桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置

One of the first things you might notice in Windows 7 is the addition of the new Gadgets and Screen Resolution items to the context menu. The only problem is that you might not really want them there—so we’ll explain how to get rid of them.

在Windows 7中,您可能会注意到的第一件事是在上下文菜单中添加了新的“小工具”和“屏幕分辨率”项。 唯一的问题是您可能并不真的希望它们在那里—因此我们将解释如何摆脱它们。

No clue what we’re talking about? If you are using Windows 7 and you right-click on the desktop, you’ll see a bunch of new items at the bottom:

不知道我们在说什么? 如果您使用的是Windows 7,请在桌面上单击鼠标右键,然后在底部看到一堆新项目:

桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

For extra credit, if you want to get rid of that Catalyst item, we’ve already written about how to remove the ATI Catalyst Control Center from the desktop context menu.

为了获得更多的荣誉,如果您想摆脱该Catalyst项,我们已经写了有关如何从桌面上下文菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control Center的文章

Remove Gadgets and Screen Resolution Items


Normally removing items from a menu should be a simple registry hack, without any complicated instructions—just like removing the ATI item that we mentioned above. The problem, in this case, is that the new Windows 7 items are actually protected by special permissions making them annoying to remove—but we’re geeks, so all things are possible.

通常,从菜单中删除项目应该是一个简单的注册表黑客,没有任何复杂的说明-就像我们上面提到的ATI项目一样。 在这种情况下,问题在于新的Windows 7项实际上受到特殊权限的保护,这使它们很烦人,但我们是极客,因此一切皆有可能。

You’ll want to open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following registry key:



HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ DesktopBackground \ Shell

Once you’re there, you might notice that while you can see the three new items, you can’t remove or rename them.


桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

What we’ll need to do is give ourselves permission to the keys, starting by right-clicking on the DesktopBackground key and choosing Permissions.


桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

Now you’ll want to pretty much ignore everything in here, and click the Advanced button.


桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

Head to the Owner tab, click on Administrators in the list, and then check the box for “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects”.


Make absolutely certain you’ve checked that box before you click Apply!


桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

Now head back to the Permissions tab, and select Administrators in the list (which should say Full Control already), and check the box for “Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object”.


Make absolutely certain you select that checkbox before clicking Apply!


桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

You’ll be prompted by Windows, asking if you really want to proceed. We do.

Windows会提示您,询问您是否真的要继续。 我们的确是。

桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

And now, you should be able to rename or delete any of the keys. I would advise making a backup by right-clicking on DesktopBackground and choosing to export into a reghack file.

现在,您应该能够重命名或删除任何键了。 我建议通过右键单击DesktopBackground并选择导出到reghack文件来进行备份。

桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

For example, to remove Gadgets and Screen Resolution from the menu, I’ve deleted both of those keys (after making a backup, of course).


桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

Combined with removing the ATI Catalyst item from the menu, we now have a nice, clean desktop menu.

结合从菜单中删除ATI Catalyst项 ,我们现在有了一个漂亮,干净的桌面菜单。

桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置_在Windows 7桌面上下文菜单上删除小工具和屏幕分辨率...

Stay tuned, because in an upcoming article we’re going to teach you how to do even more with the context menu.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/3309/remove-gadgets-and-screen-resolution-on-windows-7-desktop-context-menu/

桌面上下文菜单 怎么配置