avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

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avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

Whether you’re cutting out the boring parts of your vacation video or getting a hilarious scene for an animated GIF, Avidemux provides a quick and easy way to cut clips from any video file.


It’s overkill to use a full-featured video editing program if you just want to cut a few clips from a video file. Even programs that are designed to be small can have confusing interfaces when dealing with video. We’ve found that a great free program, Avidemux, makes the job of cutting clips extremely simple.

如果您只想从视频文件中剪切一些剪辑,那么使用功能齐全的视频编辑程序就太过分了。 在处理视频时,即使是设计成很小的程序也可能具有令人困惑的界面。 我们发现,一个很棒的免费程序Avidemux使剪切剪辑的工作变得非常简单。

Note: While the screenshots in this guide are taken from the Windows version, Avidemux runs on all of the major platforms – Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (GTK).

注意:虽然本指南中的屏幕截图取自Windows版本,但Avidemux可以在所有主要平台(Windows,Mac OS X和Linux(GTK))上运行。

Image by Keith Williamson.

图片由Keith Williamson提供

从视频文件剪切剪辑 (Cutting Clips from a Video File)

Open up Avidemux, and load the video file that you want to work with. If you get a prompt like this one:

打开Avidemux,然后加载要使用的视频文件。 如果收到这样的提示:

avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

we recommend clicking Yes to use the safer mode.


Find the portion of the video that you’d like to isolate. Get as close as you can to the start of the clip you want to cut.

找到您要隔离的视频部分。 尽可能靠近要剪切的片段的开头。

avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

Once you find the start of your clip, look at the “Frame Type” of the current frame.


avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

                                                                 You want it to read I; if it isn’t frame type I, then use the single left and right arrow buttons to go forward or backward one frame until you find an appropriate I frame.

你想让我读; 如果不是I型帧,则使用向左和向右箭头按钮前进或后退一帧,直到找到合适的I帧为止。

Once you’ve found the right starting frame, click the button with the A over a red bar. This will set the start of the clip.

找到正确的起始帧后,在红色条上单击带有A的按钮。 这将设置剪辑的开始。

avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

Advance to where you want your clip to end. Click on the button with a B when you’ve found the appropriate frame. This frame can be of any type.

前进到您要结束剪辑的位置。 找到合适的框架后,单击带有B的按钮。 该框架可以是任何类型。

avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

You can now save the clip, either by going to File –> Save –> Save Video… or by pressing Ctrl+S. Give the file a name, and Avidemux will prepare your clip.

现在,您可以通过以下方式保存剪辑:转到文件–>保存–>保存视频…或按Ctrl + S。 给文件起一个名字,Avidemux将准备您的剪辑。

avidemux 拼接_如何使用Avidemux快速从视频文件剪切剪辑

And that’s it! You should now have a movie file that contains only the portion of the original file that you want.

就是这样! 现在,您应该拥有一个电影文件,该文件仅包含所需的原始文件部分。

Download Avidemux free for all platforms


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/42107/how-to-quickly-cut-a-clip-from-a-video-file-with-avidemux/

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