mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

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mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

If you’re going to be out of the office for a while, whether for a vacation or a business trip, you can automatically let people know you won’t be reading or answering emails during that time using an out of office reply.


Apple Mail does not have a built-in feature for out of office replies, but you can set up one or more rules to automatically send out custom replies to incoming emails. Here we’ll show you how to set up a rule to automatically send out a reply to any emails received in a specific account as an example.

Apple Mail没有内置的外出回复功能,但是您可以设置一个或多个规则以自动向收到的电子邮件发送自定义回复。 在这里,我们将向您展示如何设置规则以自动发送对特定帐户中收到的所有电子邮件的回复。

To begin, open Apple Mail and go to Mail > Preferences.

首先,打开Apple Mail并转到Mail> Preferences。

mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

On the Preferences dialog box, click “Rules” on the toolbar at the top.


mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

Click the “Add Rule” button on the Rules screen.


mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

Enter a name for the rule in the “Description” box. Chose “Any” in the next dropdown, and select “Account” in the dropdown below that. There are many conditions in that dropdown that you can use, such as checking whether the sender is in your contacts or not or checking that the To field has a specific email address.

在“说明”框中输入规则的名称。 在下一个下拉列表中选择“任何”,然后在其下方的下拉列表中选择“帐户”。 您可以使用该下拉列表中的许多条件,例如检查发件人是否在您的联系人中或检查“收件人”字段是否具有特定的电子邮件地址。

mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

Select the account from which you want to send automatic replies from the dropdown to the right. Any email coming into the account we select will be replied to with an automatic reply.

从右侧的下拉列表中选择您要从其发送自动回复的帐户。 进入我们选择的帐户的所有电子邮件都会得到自动回复。

mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

Under Perform the following actions, select “Reply to Message” from the dropdown.


mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

Then, click the “Reply message text” button.


mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

Enter the message in the box that you want to send out as an automatic reply to incoming email messages and click the “OK” button.


mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

Click the “OK” button on the Rules dialog box to close it.


mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

A dialog box displays asking if you want to run the new rule on existing messages in your mailbox. Click the “Don’t Apply” button. If you click the “Apply” button, the automatic reply will be sent for all messages already in your inbox, and you don’t want to do that. So, be sure you click the “Don’t Apply” button.

将显示一个对话框,询问您是否要对邮箱中的现有邮件运行新规则。 点击“不申请”按钮。 如果您单击“应用”按钮,将为收件箱中已存在的所有邮件发送自动回复,而您不想这样做。 因此,请确保您单击“不应用”按钮。

mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

The rule is added to the list and the box in the Active column is checked, indicating that the rule is active. If you are not going to be out of the office quite yet, uncheck the box next to the new rule you just created. When you are ready for your automatic reply to be sent out, you can come back to this window and check it.

该规则将添加到列表中,并选中“活动”列中的框,表明该规则是活动的。 如果您还不打算离开办公室,请取消选中刚创建的新规则旁边的框。 当您准备好发送自动答复时,可以返回到此窗口并进行检查。

Close the Preferences dialog box by clicking the “X” button in the upper-left corner.

单击左上角的“ X”按钮,关闭“首选项”对话框。

mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

As long as the rule is active, any email that is received in our HTG Email account is replied to with the custom message we set up. Each sender will receive the automatic reply every time they send you an email.

只要该规则处于活动状态,在我们的HTG电子邮件帐户中收到的任何电子邮件都会与我们设置的自定义消息一起得到回复。 每个发件人每次向您发送电子邮件时都会收到自动回复。

NOTE: You must leave Apple Mail open on your Mac for the rule to run. If you close Apple Mail, the automatic replies will not be sent out, but they will be once you open Apple Mail again and receive email messages in your inbox for the account selected in the rule. That means if you close Apple Mail with the rule active before you leave, when you come back and open Apple Mail again, all the emails that you receive in your inbox will be automatically replied to at that point.

注意:您必须在Mac上打开Apple Mail才能运行规则。 如果您关闭Apple Mail,则不会发送自动答复,但是一旦您再次打开Apple Mail并在收件箱中收到规则中所选帐户的电子邮件,便会自动答复。 这意味着,如果您在离开前使用活动规则关闭Apple Mail,则当您再次打开并再次打开Apple Mail时,此时收件箱中收到的所有电子邮件将自动得到回复。

mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

You still receive all emails sent to you and each one will have a reply icon to the left of the subject line, indicating an automatic reply has been sent out for that message.


mac更换apple id_如何在Mac的Apple Mail中设置外出答复

Because you can’t set a date range for a rule, you must turn off the rule manually when you don’t want to run it anymore. So, be sure you uncheck the box for the rule when you get back from your vacation or business trip.

由于您无法为规则设置日期范围,因此当您不想再运行该规则时,必须手动将其关闭。 因此,当您休假或出差回来时,请确保取消选中规则框。


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