flair_使用Event Flair装饰您的Google日历

flair_使用Event Flair装饰您的Google日历


If you’re a user Google Calendar you might want some options for customizing it. If you’re tired of the default interface, today we look at Event Flairs from Google Labs that allows you to customize the look and feel of the calendar.

如果您是Google日历用户,则可能需要一些自定义选项。 如果您对默认界面感到厌倦,今天我们来看一下Google Labs的Event Flairs,它使您可以自定义日历的外观。

Editor Note: This guest post was written by the guys over at TestFreaks.com where they cover gadgets and tech product reviews.

编者注:这篇嘉宾帖子是由 TestFreaks.com 的家伙撰写的,内容 涉及小工具和高科技产品评论。

Event Flairs


Google Calendar is probably the most popular cloud calendar in use today. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that it can be used from practically anywhere, it works across many different platforms, and it is free. However, one thing you can say about Google Calendar is that it’s not exactly pretty. In fact, using the calendar to tell the difference between an Xbox Game session with your friends and a reminder about your favorite show’s season finale on television requires just too much reading for a quick glance.

Google日历可能是当今使用最广泛的云日历。 这样做的原因有很多,其中包括可以在几乎任何地方使用,可以在许多不同的平台上运行并且免费的事实。 但是,关于Google日历,您可以说的一件事是它并不十分漂亮。 实际上,使用日历来告诉与您的朋友进行Xbox游戏会话与在电视上提醒您最喜欢的节目的季末结局之间的区别时,需要太多阅读才能快速浏览。

flair_使用Event Flair装饰您的Google日历

But Google Labs is working hard to change that. One of the latest features added to Google Calendar are “Event Flairs”. Event flairs, as the name suggests, is a way to add a little flair to a given event with the addition of a colorful icon. Since a lot of us tend to scan over a calendar, the icon makes it easier to take it all in at a glance. Not to mention that it just looks nice. Compare the calendar image below with the flair added image above.

但是Google实验室正在努力改变这种状况。 Google日历添加的最新功能之一是“事件提示”。 顾名思义,事件风格是一种通过添加彩色图标为给定事件添加一点风格的方法。 由于我们很多人都倾向于扫描日历,因此使用该图标可以一目了然。 更不用说它看起来很好。 将下面的日历图像与上面的个性添加图像进行比较。

flair_使用Event Flair装饰您的Google日历

As you can see, the flair adds a lot to the calendar. But unlike other solutions, this valuable tool requires no complicated installation or browser extension. Actually adding in calendar flair to your calendar is really quite simple. Since it’s a Google Lab tool, you first have to select the Google Labs icon from the top right of the calendar web page, as shown below highlighted:

如您所见,这种风格为日历增添了很多魅力。 但是,与其他解决方案不同,该有价值的工具不需要复杂的安装或浏览器扩展。 实际上,将日历风格添加到日历中确实非常简单。 由于它是Google Labs工具,因此您首先必须从日历网页右上方选择Google Labs图标,如下所示:

flair_使用Event Flair装饰您的Google日历

Once you click the Google Labs flask, you will be presented with the dialog below. While there are several cool features of interest here, we are after the calendar flairs (see image below). Enable the flair calendar gadget by selecting the “enable” radio button. Then click save near the top of the dialog and go back to the calendar.

单击Google Labs烧瓶后,将显示以下对话框。 虽然这里有几个有趣的有趣功能,但我们关注日历风格(请参见下图)。 通过选择“启用”单选按钮来启用风俗日历小工具。 然后单击对话框顶部附近的保存,然后返回日历。

flair_使用Event Flair装饰您的Google日历

Okay, now that you’ve turned on event flairs, how do you use them? Well, it’s really quite simple. Either select an existing event or create a new one, and then look to the right of the calendar. You should see the icon choices below. Simply select the icon that best fits your event. The icons will disappear, and you’ll get a message that the event was updated. Congrats, you are on your way to having a very presentable Google Calendar that you can access from any browser.

好的,既然您已经启用了事件处理功能,如何使用它们? 好吧,这真的很简单。 选择一个现有事件或创建一个新事件,然后在日历右侧查看。 您应该在下面看到图标选项。 只需选择最适合您活动的图标即可。 图标将消失,并且您将收到一条消息,说明事件已更新。 恭喜,您正准备使用非常美观的Google日历,可以从任何浏览器访问它。

flair_使用Event Flair装饰您的Google日历

Of course, having the event flair tool on the screen takes up a lot of valuable real estate. When you’re not actively working with events and assigning icons, you can toggle the tool by clicking on the bar as indicated with the red arrow. If you click on the close button (purple arrow), then you will have to re-enable the event flair again. However, any assigned event icons will continue to function.

当然,在屏幕上使用事件处理工具会占用大量宝贵的资源。 当您不积极使用事件并分配图标时,可以通过单击红色箭头指示的栏来切换工具。 如果单击关闭按钮(紫色箭头),则必须再次重新启用事件提示。 但是,任何分配的事件图标将继续起作用。

flair_使用Event Flair装饰您的Google日历



By using event flairs, you will find it easy to make your Google Calendar not only more visually appealing, but quicker to check as well. And in our busy world today, a little time saved is money in the bank. (Please note the calendar images shown were squeezed in for the purpose of display. In actual use you would expand the image, making the event text more readable and detailed).

通过使用事件处理方式,您会发现轻松制作Google日历不仅在视觉上更具吸引力,而且检查起来也更快。 在当今繁忙的世界中,节省的时间很少是银行的钱。 ( 请注意,所显示的日历图像是为了显示目的而被压入。在实际使用中,您将放大图像,使事件文本更具可读性和详细性 )。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22731/dress-up-your-google-calendar-with-event-flairs/
