Eclipse配置Python编译出错Unable to create the selected preference page.

问题:eclipse版本:Version: Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)


Eclipse配置Python编译出错Unable to create the selected preference page.


 1.Help->Install New Software ->Add


Eclipse配置Python编译出错Unable to create the selected preference page.



Eclipse配置Python编译出错Unable to create the selected preference page.


3.再点击Windows -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Interpreters -> Python Interpreter就不报错了。

Eclipse配置Python编译出错Unable to create the selected preference page.


Eclipse配置Python编译出错Unable to create the selected preference page.

小提示:如果找不到python安装路径,命令行输入where python可查找python安装路径

Eclipse配置Python编译出错Unable to create the selected preference page.

Eclipse配置Python编译出错Unable to create the selected preference page.