和损坏的区域。 但是,在某些情况下,刷子和橡皮擦会很有用,可以将复制的信息混合到背景中,也可以在灰尘或污垢的小斑点上绘画。 除此之外,在那些不可避免的情况下,当您不得不使用橡皮擦和画笔工具并且只能使用它们来修复图像时,您会期望使用繁琐而缓慢的工作。

In all three programs, simply select the tool and either erase parts of it to your background color, or paint with a foreground color to cover up anything you don’t want.


  • Photoshop: Shortcut Key (E) for Eraser, (B) for Brush


  • GIMP: Shortcut Key (Shift + E) for Eraser, and (P) for Brush

    GIMP橡皮擦的快捷键(Shift + E),画笔的(P)

  • Paint.NET: Shortcut Key (E) for Eraser, (B) for Brush



Healing Brush and Spot Healing Brush: Photoshop and GIMP only



The tool used in the video, the Healing Brush will sample from an existing part of your image and tie it into the general appearance of the surrounding area, making your brush strokes more invisible to a casual glance. Newer versions of Photoshop have included the “Spot Healing Brush,” which samples the image automatically, with no need to Alt + Click to sample manually. GIMP is sadly missing that particular tool, but does have a serviceable Healing Brush.

视频中使用的工具“修复画笔”将从图像的现有部分进行采样,并将其与周围区域的整体外观相关联,使您的画笔笔触更加不可见。 较新版本的Photoshop包括“斑点修复刷”,可自动对图像进行采样,而无需Alt +单击即可手动采样。 遗憾的是,GIMP缺少该特定工具,但是确实有一个可用的修复刷。

Paint.NET does not have this tool in the out of the box install.


  • Photoshop: Shortcut Key (J) for Healing Brush, sample with Alt + Click

    Photoshop修复画笔的快捷键(J),使用Alt +单击示例

  • GIMP: Shortcut Key (H) for Healing Tool, sample with Ctrl + Click

    GIMP修复工具的快捷键(H),使用Ctrl +单击示例


Other Helpful tools: Photoshop and GIMP only


While the Eyedropper tool, pictured above center is available in all three programs, Blur and Smudge are Photoshop and GIMP only tools, both reasonable for softening and blotting out damaged parts of photographs.


Use the eyedropper in tandem with your Brush tool to paint colors similar to the colors in your photograph.


Use blur to soften harsh scratches or unwanted textures from scans.


Use the smudge tool to wipe out and cover up blemishes and problem areas in your photograph.


  • Photoshop: Shortcut Key (R) for Blur and Smudge, (I) for Eyedropper


  • GIMP: Shortcut Key (Shift + U) for Blur, (U) for Smudge, and (O) for Eyedropper

    GIMP用于模糊的快捷键(Shift + U),用于涂抹的(U)和用于吸管的(O)

  • Paint.NET: Shortcut Key (K) for Brush


While the most helpful tool is certainly the Healing brushes GIMP and Photoshop offer, there’s more than enough image editing power in the other tools and techniques combined to de-blemish those treasured photographs even if you aren’t a Photoshop or a GIMP user. Dive in and give it a shot; editing out those scratches and imperfections in your scans isn’t as tough as it might seem.

虽然最有用的工具当然是GIMP和Photoshop提供的修复画笔,但是即使您不是Photoshop或GIMP用户,其他工具和技术中结合使用的图像编辑功能也足以消除那些珍贵的照片的瑕疵。 潜水并试一试; 消除扫描中的划痕和瑕疵并不像看起来那样困难。

Image credits: Photos of the author’s family, photographers unknown. Yes, that is Peyton Manning hanging out with my dad.

图片来源:作者家人的照片,摄影师不详。 是的,那是Peyton Manning和我父亲一起出去玩。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/62874/how-to-repair-scratched-and-damaged-photographs-or-scans/
